Theory of Infinity

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
Well I've been talking about this concept for awhile in a few other posts so I thought I'd make a thread out of it. Here goes nothin!

The Universe is infinite. In an infinity there is no center or measurable location. Anything that could possibly be imagined is real, and is out there, right now. Science Fiction and Fantasy worlds exist, and an infinite amount of Earth's and an infinite amount of YOUs exist right now all across the universe. There are infinite resources of any type for any concievable purpose.

When astronomers talk about the Universe expanding (the theory is that it will permanently expand, not contract and implode) my unprovable idea creates a universe where different sectors are stretching themselves because of an unseen force.

Let me see if I could put the last paragraph into a simulation. Einstein said that gravity works like indentations on a matress, the stronger the gravity, the stronger the indentation into the matress and the more debris (cookie crumbs etc) falls into it. Let me see if I could use a bedsheet as an example. If you could stretch out the bedsheet and say that that was the universe, or at least a portion of it, you would put your finger under the bedsheet and push it upwards, then release it, and watch as the portion of the bedsheet fell back into place, with small waves radiating on it's border. That is what we're experiencing now. The waves are simply pulling everything in this portion along with them, but will shift back to their original position sooner or later. If anyone needs me to clarify this just ask. I know this theory is full of holes so lay it down on my brotha (or sista)!

ESPECIALLY stryderunknown. You seem to be a teacher or scientist or something, you could offer the best constructive (or destructive) criticism.
Infinity... Well it is not a question of being infinite really. Rather it´s a closed system. Dimensional restraints. Inside physical space one operates after physical abilities. "Reality" is dimensional waveforms manifesting itself on a limited range of frequencies. Our physical form and tools are molded in these specifications and cannot percieve what lies above or under. Infinity does not excist if one levels the perception with the highest ranges of excistential notes. It becomes a question of On/Off.
To be or not to be :)

The phenomena of a expanding universe is a matter of a elastic universe. The further into it you gaze, the further you push its fabric. It is a pulsating, living organism.

(I am a ewok )
Yes, yes, yes...

The universe is elastic and the physical reality is fiction of our collective and individual imagination, which is real.

But what I really want to say is that....MuliBoy, how many times do I have to tell you??? You are NOT an ewok, you are clearly a WOOKIE!!! :rolleyes: :D

What about dark matter? could it eventually stabilize the universe and then slowly begin it's eventual collapse? Or is the mass of the dark matter so great in deep space that it will eventually tear the known universe apart?

Or maybe what we think is the universe is in actuality only the equivalent of a small solar system. There's plenty of space out there, so maybe there's another universe racing towards us. but with our technology we just can't see it yet.
(my brain hurts):rolleyes:
Yes Patman! Yes! There is so much out there that we don't know about, last time I checked there are four 'shaping forces of the universe,' two of which we know of: gravity and mass, I think. Anyhoo if we look at the universe in a fractal sense, using galaxies as the other comparison then there may be just a giant bubble that is our universe, then another billion more inside another bubble, and so on and so forth. The Milky Way is speeding towards andromeda at I think 154 mp second, we'll hit it in about a billion years or something I dunno.

Vely Intelesting (that's for halloween, everyone)
our universe is infinit

Our universe is infinit
they say its expanding...
into what?
the universe... its infinit
You see...

The more you see, the longer, the further, the bigger you see, the more you get...of the universe. :p

We create matter by getting aware of it, before that it was just energy as energy. Then when it comes in contact with the human consciousness it begins to interact, because it wants to, and transform itself into forms that are regonizable and wanted by us humans, in this physical reality. :cool:
vely intelesting.

How do we know we're really under control of the matter...or something?
We´re not!

It´s a cooperation between the consciousness of humans and consciousness of matter. They both wants to interact with eachother, and does. But it´s not only a cooperation between those two elements, all that is , is also involved, as always. But in a multidimensional singular event, the main focus is always narrowed down to a small group of consciousnesses. Ohterwise the event in itself would be too large and not have the wanted physical distinctions that are perciveable for the human consciousness within the physical reality. :p
Re: You see...

Originally posted by Bebelina
The more you see, the longer, the further, the bigger you see, the more you get...of the universe. :p

We create matter by getting aware of it, before that it was just energy as energy. Then when it comes in contact with the human consciousness it begins to interact, because it wants to, and transform itself into forms that are regonizable and wanted by us humans, in this physical reality. :cool:
So then human conciousness is "outside" these wants? Or is it subject to these wants? And what then is the human conciousness made of?
Countably Infinite and Un-Countably infinite

As far as we can tell there are two types of infinity. Countably Infinite and Un-Countably infinite. I really think the latter only exists in our minds as the universe is quantized. Something that is countably inf is the set of integers. You can count them literally -inf,...,-2,-1,0,1,2,3....inf

But an example of something tht is uncountably inf is the Real numbers between 0 and 1. You cant count them you cant even find the second number in the set! This is continuity and due to the quantum nature of existence I really think it is only an abstraction of quanta at a distance.
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In the mind of me...

Yes, that´s where you all are. I didn´t want to tell you at first, but since you discovered it yourself I might just admit the truth. I created you. :D

But there is truth in that too actually. Because we create our own version of eachother with our limited perception. That very often are totallty different personas than the "real" ones. Or like a plastic copy. :p

The will is within the consciousness, not outside.
The human consciousness is made of...why do you ask me??? :mad:....:D

Let´s see if I can make somethin up while I write, because that is what I do. I make things up, but that is what you can call intuitive knowledge and there is of course no way to physically prove something that is not physical.

The human consciousness is made of the original energy of all life, love, the will to live.
So the will to live is very deeply embeddened in the cosciousness of everything.

The energy of the love of living is the essence of all cosciousnesses.

BTW, mathematics as we know it is a total misperception. 1+1 is not 2, it´s just a bigger ONE! :D

Same old things.

All I see is the same old questions over and over. Isn't there any new ideas to occupy us. There must be some new questions to mull over.