There flat-out is no god.


I am MalcomR
Valued Senior Member
Ok. I give in.

Almost every theist here has argued that Atheism[sup]TM[/sup] is a religion. It has a belief system. We have an agenda of preaching and trying to convert others to our beliefs.

Ok. Fine. I want all of the same legal and financial protections afforded any other religion.

We believe that There Is No God[sup]®[/sup]

I want the same respect for our cause as any other religion. Even though we have as little to support our position as other religions have to support their god thingy.

Argue as a theist would. Let's see how it goes.
I am a believer in Buddhism, I see God and lack of God as purely a subject on individual perception of the world. God can be everything including them for them or God can be nothing at all. There is no ultimate truth which holds for every one.
Cool. So, do you guys like, build religious temples and ... worship nothing?

On special holidays, your religious followers gather, exchange presents and food, and give thanks to ... nothing?

Sounds weird.
Cool. So, do you guys like, build religious temples and ... worship nothing?

On special holidays, your religious followers gather, exchange presents and food, and give thanks to ... nothing?

Sounds weird.
We're working on it. Try to be a bit more helpful...
Cool. So, do you guys like, build religious temples and ... worship nothing?

On special holidays, your religious followers gather, exchange presents and food, and give thanks to ... nothing?

Sounds weird.

we appreciate each other beliefs and relate our own to see the similarities we share. We gather and understand that essentialy we believe in same thing...but we do not blatantly say it, we come to this conclusion through our gatherings.
we appreciate each other beliefs and relate our own to see the similarities we share. We gather and understand that essentialy we believe in same thing...but we do not blatantly say it, we come to this conclusion through our gatherings.
Hmmm... Don't you think it would go better for us if we established churches and distributed pamphlets? And had a few radio programs where we demonized the "believers" in loud, pseudo-southern voices? (all tax-free of course).
You should start with a Wikipedia entry. Wikipedia warmly welcomes entries from religious self-starters.
Ok. I give in.

Almost every theist here has argued that Atheism[sup]TM[/sup] is a religion. It has a belief system. We have an agenda of preaching and trying to convert others to our beliefs.

Ok. Fine. I want all of the same legal and financial protections afforded any other religion.

We believe that There Is No God[sup]®[/sup]

I want the same respect for our cause as any other religion. Even though we have as little to support our position as other religions have to support their god thingy.

Argue as a theist would. Let's see how it goes.

This is about taxes? Let's look at corporations. Talk about a religion. You have an abstract entity being granted the rights of an individual. (some court case in the US around 1900). These entities are worshiped, given all sorts of tax breaks and shelters, via lobbyists gain vastly more power than the right to vote of its individual members (cells?). We give these entities names and personalities and governments and individuals get pushed around or belief in their magical powers. Rationalists seem to think because they 'get' advertising they are immune. And most rationalists seem quite happy about the 'rights of corporations' having been indoctrinated in the holy capitalist bible - Tiassa one exception.

They whisper to their children about the dangers of the gulag should we curtail the 'rights of corporations' and this odd non religion gets passed on generation to generation.

I mean really, should I give a shit that some believe in non-corporeal entities that we call gods and others believe in non-corporeal entities that get called corporations.

I am sick of atheists thinking they have extricated themselves from some sort of idiocy when I see them nodding with the theist brothers when push comes to shove.

As if they really use critical thinking when push comes to shove.

WOMD in Iraq my ass.

Oh, that's right, I remember how many atheists came out against that one.
[ENC]atheist takeover[/ENC]
No, that's all wrong. We make no such outrageous claims, only that we are obviously right and anyone who does not follow will burn forever in a pit of boiling hydrocarbons (as soon as we develop this technology).
I am sick of atheists thinking they have extricated themselves from some sort of idiocy when I see them nodding with the theist brothers when push comes to shove.

As if they really use critical thinking when push comes to shove.
Yes, my brother. Join us in righteous indignation at the idiocy of the fake atheists. Only those that believeth as we True Atheists will be able to see through the fog of incoherent babble put forth by both theist and simple atheist alike.

Amen (Atheism Means ENlightenment)
Yes, my brother. Join us in righteous indignation at the idiocy of the fake atheists. Only those that believeth as we True Atheists will be able to see through the fog of incoherent babble put forth by both theist and simple atheist alike.

Amen (Atheism Means ENlightenment)

I can only hope this wasn't only tongue and cheek.
If you are real, just, and broadly aimed skeptic, peachy.
These entities are worshiped, given all sorts of tax breaks and shelters, via lobbyists gain vastly more power than the right to vote of its individual members (cells?). We give these entities names and personalities and governments and individuals get pushed around or belief in their magical powers.
All hail INTEL CORP!

Rationalists seem to think...
How dare you use the "R" word here!!!

I mean really, should I give a shit that some believe in non-corporeal entities that we call gods and others believe in non-corporeal entities that get called corporations.
Ermm... right. Theres no distinction between the two. No differing consequences or outgrowths of one vs the other. All corporations should have stained glass windows.

I am sick of atheists thinking they have extricated themselves from some sort of idiocy when I see them nodding with the theist brothers when push comes to shove. As if they really use critical thinking when push comes to shove.
Yes. Thinking is overrated.

WOMD in Iraq my ass.

Oh, that's right, I remember how many atheists came out against that one.
Ummm... I did...
I love going to athiest's really cool, the services are like, 10 seconds long, so I can get right back to watching football. :)
So is True Atheism[sup]TM[/sup] a subsect of New Atheism?

Is there a Godless camp?