Theory of Gravitational Attraction


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"The grand aim of all science is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts by logical deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms." I believe that Einsteins Theory of Relativity is just not taken to the level of understanding which is possible with the knowledge gained from this natural phenomena. It states that time is relative to speed, while I believe that time is dependent on the motion of involved energy's. Here is my theory on Gravity (It isn't quite finished yet, as I've been coming to it's conclusion only as of late) and I welcome all criticism, regardless of content.

Gravity and the Nature of the Physical Universe

{Incomplete} The main problem that Gravity poses to the physical world is it's utter lack of explanation. It's weak nature and energetic uniformity baffles the logical analysis of even the greatest scientific contributors, and as such it comes up in the mind of the speculator that this phenomena may not be an attribute of the substance of energy, but rather an attribute of the existence of energy. Before I elaborate, though, I must show you how I view the Universe. For anything to exist, a state of equally attributed nonexistence must also be present. So for substance to exist, a void of non-substance must first exist. When these two states connect, what comes out of their meeting? This truth of the Universe points to the cause of mysticism, and the natural existence of paradoxes in the world we live, because when substance and void meet, void becomes absolute. This happening is the largest form of equilibrium, which brings to question the logic of existence in general. What I am trying to point out here is that energy must travel through a medium of energy in order to continue existence without the occurrence of complete equilibrium. Based on these premises, my beliefs becomes as the following series of sentences; I believe that empty space is the most subtle form of medium naturally created, that black holes are natural representations of the limitless void in which we inhabit, that light does not exist as photons and is akin to how sound travels through matter (only through space), that space does not travel at the speed of light but possesses such little motion that it exists at a different time standard than matter (which is energy at a higher motion), that time would not exist without motion, that the center of any organism is the part which maintains the in-the-moment awareness that occurs when energy particles can understand their own needs, and that their is an ultimate spiritual awareness that occurs when the paradox of existence is completely understood by the individual.
Now that my base is aptly defined, it should also be considered that all energy, while existing, must give off a force equal to the form of it's own existence. Knowing this, it becomes apparent that the existence of space includes an almost intangible force that presses on the energy surrounding it. An image to help my explanation could be a rock in an ocean; The earth is the rock (any energetic body may be used, but I use the earth explicitly for it's common gravitational pull which is experienced by any who read this) while empty space is the ocean which presses in all directions (Imagine being in the middle of an ocean, with gravity pushing you from all directions.) Now the attraction which forces energetic particles to come together in the first place is pretty simple. It's the interference that occurs when one energy particle blocks the overall pressure of the space behind it from the other energy particle, resulting in a pressure that comes strongest from the opposite sides of the two opposing bodies. Imagine a block of wood whose pressure is equal on all sides of the center energy particle, now imagine two blocks closer together with the same phenomena. Space cannot pass through the very core of any energy particle (it may travel through atoms and such because of the space between particles), so it then creates a natural interference with the motion of space that lessens the pressure between centers of energetic bodies (the pressure from space in the same general direction of the space interfered with makes sure that the farther away a body is, the less it feels this gravitational force) and then the natural pressure of space that occurs in the opposite direction becomes the stronger force only because of the absence of an equal opposing force, which ends up pushing the two entities together at an incredibly low force that is relative to the amount of energy displacing and interfering with the pressure of space. It should also be noted that gravity works differently for black holes only because of it's completely empty composition, and that it places energy and motion in complete equilibrium. It remains unknown to me how the aspects of the emptiness remains in-check, and does not completely neutralize the opposing energy surrounding it (like a cell eating virus held at bay with an organ), but if I were to guess I would say that this is also a facet of gravity. I think that natural black holes are smaller representations of the infinite void of nonexistence (given spatial definition by the existence of energy), and that there is a critical point where the pressure applied on the surrounding space almost completely immobilizes without losing it's form, creating an architectural sphere which can be likened to the masonic archways, only with gravity being in the center of the constructed form, and results in the formation of a barrier that separates space from void. Energy passes through only because space is the medium through which it travels, and as such simply let's it through. This theory seems completely absurd at first glance, mostly because of the Infinite Void which cannot have substance, and the obvious paradox inherent in the fact that there is no direct reason for energy to be in motion, but it was Einstein who said "If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it". My theory's strength, however, doesn't lie in it's logical presentation, but in it's strange property of connecting philosophical, religious, and scientific theories without exception. Time is relative to speed (because speed is the cause of time), and light bends around large energetic bodies due to the distortion that occurs with the medium through which it travels (space). {Will complete later, with my theory on how acceleration occurs). Now disprove me.
My theory's strength, however, doesn't lie in it's logical presentation, but in it's strange property of connecting philosophical, religious, and scientific theories without exception.

This is pseudo-science, there's a forum for that.

Can your theory make any quantitative predictions?
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It's called white space. It breaks up hard to read paragraphs into small snippets each with a mini point. It prevents headaches for the readers.

PS- what you wrote is absolute rubbish.
To declare something as rubbish you must define why. Now disprove this;

This started out as a response to someone elses Grand Unified Theory, which pretty much said that the universe is run by attraction and repulsion. This is my response, which profoundly affects the scientific explanations of the Universe.

1: Objects at rest stay at rest.
2: Objects in motion stay in motion
3: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
4: These actions and reactions have no concievable beginning or end
5: Actions exist as Reactions, and reactions exist as actions.
6: For every state of existence, there must be an opposite state of nonexistence
7: Suffering comes from the preference of energetic motion

Your theory presents one fundamental flaw, which exhibits itself in the attraction which occurs in strong nuclear force between energies of like charge. This flaw dissolves, however, when you consider that energy only attracts and averts because of motion, and motions opposite cross to form a particle or collection of particles that are connected on a more basic level, and therefore override the repulsion which occurs when things of like countenance become physically close to one another. Your theory of opposite attraction is a sound theory, but it does not explain the nature of energy beyond motion. So to add to your theory, I believe you should consider it from a spiritual view as well. This Universe is composed of only 7 elements; Improvable Energy, Energy that exists in dual nature, Motion, Time (that which arises when energy gains motion), Awareness, Attraction, and Aversion. As you have already touched up on attraction and aversion, I believe that all I should say is that this phenomena is experienced by all instances of energy, and is the cause of all problems which exist in the organic being. Therefore, as the Buddha said once before me, suffering forms from attachment, and nirvana lies in the realization of the nondualistic reality of the natural state of energy, where Awareness of energetic happenings becomes Absolute as consciousness loses Delusion which comes from getting lost in that which doesn't matter. This Awareness is nothing more than a collection of energy that utilizes the side-effects of motion (time and duality) from the perspective of nonduality. Things are not gravitationally repelled because Gravity forms a different instance of this idea, which is an instance that does not occur on a discriminative basis of the duality of motion, but on the common trait of existing with form. If something exists with form, it naturally must displace what would exist if that energy did not exist, or had no form (motion). Yet, the happening of equilibrium ensures that energy could never exist in a medium of energy without motion, so therefore space must exist as a Universal medium through which energy in motion may stay in motion. Knowing this, and that every particle of energy must displace what would theoretically be there should it not exist, it can be concluded that Gravity is the natural force of the universe which acts upon all energy that takes form. It is weak because the medium which enacts this force is space, and it's existence is infinitesimal. Time is also variable which exists based on the motion of this energy through this dualistic reality, because this is a Universe of cause and effect. If you believe in karma, you know what I mean. Once in motion, Energy stays in this motion of constant cyclic existence that could simultaneously be a cause and an effect of various other manifestations of energy in motion. This energy never ceases to be upon equilibrium with it's opposite state of nonexistence; it just loses the motion which gives it form. With this in mind, it becomes spiritually apparent to the individual that the paradox of existing in a world without a logical beginning only arises when we focus on what is apparent to us, rather than what could exist in this nondual reality that we are yet unaware of. When mixed with the spiritual teachings of any religion, this theory begets a new sense of the nondual reality of natural energy, and the highest attainment of the awareness which is present in every conceivable form of energy.