There is nothing, absolutely nothing.......


Registered Senior Member
......, of a religious nature, from the ancient cave drawings of Europe to the jackal-headed gods of ancient Egypt which cannot be explained by the consumption of halucinogenics. There is, however much that can be.

Thereafter a Jewish professor recently suggested that the burning bush was a result of halucinogenics. The only non-catholic invited to help translate the Dead Sea Scrolls, John Allegro, afterwards wrote a book entitled 'The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross'.

From the ancient cave drawings to ancient Greek oracles it seems that the place to consume these halucinogenics was underground. Remember Plato's analogy of the cave. Why did he choose that particular analogy?

Mohammed retired to a cave to commune with god. It would, therefore, seem that ALL the worlds religions can be put down to the consumption of halucinogenics and the subsequent distortion, by frail humans, of the apparent reality there experienced.

All, however, is not doom. There is evidence that DNA is a five digit 'computer' code. Language and binary computer codes follow the same pattern as DNA, although here it is apparent that the DNA came first!

Thus we all contain some hundreds of trillions (!) of miles of five digit computer code. This would suggest that there must have been, and probably still is, a creator.

Now there is something to muse upon.
Thus we all contain some hundreds of trillions (!) of miles of five digit computer code. This would suggest that there must have been, and probably still is, a creator.

Why do you think it suggests that?
The burning bush could also be the result of underground oil deposits. Several holy sites around the middle east have constantly burning alters fed by underground hydrocarbons.
......, of a religious nature, from the ancient cave drawings of Europe to the jackal-headed gods of ancient Egypt which cannot be explained by the consumption of halucinogenics. There is, however much that can be.

Thereafter a Jewish professor recently suggested that the burning bush was a result of halucinogenics. The only non-catholic invited to help translate the Dead Sea Scrolls, John Allegro, afterwards wrote a book entitled 'The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross'.

From the ancient cave drawings to ancient Greek oracles it seems that the place to consume these halucinogenics was underground. Remember Plato's analogy of the cave. Why did he choose that particular analogy?

Mohammed retired to a cave to commune with god. It would, therefore, seem that ALL the worlds religions can be put down to the consumption of halucinogenics and the subsequent distortion, by frail humans, of the apparent reality there experienced.

All, however, is not doom. There is evidence that DNA is a five digit 'computer' code. Language and binary computer codes follow the same pattern as DNA, although here it is apparent that the DNA came first!

Thus we all contain some hundreds of trillions (!) of miles of five digit computer code. This would suggest that there must have been, and probably still is, a creator.
of course theres a creator,its called nature