There is enough


Registered Senior Member
Taken from CwG Weekly Bulletin #78: God, Joy, Life, You

In a startling statement of utter, two-word simplicity, God gave us the
formula to end all wars, heal all wounds, and eliminate all
dysfunction, pain and emotional suffering from the human experience. The words
"there's enough" sum up a wisdom so vast, and a truth so magnificent, that
it has not heretofore been possible for the world's people to wholly
embrace it.

Whether we embrace it or not, however, it is the truth. And for those
of us who HAVE embraced it, our lives have changed forever.

"There's enough" is the second of a trio of one-sentence statements
which God tells us sums up the central message of his conversation with us
as given in the CwG trilogy. Those three statements are found in the
closing paragraphs of the last chapter of the final installment of the

But what does it mean, "there's enough"? And can it be literally true?

Yes, it can. And it is.

God has created a world with sufficient supply for all. There is no
lack of anything in God's Universe. There are moments when it may SEEM as
if something is in short supply, yet in those moments we are advised to
"judge not by appearances." As a practical matter, what does this say
to us?

To me it says that all things in the world of Appearances are relative.
We live in a relative Universe. Relative to something, we may not have
"enough." Relative to something else, we may have more than enough.

In CwG God tells us that if we would but husband our resources, we
would find out very quickly that there is more than enough of everything we
need on this planet to live joyous, peaceful, productive and fulfilling
lives. As an example, God tells us that there is no need for anyone to
be starving on this planet. There is enough food for everyone. All we
have to do is share.

The same is true of every good thing. Love. Money. Shelter. Sex.
Compassion. Name a thing. Name any of the Good Things in Life. God says there
is more than enough of it for everyone. All we have to do is share.

It's the sharing that's been the tough part. And what's made it tough,
what's made it difficult for so many people to easily and openly share,
is the very thought that there is not enough. This thought is killing
us. I'm sorry to say that I mean that quite literally. We are literally
being killed as a result of this thought. Some beings are dying of
starvation (perhaps several hundred people since you began reading this),
and some are killed outright by others in acts of war.

All wars are based in the thought that there is not enough. There is
not enough food, there is not enough land, there is not enough oil, there
is not enough belief in our way of thinking - there is not enough of
SOMETHING, and we are trying to rectify it by killing another.

What would happen if we all chose tomorrow morning to begin living a
life in which we believed that there was "enough"? Miracles would occur.
Perceptions would shift. Decisions would change. Lives would be altered

Misery would be a thing of the past, because misery is created by our
choice to withhold something from another. Maybe we are withholding our
truth, maybe we are withholding our money, maybe we are withholding our
permission, maybe we are withholding our resources - maybe we are
simply and tragically withholding the full wonder of our magnificent selves
from each other. But something is being withheld. When everything is
being released, when everything is being let go, when everything is
shared openly and given freely, only joy can result.

Joy for all, not just joy for the few.

If you thought there was enough - enough of all the things which you
imagine you need to make your life happy - what decisions and choices
would you make differently tomorrow? If you thought there was "more where
that came from," would you share more freely of your money? How about
your time? What about your love? And if you thought there was enough
love for everybody, and that the human heart only grows larger the more it
is allowed to express, would you ever seek or desire to restrict or
limit another?

Be careful with these questions. They could change your life.

Think about this. Think about how your own thoughts about there not
being "enough" of something have colored your decisions and choices - and
your expectations of others.

Great wisdom.

(I wonder if this is the correct forum for this thread)
Yes, great words of wisdom no doubt but void of another virtue bestowed upon the human race by God - greed. And that dichotomy is impossible to reconcile.
Not impossible. The dichotomy is being reconciled now. The article is about how it can be reconciled faster.
If there was once enough, but there is not an infinite supply, how does God reconcile his wisdom with Earth's ever growing population?
"There's enough" doesn't apply to any population size. That's implied in "husband our resources."
If there is enough for us in the year 10,075 there must have been fantabulous surplus in 2004, which sadly there is not.
There is not enough for us in 2004 because we are not husbanding our resources, including human resources.
And of course, there is not enough for many simply because others have more than enough and dont seem to know it. Or do, and guiltily carry on.
I wonder if the poster of this thread would include any pictures of him/herself and any indigent persons he/she has living with him/her. Even if there is enough (I don’t trust gods opinion as he doesn’t have the same needs) the poster of this thread is just blowing smoke. He/she isn’t going to start spreading the wealth around, just telling others to get started and feeling morally indignant when it doesn’t happen.
It isn’t necessary for most of us to do anything in particular to experience a paradise on Earth. Primarily what’s needed is to believe that there’s enough. For example, if most people believed that there are enough resources to end dictatorship, then dictatorship would quickly end and the lives of millions would be spared and improved. In the face of such widespread belief and the action that naturally follows from that (like the allocation of resources or severing of trade ties), the dictators could not last long. Instead the majority of people in the democracies feel that they have only enough for themselves and hence little happens to end oppression. Or, to grab what is thought to be just enough, we exploit the oppressed and worsen their condition.

Giving the able indigent more than temporary shelter does not improve their lot; it worsens it by promoting dependence.
Oh? What part of my post leads you to believe that I thought there was "enough" or that I should be made, by the bullying of a deity, to give up my excess? (I don’t actually have excess, and in slightly over a year will be indebted to the government for more money than I have ever seen in one place at a time due to student loans)

It is appropriate, however, to ask the person who is saying that there is enough and god says you should share it (or else) what great lengths they are going to, to fulfill this moral obligation given directly by the supreme deity.
I agree with everything but the God part. We have the resources, we have the technology, the genetic engineering, the energy of the sun, the only thing missing in order to make a paradise here on earth is the will of the people, or more precisely, the faults of the human mind.
What goal are we even talking about that "we have the resources, we have the technology" for? If you are thinking what I am thinking, then I really have to dissagree. Total world communism couldn't be supported by our technology. I don't even know if there is technology that could do it, but assuming that there is, we don't have it.
There is no obligation, no “or else” mentioned in the article. I’ve read the books upon which the article is based. They are adamant that there is in fact no obligation whatsoever. There is no bullying, rather only a suggestion made in response to the desire of many people for the world to be a better place as we describe “better”; that is, world peace, an end to oppression and the fallout from that, no need for loans for education, etc.
In a startling statement of utter, two-word simplicity, God gave us the
formula to end all wars, heal all wounds, and eliminate all
dysfunction, pain and emotional suffering from the human experience.

He may have given us the formula, but only after he shook it up and put in the microwave.
SpyMoose, Siddhartha :
There are many ways to help others, the best is to allow them to become independant as fast as possible. Spreading wealth if not done properly will not solve the problem, it will cause others to become more dependant.

God gave us the formula and is giving us the formula right now, the question is, who listens? God didn't shook it up and put it in the microwave, we did, by our belief systems.

Thanks zanket, you said everything I wanted to say perfectly.