There's something wrong here...


Registered Senior Member
Does anyone see anything wrong with the idea of a single all-knowing, super intelligent, all-powerfull God who creates an infinitely simple-minded "intelligence", and then sits over these relatively clueless idiots in judgement? That seems really pathetic to me.

Does anyone see anything wrong with the idea of a God who lets his creations suffer eternity in the worst torment possible? That seems more like a punishment fit for a God, not a race of simple-minded humans.

Does anyone see anything wrong with the idea of being the sole creator of a universal moral standard, not based on a bigger idea of what is right or wrong, but on your own personal whims. The idea of there being no absolute standard of moral righteousness, only the temporary, arbitrary one set by the one and only, self-appointed ruler.

Does anyone see anything wrong with the idea of being ruled by an anti-social creature of a different lifestyle, of a different intelligence context, of a different species, and of a different world alltogether?
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If an omnipotent and omniscient being were to exist, it wouldn't create or even do anything at all. There'd simply be no reason.
Part of me figures we are here for entertainment, as a way for god to cultivate minds for a purpose of his own, or as a way to learn something even he could not otherwise learn. None of these are particularly nice.
Excellent, Clockwood! I came to exactly the same conclusions when tried to find some "logical" explanation for the existence of God - or our existence, providing the God exists.;)
Yeah, I think I agree with Clockwood. It seems to me that we were a beta project on Earth...and I think there has to be other life out there too; maybe God was just "testing" His creation powers...

We humans got this archaic, inane set of "rules" handed down to us, whereas another group of beings got a less restrictive set, and so on. Maybe He just wanted to see how we'd deal with it. We're His own little Sims game that he's got running on 20 different plannets...
As I stated previously, an omnipotent and omniscient God wouldn't do anything at all. In relation to us, He'd basically be dead.

If there is a God that is not wholely irrrelevant, He cannot be omnipotent and omniscient. If we imbue His character with such qualities, we effectively nullify His existence.
Originally posted by Redoubtable
As I stated previously, an omnipotent and omniscient God wouldn't do anything at all. In relation to us, He'd basically be dead.

I agree. He'd already know everything that would, could, did, or could have happened. Being omniscient already, doing anything at all would be absolutely pointless, fruitless, redundant, and highly irrelevent. There is no need to do anything at all because it would get him nowhere that he isn't already. In fact, there would be no point or desire in even "moving a muscle".
The very notion of an all-powerful entity is a contradiction unto itself.
Originally posted by Redoubtable
The very notion of an all-powerful entity is a contradiction unto itself.

Here is a post I recently wrote in another thread that may pertain more to the direction that this thread has branched to:

God could not possibly have perfect knowledge. If he did it would interfer with his own free will because he would have to know everything that he would be thinking for eternity. This is an impossible task for even God.

Imagine this:

Far into our future we invent a computer so powerful that it is capable of perfectly predicting every event on earth 5 seconds into the future- from every human thought to the weather(it is called "earth prediction mode" when performing this operation). The only thing the computer wouldn't be able to have perfect prior knowledge of is the state of it's own future processes while in "earth prediction mode". This would require infinite memory. The computer would freeze, and even if it did have infinite memory, the prediction would take an infinite amount of time.

This is my best guess anyway. Any thoughts on this?
God created out of love. We know what creativity is like - God would possess the perfect form of creativity and love. Michelangelo could have stopped after having to paint a snowman on someone's wall, but he didn't.

Perfect insight into the future would have bothered us, because we would have no power over it. But God does, in fact, He has som much power over it that He can let us have all the free will we can handle and still predict the outcome.

Does anyone see anything wrong with the idea of being ruled by an anti-social creature of a different lifestyle, of a different intelligence context, of a different species, and of a different world alltogether?
But we aren't, are we? We are not foreign to God, although He has become foreign to us. You classify society, culture, species and context on a very limited scale: the naturalistic individual scale. We are all the human, we all inhabit the same planet, share more and more of the same universal context and pool of information... yet we still have hatred, wars, etc. We can't even rule ourselves, even though we are able and in the perfect position to. Now that is something that should bother you. God is on our side, against these things, but our actions and lifestyle determine whether we are on His side.
God is on our side, against these things, but our actions and lifestyle determine whether we are on His side

How many wars did your "god" cause? How many INNOCENT lives did he kill in the flood and other stories in the bible? This god has the heart and thirst of a killer- not one who is loving and above emotions such as jealousy, hate, etc
God makes 'bout as much sense as a jaguar jitterbugging with a jellyfish.

Why don't you theist cats just give it up?
Originally posted by heart
How many wars did your "god" cause? How many INNOCENT lives did he kill in the flood and other stories in the bible? This god has the heart and thirst of a killer- not one who is loving and above emotions such as jealousy, hate, etc
How many wars did any god cause? The answer to your second question is none - Nobody is innocent before God, since nobody knows Him. You might be innocent in your own eyes, but you have no authority or measurement to proclaim anybody else either guilty or innocent. You did not die in the flood, did you? So if you are as innocent as you think, surely you were spared? God also "kills" nobody: He gave everybody who ever lived their life, and even when they die He will ressurrect them, guilty and innocent alike. Only then will you see justice done.
Originally posted by Jenyar-of-the-70-Books
God also "kills" nobody: He gave everybody who ever lived their life, and even when they die He will ressurrect them, guilty and innocent alike. Only then will you see justice done.
Demagoguery worthy of the Taliban ... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
Demagoguery worthy of the Taliban ... :rolleyes:
The Taliban might think they are God - it will probably be the worst mistake they have ever made.

Did god create the paralysis tick?
Why did he do that?
If he created out of love, why did he create an animal that paralyses other animals and forces them lie still and be fully conscious while they are eaten alive by ants?

See, human free will(which isn't even real) can only be blamed for so many evil things, and most of those things are evil in a trivial manner when compared to the cruelty of natural occurences which only a "god" could be blamed for and occur frequently, in fact more commonly than anything rewarding or loving.

You are saying he created the very concept of physical pain from scratch. He created the system the earth works on which is undeniably pain and murder.
Thats diabolically evil to an insane and bizarre degree that would make any fictional super villain green with envy.

When you notice whats going on outside of human activity you'll see existence in itself is incredibly cruel and evil by christian standards, in fact it is little else, and this was created by god no?
Humans have created nice lives for themselves but "life" in general is a horrible thing, the word life signifies painful struggle to an inevitable death. Thats what life traditionally is.
This has only changed in the last thousand years for a few lucky people.

The fact remains that reality is cruel cold and heartless, admirably logical, but certainly not the creation of a kind loving god.
A cruel depraved sadistic god with a sense of humour? Thats a possibility.
Dr Lou Natic

Life degenerated (or evolved, if you prefer) into what it is now after the fall from what God created it to be. Adam and Eve were created outside the garden of Eden and placed in it, from where they were expelled into a land cursed because of them. But intially God took care of them as he takes care of wild animals.

If there were no natural or enforced methods of curbing population growth or sustaining the ecosystem, paradise would not have remained paradise for very long. Carnivores did not exist from the beginning, but somewhere organisms started killing each other for food. Say, for the sake of argument, ticks were originally benign organisms living from water. You would have no problem with them unless you began sharing their habitat. When they attached to other creatures also moving through their natural habitat, they start finding that these creature also provided water in their blood, along with other nutrients. They adapted to make use of the blood, but unfortunately this development makes them deadly to some creatures. And so on.

God created everything in a proper place and function. Outside his sustainenance, things live outside their proper place. Man was just as natural as any other animal when he was created, but he was separated from them and lived in Eden with God. There were some things that were dangerous (like there still are) and some things that were there for his benefit (like there still are). You aren't afraid of lions in the city, but in a game reserve you might have reason to be. Our natural territory is within God's boundaries, their natural territory is in nature.

But you believe the paralysis tick and humans orignated from the same material, have the same claim to life and can therefore ultimately be neither good not evil. You might want to look up how far back the fossil record for ticks go, and whether they were "there from the beginning". This is why we have science. You won't find those answers Bible.

The paralysis tick could have been just a normal insect in origin. I doubt it would have been able to paralyze dinosaurs. Its undesirableness is subjective based on your idea that God intended it to cause death. Yet you yourself hold to a theory that states nothing good can come without death. See the contradiction? I have no problem with them, we forfeited our place and intruded on theirs. They are simply doing what they do, we are the ones destroying nature.
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Fine. How 'bout this?

Why would a loving, kind god punish hundreds upon hundreds of generations of people for a single wrong act commited near the beginning of time? Wouldn't a reasonable god think that the only ones needing punishment would be the ones that committed the crime? Plus, why would he even put the temptation there in the first place? Make humans curious (and apt to do things that they are told not to,) place a forbidden object.. of course they're going to do what they're not supossed to! We were created that way, right Jenyar? Or did your god create something that spontaneously combusted and turned into something he didn't intend?

But wait, is that possible? He knows everything and can do everything... so it must have been of his design. Yeah. Uh. Kind god.