These people can't be all wrong you know.


Registered Senior Member

I mean. All these prophecies, The Bible Fatmia's 3rd (assuming), The Mayans, and the rumours floating about can't be all wrong. can they?

The Mayans and their sundial says our world ends on the 21st of December 2012. Nostradamus basically says Armageddon is gonna happen, but he really doesn't say when. Jesus talking about some really nasty things.

And we have the 1000's of visionaires who either got abducted and told, or just got a vision etc.

Is something gonna happen? Or is this really only mass dellusions?

I am gonna jump in later with my own opinion :)

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
I think it was Tab who said something about the funky stuff is going down???

"Its a gonna happen"

Are you ready??

Tony H2o
Hi people

Yes something going to happen Sia Baba knows, but he is not telling. Some stuff is all ready happening just look around you on the net ect.

From the information I have collected I find that we as a human race and the whole universe are to evolve. But their are other people who what want our @sses, want us for dinner. And what every one or most of them are saying is that we should not fear and to give unconditional love to all of man kind.
It a LONG story and we need to realise this.

I dont want to sound strange but some of you might agree.

'Main goal of the bad ets and Interior govt is to keep humans ignorant and to busy/complicated in order to dis-empower and not allow humans to work it out (wake-up)..'

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited June 15, 2000).]
WHY can't they be wrong? Everyone has been worng before, so why should they be right this time?

'Main goal of the bad ets and Interior govt is to keep humans ignorant and to busy/complicated in order to dis-empower and not allow humans to work it out (wake-up)..'
(SIGH) Where did you get that off? Some B-Grade sci-fi flick? Sorry, can't buy into it. First there's the CIA-is-responsible brigade, and now we have the society-is-a-slave group. Save me, I think someone has watched The Matrix once too often. Isn't society complicated enough without making it into a conspiracy?

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who' if we wins' knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid sould who know neither victory nor defeat."
-"The Man in the Arena"
Before we go jumping off of cliffs with the moody prophets, let's remember that the vast majority of them fanned Y2K fears by claiming that they couldn't see past the year 2000, and yet here we are.

I've learned a few things about divination and visions and how they work. I'm no master on the subject, but I'm not holding my breath for doomsday. My own doomsday will come when I die and can no longer experience this wonderful world. I will then know if there is an afterlife or not. If not, I won't exist to care about it. If so, it will be another treat for whatever senses I may possess.
Wise words Oxygen :)

All i am trying to say is this: We all know better in hindsight. We're good at digging up stuff people said, and we find remarkable coincidences in hindsight, but we never seem to find out what's really going on ( if anything) before something ( if) happens.

Whats up with that?

patriotSTORM -

WHY can't they be wrong? Everyone has been worng before, so why should they be right this time?

Why not?

Remember, questions are almost always innocent, the answers are almost always not.

This i could mean many things. Did the people i mentioned have an agenda with their quotes? Or did they base it on a version of truth we have yet to discover?

Interesting isn't it when you think about it? :)

PS: This topic is also an effort to kick some life in the 3 forums down here that are UFO/Alien/Paranormal related.. We need some more topics and traffic i think :)

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
armageddon isnt nessesarily gonna be bad, that is jsut what people are saying, i dont think that there will be any end to this world, just more worlds to come... you ahve to look at the big picture, not of our own planet and civilization but at the whole universe, and mabe some others... but if there was a god, who loved us so... why would he make us suffer here??? and then take the ones that he knows are already going to heaven and take them there, were he promised that they wouldnt have memorys of this place.... so, what is the point???? to god??? or this planet, what ever one.... but i think armageddon will just be when we go to another planet, or some worldwide thing, when we stop war, or make true contact with another race, or armageddon mightve already happend, who knows.

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
"but if there was a god, who loved us so... why would he make us suffer here???"-dexter

According to christians, jews, and muslims, for fun. Don't believe me? Read the old testament, which christians and jews consider the divine word of god, and muslims consider it semi-holy as well.

When christianity ruled the world, it was called the age of exploration. When illiterates ruled the world it was called the dark ages.

According to christians, jews, and muslims, for fun. Don't believe me? Read the old testament, which christians and jews consider the divine word of god, and muslims consider it semi-holy as well.

Huh??? I'm not doubting what you know, Corp., but I am interested in knowing where it implies in the Bible that God has us to suffer for the benefit of His entertainment.

Could you point me in the direction of this info?


i dont think you see were i am comming from hudson, we do not live by the moment, we live by memories, if there were no memories, we wouldnt know how to walk, we would jsut be sitting there, not breathing, we would be dead. and god said that once you go to heaven, you wont look back, that basically sais you wont remember, and what you dont remember, you never lived, and then the peoplet hat do remember, go ton hell.... so what was the whole point of earth if gods word is true? if there is such pain here on earth, and heaven is so perfect, and god knows everything, then why doesnt he just get the people taht are going to hell, and send them, and the people that are going to heaven, and take them to start out with????
if its for fun, then why are people dying?? all the time.

so flash, i agree. and hudson, i went to a christian school my whole life, and i know the bible really well, and i dont remember that being in there at all man
when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)

[This message has been edited by dexter (edited June 23, 2000).]
Dexter, whats up with going to christian school all your life and not learning? Like thats any excuse! Please, I went to 2 years of Catholic school and 4 years of wednesday catechism while in public school, and I know for a fact that despite their best efforts all those Catholic priests and nuns didn't make an impact on me. I think I daydreamed during most of their lectures about religion. Because when I got serious about learning about religion at 17 (during confirmation classes), I got my first real dose of christianity and it didn't jive with what I believed. Under the noses of all those Catholic priests and my family, I grew up believing basicly a 'gnostic' worldview. That there were hierarchies of heaven; namely that God the Father was at the top, followed by Jesus, The Holy Ghost, Mary, the Saints, angels, The Pope, bishops, priests and us at the bottom. That each layer of the hierarchy had to be accessed by the lower rung, or that you could circumvent all this by praying to Mary or your favorite saint. It took a long time before I came back to Christianity, mostly it took a reexamination of the nature of reality, a lot of reading (including science fiction), and cracks in my view of science (that they knew all the answers or could discover them by study). So you can go to any school and not learn a thing. Any surprises there?
Dexter, I need to know what you mean by not having memories of your past in heaven? I think Jesus said that we would not have marriage in heaven but there seems to be memories (read Luke 16:19 to 31). I think you're referring to most Eastern religions, which believe in reincarnation. And under those beliefs, you do start all over, no memories but with all that bad karma placing you in whatever new life you now find yourself in. I find this hard to believe, namely because the region where these beliefs are common has no visible mass of enlightened people. You would think, that after all those years of struggling, people would wise up and live lives worthy of great and wise men and women. Whats with the caste system? Class, ethnic, and Islam-Hindu wars? Acid throwing on women's faces? Wives on funeral pyres? Poverty? Why did communism gain a foothold there? Say, they have just as many problems as we do!!
Anyway, humans have a long way to go!! Can we learn? Can we improve? Can we evolve? Well, I'm still waiting and hoping.
End of the world scenarios are simply a ploy.
Devices originally created by Religions/governments and self-proclaimed prophets, as emotional/spiritual weapons.

Stories of destruction and desolation (eathquakes, floods, meteor storms, hurricanes etc etc)must have been handed down through the ages, no-doubt embellished and enriched by our imaginative ancestors. And would have been used to scare people into believing that this frightful end would come to them at some point in their future if they didn't join the club/adhere to the rules etc..

Notice how Hollywood,TV,book publishers and the whole media have seized on the sensationalistic commerciality of 'the end of the world scenario' and have been slowly whipping up mass hysteria with it for decades now.
Well I don't think most people would be half as paranoid about this subject if we didn't have it jammed down our throats every five minutes.
On the other hand ofcourse, I guess if we didn't have it continually rammed into our senses we'd soon forget about all the harm that we have done and continue to do to this planet and any 'righting' process would be delayed, with catastrophic consequences.
Personally I don't think we are doing anything as radical and as quickly enough to reverse our Lemming like self destructive course and I don't know how far away we are from that, 'point of no return' (that is the point that, once passed can only lead to a certain death for the planet and most of it's lifeforms without remission) or whether indeed we have passed it already but whatever the case, I believe that human beings will be wiped out eventually, perhaps not totally but almost and as good as.
Think of asteroids,earthquakes, volcanos, molten icecaps, floods, nuclear accidents/wars, Ice ages, virulent drug resisting diseases and you get the picture.

Of course, I could just be paranoid.

Love yourself, as you would love a stranger
I think something is up and about to come crashing down, and alot sooner than 2012. I personally think that the Zetatalk site has a lot of information bang on. I don't like all of it, but it fits with everything I have ever read, thought or believed I knew. Look for 2003. After much looking at other historical sites, I have found much to confirm what they say. Most especially about the 10th planet and it's return. IMO
Flash--There are many instances. Judges, Ruth, Ecclestasias, are all good examples.

The book of Job is probably the best example.
I am not going to speak on your specific knowledge of the bible dexter, but the statement that you went to christian school doesn;t mean that you know or understand the bible.

"Christian" schools teach only their message-not what is really in the bible. Christianity (more specifically catholicism, but that bleeds over into protestants on mormons) has spent the last 1,970 years cleaning up what Jesus actually preached. Focus is conveniently shifted off of what is actually in the books of the bible. They don't teach the genocide, murders sanctioned by god, cruel acts by god, or much else of the old testament. For instance, how many of you knew that Jesus is descended from a whore? Don't believe me? Its all in exodus. And you know what else? Jesus of Nazareth stressed above all else that the old testament was Gods word, and to be followed word for word. Don't believe me? Read Matthew's version of the sermon on the mount.