Theory of Universe


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The universe is made of medium world, matter world and critical world. The medium world and the matter world are a pair of positive and negative world. The medium world is made of countless medium whirlpool fields. The basic concept of the gravitational law is wrong. Dark matter and dark energy are the medium, but not any invisible matter. The expanding and contracting process of the whirlpool field is the life process of the universe

Ⅰ. Division of universe

Scientists think that dark energy accounts for 73%, dark matter accounts for 23%, the matter we know very well only accounts for 4% in the universal structure. Now there are 6 kinds of lepton and 6 kinds of quark in basic particle known. But quark can’t exist alone, and is invisible cosmic space fills with by a kind of ether. But what is ether? Is the ether just the dark matter or the dark energy? We don’t know it. Apparently, the universe is divided into three following shares:

1. The matter world to be visible and to be able to measure with instrument. We call the thing in the matter world as matter. The matter world is made of matter.

2. The medium world to be invisible and to be not able to measure with instrument. We call the thing in the medium world as medium. Dark matter and dark energy both are the medium in the universe. The medium world is made of the medium.

3. The critical world between the matter world and the medium world. The matter world and the medium world are not independent. They surely do interact and change each other. The matter world may change to the medium world, and the medium world may also change to the matter world. But their change process surely forms a kind of critical thing. They form the critical world together.

We just live in the matter world. What all research departments of mankind study is the matter in the matter world, instead of the medium in the medium world. There are three differences between the medium and the matter as follows: The matter can be measured with instrument, but the medium can’t. The matter is visible, but the medium is invisible. The matter has all properties of mechanics and matter motion, but the medium hasn’t.

We may think that quark belongs to the critical world because it has the property of the matter world——it can be measured by instrument, but also has the property of the medium world——it is invisible.

Ⅱ. Property of the medium world

Why all celestial bodies in the universe are rotation, and instead of the motion of other form? We can’t explain the question with the universal gravitation. For explaining it, we need find the answer from the structure of the universe.

According to above division, the medium world accounts for 96% of the universal structure, the matter world accounts for 4% only. So the medium world has important influence to the universe. The universe has the life process of birth, development and death. Very obviously, the major power to control the universal life is the medium world, instead of the matter world. Since the medium world has so big influence, the life process of the matter world is surely also control by it. And the major composition of the matter world is the celestial bodies in the universe. So the life process of the celestial bodies is also one of the matter world. Since the matter world is controlled by the medium world, then the birth, the development, the death and the motion form of the celestial bodies must be controlled by it, too. According to this deduction, we are not difficult to deduce the property of the medium world from its motion form.

1. For the matter world, the medium world is transparent. The medium may go through any matter in the matter world, and does not get any obstruction. The matter motion can’t get any influence of the obstruction, either. Any known active forces can’t act any role to the medium world.

2. The motion of the medium world is a whirlpool form. It has no linear motion. It is made of countless medium whirlpool fields with different size.

3. The medium world and the matter world are a pair of positive and negative world. There is a kind of positive and negative gravitation between them. We call it medium gravitation.

With above theory, we can explain very easily why celestial bodies always rotate. Because of the medium world being made of countless medium whirlpool fields with different size, regardless of how far celestial bodies are away from us, regardless of in what location they are in the universe, they must stay in certain whirlpool field. The medium world and the matter world are a pair of positive and negative world. There is a medium gravitation between them. The motion form of the celestial bodies in the whirlpool field exists only one, which is just revolving motion. Now, let us take the earth and the sun as examples to explain it.

There is a medium whirlpool field around the earth. We call it earth whirlpool field. Because the medium may go thorough any matter, and does not get any obstruction, the center of the earth whirlpool field may be the core of the earth. The medium of the top layer of the earth regards the core of the earth as an axis and turns at a high-speed. At the same time, it utilizes the function of the medium gravitation to attract the earth to turn with it. Therefore the rotation of the earth is formed. And this rotation doesn’t forever stop because the earth whirlpool field doesn’t forever stop rotating. On the other hand, there is a gravitational function between the earth and the whole medium of the earth whirlpool field. Because the core of the earth and the center of the earth whirlpool field are identical, the gravitational direction must point to the core of the earth. Therefore the terrestrial gravity is formed. Under its function, any object on the earth is attracted by it and has weight. If we regard the earth whirlpool field as a spinning ball being made of the medium and call it medium earth, and call the visible earth as matter earth, then the earth is in fact made up of two balls. The visible matter earth and the invisible medium earth link up to be a whole. They can't separate just like blood and meat in a human body. Now let us see the situation of the solar system.

There is a big medium whirlpool field in the solar system, too. We call it the whirlpool field of the solar system. All planets in the solar system are in it. Its rotating center is just the core of the sun. The medium around the earth, when it turns round the sun, by the function of the medium gravitation, attracts the earth to turn with it. A centrifugal force can be produced when the earth turns round the sun. In the same time, there is a medium gravitation between the earth and the whole medium of the whirlpool field of the solar system. Its direction points to the core of the sun because the center of the whirlpool field is just at the core of the sun. So a centripetal force is produced. Under common action between above centrifugal force and centripetal force, the earth just turns round the sun and forever stops.

According to above analysis, the basic concept of the law of the universal gravitation is wrong. It isn’t the gravitation between one object and another object, but is the gravitation between the medium world and the matter world. Just giving up the reason, so long as people have some knowledge, all of them should know that there isn’t any attraction between two positive objects. It is the simplest reason for people.

Ⅲ. Dark matter and dark energy both are medium

Dark matter and dark energy are the hottest subjects of present cosmology. It makes scientists on the earth to be in ecstasies. No matter how hard they are, scientists can’t observe the existence of dark matter and dark energy because they are invisible.

Scientists can’t observe dark matter. Why can they define its existence? Originally they get the conclusion by reasoning according to the principle of the universal gravitation. There are nine planets to turn round the sun in the solar system. The farther they are from the sun, the lower their speeds are. According to the principle of centrifugal force being equal to centripetal force, we can get following formula: mv2/r=GmM/r2, v=(GM/r)1/2. For example, the speed of the earth round the sun is 30 kilometers per second. It is higher than the speed of the Mars. But the speed of the Mars is higher than the speed of the Jupiter farther. It is a typical display to be one big fixed star in the middle. But when they observe the fixed stars of the other galaxies (include the Milky Way Galaxy), scientists discover: the farther they are away from the center of galaxy, their speed round the center doesn’t diminish and is about equal to the speed of the fixed stars of the inner circle. This doesn’t correspond to the routine as follows: the farther it is, the less the gravitation is, the lower the speed is. Therefore we can reason in opposite direction: at this moment, though the stars of the outer circle diminish, actually the mass of its internal matter doesn’t diminish, and the gravitation doesn’t diminish either, and only they can’t be observed. So, the matter is call as dark matter.

Since the existence of dark matter has been accepted by scientists, what a kind of matter is it on earth? In fact, the so-called dark matter is nothing different with the medium around the earth. It is only the medium in the medium world, and isn’t the matter in the matter world, and even isn’t invisible celestial bodies. We can easily explain above question by the property of the medium world. Now we explain it to take the motion of the sun in the Galaxy as an example.

In the Galaxy, there are about hundred billions of fixed stars. They distribute within the space of about 100,000 light-years sparsely. The sun is in its middle. Between the sun and the center of the Galaxy, there are a lot of medium whirlpool fields, which is equal to or bigger than the solar system. Express with A1、A2,……,An separately. The outermost whirlpool field among them is one of the solar system, express with A1. A2 is close to A1, A3 is close to A2,……. So as to analogize, continue extending to the center of the Galaxy all the time. The end whirlpool field is An, which is close to the center of the Galaxy. Besides above whirlpool fields, there is a huge medium whirlpool field, which regards the center of the Galaxy as its center and extends to the whole of the Galaxy. We call it the Galaxy whirlpool field. Obviously, A1、A2,……,An are a part of the Galaxy whirlpool field. The center of A1 whirlpool field is just the core of the sun. So it can’t bring the sun to turn round the center of the Galaxy. A2 whirlpool field can bring A1 to move, A3 can bring A2 to move. So as to analogize, continue extending to the center of the Galaxy all the time. Finally, under the adjustment of the Galaxy whirlpool field, the sun just turns round the center of the Galaxy. If we move the sun to the outermost layer of the Galaxy, will its speed diminish? The answer is that it won’t diminish. Because A2 is an independent whirlpool field, the farther it is away from the center of the Galaxy, the less the strength restricted by the central whirlpool field of the Galaxy is, the larger the influence of A2 to A1 is. Though the medium gravitation of the Galaxy whirlpool field to A1 diminishes, the medium gravitation of A2 to A1 increases. Suppose the former gravitation reduces △f1, the latter gravitation adds △f2. When △f2>△f1, the speed of the sun round the center of the Galaxy won’t diminish. According to above analysis, we are not difficult to discover that it is completely wrong to use formula v=(GM/r)1/2 to calculate the mass of a bigger galaxy. Now we should call the universal gravitation as the medium gravitation.

Since we can explain the dark matter with above theory, we can also explain the dark energy with it. Scientists have verified that the universe is exactly expanding. The farther the galaxy is away from us, the faster its speed is. They explain to say that there is a kind of repulsion in the dark energy. It can resist the gravitation, and can make two galaxies to separate each other at acceleration. The explanation isn’t correct. Now let us explain it with the property of the medium world. Suppose there are two close galaxies in the universe, we call them A1 galaxy and A2 galaxy, A1 galaxy is farther away from us. There isn’t any celestial body in the space between them. According to the property of the medium world, there must be a huge medium whirlpool field between them. We call it A0 whirlpool field. A0 connects A1 galaxy and A2 galaxy. Because there is not any celestial body in A0 whirlpool field, there isn’t any medium gravitation in it. Namely, there isn’t any centripetal force in A0. But the rotation of A0 whirlpool field must produce a centrifugal force. Under the situation without centripetal force, A0 whirlpool field must expand. When A0 expands, it must push away the farther A1 galaxy forward, and push away the nearer A2 galaxy backward. At the result, the farther the galaxy is, the faster its speed is.

Summarizing above content, we can get following conclusion: Dark matter and dark energy are the medium in the medium world, and have its property. They may be the same thing with different name.

Ⅳ. Birth, development, death of the universe

Because the medium world accounts for 96% of the universal structure, the motion of the universe is mainly controlled by it. So, we can deduce the lift process of the universe according to its property.

The motion of the medium world is a whirlpool form. It is made of countless medium whirlpool fields with different size. If the overall whirlpool fields of the medium world shrinks gradually and finally changes into a small ball or a point, what kind of result will it produce? It will produce two kinds of situations as follows: The first is that various whirlpool fields will be concentrated into a whirlpool field. The second is that the rotating speed of the whirlpool field will become infinite. Such a whirlpool field will condense unparalleled energy. Once this enormous energy group explodes, it can explode into the universe at present easily. By this reasoning, the life process of the universe may be the expanding and shrinking process of the whirlpool field in the medium world. The expansion of the whirlpool field is very easy to understand. It can be realized by the above-mentioned exploding way of the whirlpool field. It accords with the exploding cosmology, which has been approved at present by scientists. What power impels the whirlpool field to shrink? The power must be one of the properties of the medium world because the matter world has no power to control the universe.

If the whirlpool field wants to form a shrinking power, it must possess a kind of elastic shrinking force like spring. In other words, if the universe may shrink, the medium world must possess the fourth property-------the elasticity of the whirlpool field. This elasticity has two kinds of meaning. The first is that the rotating speed of the whirlpool field is elastic. It can increase, and can diminish, too. The second is that the medium world and the matter world must possess the elasticity going together forward or backward. The diameter of the medium world will shrink when the matter world goes close to the center of the medium world. We can explain it according to the meaning of formula R=GM/v2 expresses. It is a formula to guide by the equality of centripetal force and centrifugal force. In the formula, R represents the distance of celestial bodies to the center of the whirlpool field. M represents the mass of the whole medium in the whirlpool field. V represents the speed of celestial bodies round the center of the whirlpool field. The speed of celestial bodies will increase with it when the rotating speed of the whirlpool field increases, namely v increases. From the formula we can understand that R will diminish rapidly when v increases. Namely, the celestial bodies of the whirlpool field will go rapidly close to its center. According to the fourth property of the medium world, the diameter of the whirlpool field will shrink with it. Above situation has indicated the elastic shrinking function of the whirlpool field. When v is infinite, R=0. At this moment, the whirlpool field will shrink into a point. But when the whirlpool field has still huge mass, it is impossible to shrink very small. The only method to solve this problem is to reduce its mass to zero. Therefore the fifth property of the medium world is produced as follows: When the speed of the medium in the whirlpool field exceeds the velocity of light, its mass will diminish rapidly along with the increase of the rotating speed. Its mass will become zero when the rotating speed gets to limit. After we have these concepts, we can easily explain the life of the universe.

1. Birth, development of the universe

The life process of the universe is the expanding and shrinking process of the medium whirlpool field in the medium world. When it shrinks into a small ball or a point, its rotating speed will become infinite. The mass of the medium, quark, the critical matter in it will become zero. It will become a rotating energy group over the velocity of light. At this moment, the elastic shrinking force can't suppress its rotating strength. The rotating energy group over the velocity of light explodes suddenly. The exploded whirlpool field expands violently from all directions. It makes the diameter of universe to increase violently hundreds and thousands of times within extremely short time. In the same time, original single whirlpool field will become countless ones with different size after the explosion. The original matter melted into quark and the critical matter is released and cooled. They condense into rotating celestial bodies gradually under the role of these whirlpool fields. These celestial bodies form galaxies under the role of their larger whirlpool fields. Later, under the influence of the exploded remainder strength, galaxies extend from all directions continuously. The universe expands continuously. Therefore our universe at present is formed.

2. Death of the universe

When the exploded remainder strength balances with the elastic shrinking force of the whole whirlpool field of the medium world, the universe won’t expand. Its life becomes middle-age. Later, the exploded remainder strength weakens gradually, and the elastic shrinking force of the whole whirlpool field strengthens gradually. Every galaxy shrinks gradually and moves toward its center. When they shrink to become very small, the celestial bodies in galaxies will bump each other and will be melted into basic particles. When the whirlpool fields of all galaxies move to the range to be near very much away from the center, they will be melted into one whirlpool field which speed exceeds the velocity of light very much. At this moment, all basic particles can’t exist alone. All of them will become quark or the critical matter. They are drawn by the medium gravitation and rotate over the velocity of light with the medium. Along with the increase of the rotating speed, their mass will diminish very much. Then the universe will die. Under the inertia role of the elastic shrinking force, the whirlpool field continues to shrink toward the center. Its rotating speed is faster and faster. Finally the mass of quark, the critical matter and the medium all will become zero. The whirlpool field also becomes a rotating energy group over the velocity of light. When its rotating speed gets to limit, the elastic shrinking force can't suppress the rotating strength of the whirlpool field, and the rotating energy group over the velocity of light explodes suddenly. The exploded whirlpool field expands violently from all directions, and the universe starts its new life again.

The universal black hole, dark matter, dark energy, the rotation of a fixed star or a planet, the formation of a fixed star or a galaxy, all of abstruse secrets in the universe support my theories: ” Theory of Universe” and “Theory of Universal Black Hole”. The two theories’ main basis is that the dark matter and the dark energy account for governing position in the universal structure. If they are wrong, scientists must accept such a fact: the dark matter and the dark energy don’t account for governing position in the universal structure. Can scientists accept the fact? I think they won’t accept the fact. Then they must accept above theories.

My another paper "Theory of Universal Black Hole" can solve the question of the black hole. Its website is :
Welcome to sciforums.
You seem to be a crackpot, but please take no offense – I am one also in the cognitive science field.
In physics (I have Ph.D.) I am quite conventional, but enjoy reading text of crackpots who (as appears to be your case) have something to say and can be logical about it. Thus, as I read your text, I am making following notes /questions/ observations (before full read to avoid forgetting as your text is long):

You: “Why all celestial bodies in the universe are rotation, and instead of the motion of other form?
Me: I suspect it is a question of probabilities. I.e. there is only one state for them with zero angular momentum, but “zillions” with some momentum.

For example, if we consider the intrinsic spin of an electron as a minimum angular momentum measurement uncertainty range (a “tolerance band”) we can represent this "zero momentum state" tolerance band by a thimble. Now let us imagine we completely cover the ecliptic (Out to Pluto will do to illustrate, but that is small compared to its extension in only our galaxy.) with a huge number of “wall-to-wall” thimbles, all but one corresponding to a different possible non-zero value of angular momentum. What is the chance a single, particular photon from a near-sun star will fall inside that one thimble, which corresponding to zero angular momentum instead of into one of the other “zillions”?


You: “… the medium world accounts for 96% of the universal structure, the matter world accounts for 4% only. So the medium world has important influence to the universe. … Very obviously, the major power to control the universal life is the medium world. …”
Me: Not obvious to me. You seem to think that something very large cannot be under the full control of something relatively much smaller. – I suggest you tell that to the captain of a large, fully loaded oil tanker! However, if you are speaking only of the gravitational interaction between 96% mass and 4% mass “world” then of course I agree with you – the dynamics is dominated by the 96% mass “world, but I do not think that is your intent as you speak of “influences” and specifically mention “life process” such as birth, death, etc. (I have not read to end yet but fear this is some “off brand” religion in disguise, in which case I may never get to the end.)


Your paragraph that begins: “There is a medium whirlpool field around the earth.” Suggest that Earth’s gravity is due to a “whirlpool field” centered at the “core of the Earth” etc. – an alternative to Newton’s idea that gravity comes from the mass of the Earth, one of the minor objects making up small very small part of the 4%.

This does not initially appear to be consistent with fact all the Earth is “falling” towards the moon (and moon towards Earth) as they co-rotate about their common mass center.

Your theory /explanation also has a problem if one considers an Earth satellite in orbit, not when it is near the Earth and responding to the gravity produced by the Earth centered whirlpool filed, I admit, but imagine it at ever increasing altitudes. When it is at an altitude nearly equal to Earth moon separation, it orbits the moon, not the Earth. I thus assume, following your theory, that centered in the core of the moon there is also found a “moon whirlpool field.” OK, perhaps still no problem with that added, moon whirlpool field, which just happens to be conveniently centered in the core of the moon. (“Convenient” because by your theory, the mass of the moon is dominated by the local part of the 96% medium world mass, which is the moon centered. I.e. the “moon’s whirlpool field.”)

But note that that moon centered whirlpool field remains in the core of the moon even as the moon orbit around the Earth, so I assume there is still a third and larger whirlpool field centered at the center of mass of the Earth moon system, which is rotating both the smaller Earth and moon centered whirlpool fields around that common center of mass. I will call this third whirlpool field the “CoM whirlpool field.”I am trying to stay consistent with both known facts and your theory, but it is getting hard to believe all this is by chance, but I MUST BECAUSE:

By your postulate, the motions of the Moon and Earth (part of the nearly insignificant 4%) are controlled by the “medium world whirlpool fields”, so it must be just lucky chance that they follow the Earth and moon motions, including the annual trip around the sun. Oh, wait, there must be a fourth, still larger, whirlpool field exactly centered in the sun that explains their annual orbit around it.

I am getting tired of writing it all out so I will call these four whirlpool fields as follows: E, M, CoM & S, which by chance are located exactly in the centers of the Earth, Moon, their Common rotation or Mass center, which is actually slightly inside the surface of the Earth, and in the Sun, respectively.

Now I am really having trouble with you theory. – Lets forget about the “relatively minor” problem of this “exact centering” in cores of Earth, Moon CoM and Sun all being due to lucky “chance.” What bothers me now much more, as it seems impossible by your own theory, is there is a much larger whirlpool field (the CoM one) a few kilometers deep below the surface of the earth, yet the Earth is being rotated around (360 degrees every 24 hours) by the relative tiny whirlpool field, which is located at the center of the earth and not influenced by the much bigger field near the surface. Can you help me understand this (in terms of your theory)?

As I said at the start, being a crackpot myself, I like crackpots that are logical, but when their theory not only is very “ad hock” (lots* of "lucky chance") but even contradicts its self – I give up – I.e. reject it.

Sorry but I stopped reading your post with this paragraph. Perhaps you have resolved this internal conflict in later text? If so, just quote me in reply your text that explains why the Earth’s day is not a rotation about the bigger CoM instead of the relatively tiny, Earth-centered, whirlpool field, E. If not, Please be so kind as to resolve this internal inconsistency in a reply post. Thank you.
*By "lots" I mean more that 10,000 times there "just happens" to be a whirlpool exactly center in each asteroid and comet as we know from rocket fly-bys (and their mutual gravitational interactions when close to each other) that they all do have gravity that is directed towards their centers as is easily understood by Newton's "gravity is an intrinsic property of mass" theory, but is "unbelievable luck" in your theory as the mass is only 4% and and has little effect on the location of these whirlpools. By your theory, their locations are controlled by the 96% of universe that is "Medium." not the 4% that is "mass."

Moving them all around the sun yet keeping their whirlpools exactly centered in mass center of each small asteroid must keep God quiet busy as they do not just go smoothly around but scatter off each other when passing etc. Ergo - this is some "off-brand religion" as I expected earlier. - Nothing to do with Physics or Logic.
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Quantum mass is key to universe theory

We all need to understand what"quantum mass" is---I have a suggestion for those interested----lfmorgan seconds the suggestion
Well, when i read it, i thought of Einsteins equivalance, saying that the distortions in spacetime is proportional to the mass of that system. I kind of imagined it like the distortions of spacetime, like a hidden microscopic world of bubbling matter.
Quantum Mass

Thanks for your comment but by "quantum mass", I mean the minimum level of mass, or actually the minimum discrete level of mass. The Planck relation not only says his constant, h, is the discrete minimum energy level in ergs, but also says it must be the minimum level of mass in grams. The Planck realation is E = nhf, where nh is he quantity of mass being moved to cause energy. M = nh always--where n = 1 is minmum. This defines mass as discrete in terms of mutiples of h grams. If you let the constant mass value of the electron be h grams, viola! E = nhf = Mf = M(v-squared), or frequency and energy count in ergs are numerically the same! That can only be if mass is also incrmented in terms of h grams! h-symmetry between energy and mass makes prediction using problematics a piece of cake but blinds us to pulse level mechanical detail!