Theres something about Yahweh?


Valued Senior Member
Come to think of it...I have never heard of any religious war among the Greeks, Romans or even the Hindoos.

Not even wars between factions supporting the superiority of one God over another.

Strange thing too, as the Gods themselves were often in conflict with each other.

But theres something about the Hebrew deity Yahweh that makes his followers want to 'rub out' any and all competition or opposition.

That he describes himself as JEALOUS cannot acccount for this entirely.

So...what is it???
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Fine, but that doesnt explain the wars between those who DO put no other gods before him.

The wars between Christian and Christian...or Christian and Muslim...or between Muslim and Hebrew.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

See how it says Me . That is short for the old Mekigal . I am not as jealous as I use to be though. My first girl friend was responsible for stripping Me of that . Yeah Way! O.K. after Me it is O.K. You can all be Gods after Me. I am the first and we are the last
wasn't Jesus the first to talk of a God of Love?
He was the first to speak of HELL...a principle not found in the old testament.

Who is more loving...a God who consigns you to eternal damnation, or a God who simply drowns you in a flood?
Does that include Jesus?
Jesus makes it clear in the garden of Gethsemane that he was not God, nor did his disciples worship him as such.

Nevertheless and decades later, Christians decided that he was 'consubstantial' with God.
Does jealousy exist without Love?
wasn't Jesus the first to talk of a God of Love?


Does that include Jesus?

No Jesus just said the same old thing that was in the old testament. It is more like Spidey has said . Jesus exploited the teachings of his heritage and packaged it for the rest of the world . Like a thief ! Jesus was a Thief. Spidey Goat knows this well . The whole reason for the harsh laws of the old testament was because the Hebrews had trouble forgiving each other. It says this plain and clear in scripture . It said Man is to stupid to forgive and show mercy so we lay down these laws to try to get him to understand . Kind of like tough love approach to rebellious children . In fact Moses even calls out " You rebellious generation listen up " You got to read the bible like it was any old book and take your pedestal approach out of the equation to see repetition in this manner . I was reading Joshuah today and it surprised Me how he was beating the same horse . How unjust the world was to woman . Kind of sounded Like me . He was fighting for the mercy of womanly ways was how I interpreted the verses. Were as man better find the kindness in his heart or we going to blow the shit out you attitude . It is all about the mercy and forgiveness . That is the same story of the cross and what the passion of the cross is all about . Jesus died for the mercy of others . For forgiveness. The whole turn the other check was a message of forgiveness already stated through out the bible . His act of the cross event was like a ritual to seal the deal . O.S.D. big time example
Actually, there's nothing at all special about the YHWH meme. The problem lies with religious supremism - monotheism being only one such example. There's an interesting example in Japan of one particular Buddhist sect declaring that all other forms of Buddhism were inferior and their teaching wrong. The followers went about killing other Buddhists and trying to force everyone to follow "The One True Faith". This idea caught on and over time more and more people were flocking to the new faith (yes, they had a Prophet in your typical fashion). Finally a retainer to the Shogun had had enough, rounded up every last member to a man, executed them all. That solved that.

When children are taught to be religious supremists they grow into adults who spontaneous sprout like minded memes: One True God, One True Book, One True Prophet, One True Messiah, One True Land, One True People, One True City, and etc...

It's much harder to arrive at these inherently intolerant memes when you're brought up as a polytheist.

Think of being raised a WASP White Supremest in an all White town versus growing up as a tolerant multiculturalist in a city filled with people of all shades of color and creed. It's far more likely the WASP will naturally arrive at other intolerance memes. Such as thinking White people are intellectually superior, artistically superior, etc... it's just flows on from the base idea of racism. It's much less likely a White person in the multicultural society will develop these intolerant ways of seeing people with slightly different complexion. The same for religion. Alter one small thing, like a prophet or a line of text in a book, get your head chopped off by a religious supremest.
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Actually, there's nothing at all special about the YHWH meme. The problem lies with religious supremism - monotheism being only one such example. There's an interesting example in Japan of one particular Buddhist sect declaring that all other forms of Buddhism were inferior and their teaching wrong. The followers went about killing other Buddhists and trying to force everyone to follow "The One True Faith". This idea caught on and over time more and more people were flocking to the new faith (yes, they had a Prophet in your typical fashion). Finally a retainer to the Shogun had had enough, rounded up every last member to a man, executed them all. That solved that.

When children are taught to be religious supremists they grow into adults who spontaneous sprout like minded memes: One True God, One True Book, One True Prophet, One True Messiah, One True Land, One True People, One True City, and etc...

It's much harder to arrive at these inherently intolerant memes when you're brought up as a polytheist.

Think of being raised a WASP White Supremest in an all White town versus growing up as a tolerant multiculturalist in a city filled with people of all shades of color and creed. It's far more likely the WASP will naturally arrive at other intolerance memes. Such as thinking White people are intellectually superior, artistically superior, etc... it's just flows on from the base idea of racism.

Yeah exactly what you said . Then throw in perceived preservation of the superior race indoctrination and you have a full blown maniac killer . Got to save our race attitudes . My question is your grand child still your grandchild no matter what race is in him/her . Mine is hands down . They are my future . We are one race Human . End of story
When children are taught to be religious supremists they grow into adults who spontaneous sprout like minded memes: One True God, One True Book, One True Prophet, One True Messiah, One True Land, One True People, One True City, and etc...
But isnt this the inherent nature of truth itself...that there can only be ONE?
But isnt this the inherent nature of truth itself...that there can only be ONE?
I suppose it depends on the question.

But, in this case we're talking about superstition. The idea there is One God is, really, no different than saying 8 is a lucky number. Sure, the God superstition is much much more complex, but, it's no different. There's no truth to the statement: 8 is the luckiest of all numbers.

Anyway, you already know all that :)
I suppose it depends on the question.

But, in this case we're talking about superstition. The idea there is One God is, really, no different than saying 8 is a lucky number. Sure, the God superstition is much much more complex, but, it's no different. There's no truth to the statement: 8 is the luckiest of all numbers.

Anyway, you already know all that :)
That is funny you choose the number 8, It is more of a curse than lucky .
There's no truth to the statement: 8 is the luckiest of all numbers.
If there is any religious truth at all there can only be ONE truth...just as there can be only ONE set of physical laws governing gravity for example.