Theory of the Hour


Daughter Of House Ravenhearte
Registered Senior Member
People only believe in god because other people believe in God.

Now this is a slight variation on the "because they were raised to believe in God" theory, as it takes into account people who convert to religion from "no belief."

The premise is that if no one in these times believed in god then no new followers would arise. Most people who convert to religion tell stories of how they were shown god's goodness through his followers, but what if there were no followers? Then the idea of a god would have no chance to become implanted in anyone. Now if this is true then how can god be real, shouldn't people believe in him without having to be convinced by his followers? Shouldn't the concept of god be ingrained within us, instead of having to be introduced by an outside party?
This is true, people follow others. Then by that logic, people don't believe in god because other people don't.
What about people that convert to christianity that have not been influenced by their friends or followers? How would your logic work with these people?
Sure people follow others. But what your leaving out in your simplistic little theory is that some people also have very personal convincing spiritual experiences.
VitalOne, good use of your noggin on the reverse of the theory,
Both may be true to some extent, but they (hopefully) do not cover the entire population of the Earth (people who believe in god and people who don't, i suppose that is everybody)

And I doubt that if nobody believed in god today there wouldn't be some other myth in which people would invest their beliefs, money and lives, like aliens or monsters.

Quigly, who what person in this world has not been influenced by Judea-Christian beliefs? I mean really, what one person has not been at least partially exposed to Christianity? Some hermit in Tibet? I don't personally see many of those guys having many converts without prior knowledge.
How else would a person learn about Christianity if not from friends or followers? Tell me that. The bible you say? A book written by man and given by man.
Who exactly are you talking about?


religion = sheep mentality

and the religious preacher:

the shepherd (if he is not blinded himself)
Originally posted by Quigly
What about people that convert to christianity that have not been influenced by their friends or followers? How would your logic work with these people?
There is no one alive that "spontaneously converted" to Christianity - that is, with out having been exposed to the ideas of Christianity. Does that mean that the exposure must be a friend/follower? No. It could be a person you hardly know – or it could be you wanted to know more about Christianity and so went to check it out.

Take Amway for example, it typically spreads from family/friend to family/friend but occasionally from an unknown-person to -person and (probably rarer still) some people seek out Amway. However, no one just came up with their own identical Amway. Similarly, no one just converted to Christianity without having been exposed to their ideas/memes. And let’s face it, if you live in the USA you will be exposed to it (probably both)

(Incidentally, I used Amway as an example for the reason that just yesterday a nut started prattling on about an Amway copy-cat company – puke!! And on occasion Amway “converts” can be as vexing as Christian converts).
I don't see religion as a "Sheep Mentality" completely. In some cases, such as the person who ends up believing based on his/her friends/family, it may be the sheep mentality due to lack of intelligence. But in all religions, there is a back-up plan.

Even intelligent people believe, and that is because the religious texts themselves tell people not to question...not to even DARE question...God or his teachings. That is so when the smart person goes investigating, he/she is immediately warned off.

Also, too, that idea may be reinforced long before the theist even considers the question "Does god really exist?" As children, many people are brainwashed into faith, and never, ever question it. No matter how intelligent they are, just as in any other traumatic mental scar, the person's ability to call the faith into question is shut off.

Says Angelus:

...... but what if there were no followers? Then the idea of a god would have no chance to become implanted in anyone.

So fucking true. Consider ferral children like Sabbunya (sp?). In the wilds of Africa parents have this nasty habit of leaving children that are either maimed or don't want in the forests. There's been many cases where these small children have been taken in by monkeys and raised to an age where religion usually takes root in its civilized counterpart.

So what happens to the wild child? Nothing. He lives objectively and has the hardest trouble thinking in abstract. In fact, they rarely can and most don't.
Now imagine a child not exposed in any way to religious teachings and beliefs but raised in an environment of love and learning. The perfect being.
This is true, people follow others. Then by that logic, people don't believe in god because other people don't.
Lack of belief is the default condition. I don't believe that there is a group of bloodsucking lesbian sugarfairies living in my spleen, because the possibility never occurred to me (until just now). Not because I'm following others.
Originally posted by JDawg
I don't see religion as a "Sheep Mentality" completely. In some cases, such as the person who ends up believing based on his/her friends/family, it may be the sheep mentality due to lack of intelligence. But in all religions, there is a back-up plan.

Even intelligent people believe, and that is because the religious texts themselves tell people not to question...not to even DARE question...God or his teachings. That is so when the smart person goes investigating, he/she is immediately warned off.

Also, too, that idea may be reinforced long before the theist even considers the question "Does god really exist?" As children, many people are brainwashed into faith, and never, ever question it. No matter how intelligent they are, just as in any other traumatic mental scar, the person's ability to call the faith into question is shut off.


How do you know this? were you raised into Christianity and "brain washed"? The Bible does say don't test God, but it never says don't question. BIG difference. God does not want blind followers to do his bidding. He wants passionate lovers. He wants the people who have tested the waters and questioned His motives but still love Him. God doesn't mind people who question him. He doesn't expect us to understand everything about him. He knows we're human. HELLO HE MADE US. He knows sometimes we want proof and he has already given so much. If we would sotp explaining away all his miracles, we wouldn't have to ask for more.
I'm sure somewhere someone IS brainwashed and just going through the motions each day. But this is not what God asked for. He didn't ask us to obey his every word without emotin. He wants us to love him and grow in a relationship with him. Then he will teach us how to act. The thing is God loves us. He made us out of love so we could love him. No amount of brainwashing can convince you to TRULY love someone.

Overflowing with God-given Love,

Says angelus:
Now imagine a child not exposed in any way to religious teachings and beliefs but raised in an environment of love and learning. The perfect being.

I second that. Perfect but so long as the conservatives around him don't fuck up and let in on their really being closet evildoers behind the lovely child's back. So!- not possible.

Unless the child is maimed and a retard. At least you'd have a perfect retard.
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