Theory for the existence of God?


Registered Senior Member
To prove God you have to prove that there is something with 3 qualities:

1: All Knowable
2: Everywhere
3: All Powerful

Science hasn't come even remotely close to explaining what the universe is and how it works. Atoms which are the building block for the universe are just the hole that Alice fell down into and inside there is a whole wonderland of a freakish, weird, mess of; quarks, gluons, protons, neutrons, leptons, electrons, neutrinos, fermions, bosons, strings, membranes, particle point strings vibrating clockwise and counterclockwise in different multiple dimensions, circular compactified fifth dimensional strings...etc.... Most of that is all theory, but it doesn't necessarily matter to me because half of it I don't understand anyway, and some of it sounds like an interesting conversation from a mental hospital.

Anyway my point is that much of the universe is unknown or unknowable. 3/4 of the universe is dark matter which we can't even see. Hell the theory of relativity doesn't even apply to all the really small stuff, getting particles jumping from one point to another without traveling any distance in between. Having sister particles that influence another no mater how far away they are as if by some sort of unexplainable phenomenon.

Now I'm not saying that science won't be able to explain some of this stuff in the future, but honestly, I don't see how science can rule out God when science doesn't even know what things are made out of?

Which brings me to my point. What if things are made out of God? Yeah I know it sounds crazy. But think about it, everything is made from similar building blocks in the universe. These building blocks are amazingly complex, unknowable, etc... What if what we know, is just God teasing us. What if he has shown us the atom, its nucleus, and then some of the particles that make up some of that. But what if its just never ending what makes up those particles.

Carl Sagan in Cosmos raised the possibility that if you traveled downwards into an electron, you might find that it contained a universe of its own. "Within it, organized into the local equivalent of galaxies and smaller structures, are an immense number of other, much tinier elementary particles, which are themselves universes at the next level and so on forever - an infinite downward regression, universes within universes, endlessly. And upward as well.'

This definitely fits the required elements of God. If God is the universe and most likely way beyond the universe into dimensions without space or time, then God would be 'everywhere'. He would be 'all knowing' because he is everything, and therefore knows everything. And he would be 'all powerful' because being everything everywhere, he would be capable of anything.

Haha brings a whole new meaning to the teaching that "Man is made in God's image" what if the same stuff that makes up God makes up man. I'm not saying that man is God, just that man might be a part of God.

John 17:20-22 20

"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one:.

Kinda makes sense of the whole God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but still one God. If you look at it as if God is everything, then it is true that Jesus is God, because he is part of everything. And then Jesus said that man can be one with God, so at least there is the possibility that man can be part of God. How can God be One but yet everywhere if he is not everything?

Anyway that's just some random thoughts I had, they are pretty crazy and most likely very wrong and I know my scientific terminology must be way off, but hey I thought it was a bit interesting :D
Crazy .... each person needs make up there own mind on that.

new, no.

Though many would have you think a druid thought of a tree as GOD they did not. They saw GOD as an entity that WAS and was alone, this entity wanted company so it set out to make ... well everything. being GOD this entity was unable to seperate a portion of it's self in the process of creation. So GOD created everything that is by BECOMING everything. Nature, the spark of life, a blade of grass, the wind, and even a tree was part of the great entity that is GOD.
Romans 1:20 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Job 12:7-10 7 "But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds of the air, and they will tell you;

8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish of the sea inform you.

9 Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the LORD has done this?

10 In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind.
K.FLINT that makes a lot of sense. The verses I posted show that it's a concept in the bible for sure. I guess where my view point would be different from yours is that I believe that what we see, the trees, the animals, etc... point us toward God, but only Jesus and what he did makes us right with God. Also I don't believe that God became everything. I Believe...(this is assuming what I wrote is even remotely true)... that creation is part of God not that God is part of creation. If that makes sense. I guess you could paint the picture that if the universe was part of God, it'd probably be a freckle on his bum in comparison to his true awesome majesty :p
To prove God you have to prove that there is something with 3 qualities:

1: All Knowable
2: Everywhere
3: All Powerful

Science hasn't come even remotely close to explaining what the universe is and how it works. Atoms which are the building block for the universe are just the hole that Alice fell down into and inside there is a whole wonderland of a freakish, weird, mess of; quarks, gluons, protons, neutrons, leptons, electrons, neutrinos, fermions, bosons, strings, membranes, particle point strings vibrating clockwise and counterclockwise in different multiple dimensions, circular compactified fifth dimensional strings...etc.... Most of that is all theory, but it doesn't necessarily matter to me because half of it I don't understand anyway, and some of it sounds like an interesting conversation from a mental hospital.

Anyway my point is that much of the universe is unknown or unknowable. 3/4 of the universe is dark matter which we can't even see. Hell the theory of relativity doesn't even apply to all the really small stuff, getting particles jumping from one point to another without traveling any distance in between. Having sister particles that influence another no mater how far away they are as if by some sort of unexplainable phenomenon.

Now I'm not saying that science won't be able to explain some of this stuff in the future, but honestly, I don't see how science can rule out God when science doesn't even know what things are made out of?

Which brings me to my point. What if things are made out of God? Yeah I know it sounds crazy. But think about it, everything is made from similar building blocks in the universe. These building blocks are amazingly complex, unknowable, etc... What if what we know, is just God teasing us. What if he has shown us the atom, its nucleus, and then some of the particles that make up some of that. But what if its just never ending what makes up those particles.

Carl Sagan in Cosmos raised the possibility that if you traveled downwards into an electron, you might find that it contained a universe of its own. "Within it, organized into the local equivalent of galaxies and smaller structures, are an immense number of other, much tinier elementary particles, which are themselves universes at the next level and so on forever - an infinite downward regression, universes within universes, endlessly. And upward as well.'

This definitely fits the required elements of God. If God is the universe and most likely way beyond the universe into dimensions without space or time, then God would be 'everywhere'. He would be 'all knowing' because he is everything, and therefore knows everything. And he would be 'all powerful' because being everything everywhere, he would be capable of anything.

Haha brings a whole new meaning to the teaching that "Man is made in God's image" what if the same stuff that makes up God makes up man. I'm not saying that man is God, just that man might be a part of God.

John 17:20-22 20

"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one:.

Kinda makes sense of the whole God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but still one God. If you look at it as if God is everything, then it is true that Jesus is God, because he is part of everything. And then Jesus said that man can be one with God, so at least there is the possibility that man can be part of God. How can God be One but yet everywhere if he is not everything?

Anyway that's just some random thoughts I had, they are pretty crazy and most likely very wrong and I know my scientific terminology must be way off, but hey I thought it was a bit interesting :D

It's an intresting concept Answers
Yet the bible kinda puts a hole in the hull of that one by saying Jesus is not equal to his Father. Surely if God was in everything then everything would be equal to God.

That's at least how equations work. What you do to one side is done to the other.
I'm guessing that would be one more hole in a ship that is already sinking haha.

Maybe say God = 100, everything in this universe = 1 part of that, and then for God to take on human form as Jesus, he had to reduce himself to be part of that 1, therefore making him unequal to God until he once again left that 1 part and ascended to be fully God again???

Or maybe God who is a multi dimensional being, who goes way beyond our 3 dimensional perception of the universe, had to downgrade himself in order to interact with us in our 3 dimensions therefore was no longer equal to God while in human form?

Or maybe I have no idea :)
ANSWERS had said the following:

To prove God you have to prove that there is something with 3 qualities:

1: All Knowable
2: Everywhere
3: All Powerful

Well, Why?

Your assumptions here only concern Greek Philosophy.

No REVEALED religion ever gave half a crap what Greek Philosophy opined concerning Theology anyway.

The ONLY reason that Atheists so muich cling to the BELIEF in GREEK THEOLOGY is because those assumption of Divinity are so EASY to ridicule.

Now you have to wonder about the MOTIVES of Greek Philosophy in presenting a set of definitions for GOD that would be so easy to laugh at.

Who were the Greek Philosophers? Were they accredited Professors who had to consider their Academic Reputations? No. They were pederastic alcoholics who used Philosophy as a means to arriving at funny punchlines.

So, all you Atheists, don't feel so proud that you can answer the arguements for Divinity of those who presented them only as a joke in the first place.

To the Greek Philosophers Religion had only been a matter os speculation. They had never known God. God had never shown himself to those Barbarians.

To know True Theology, you must examine Reveal Religion... not speculative philsophy.... especially not the speculative philosophy of a bunch of drunk pederasters out for a laugh.
His a SaQ premise.

I don't think it is possible for science to determine the true nature of the universe.
This enviroment is much like a containment vessl assuming there is something on the "outside" of this container. In order to understand it fully it must be viewed from that "outside" or at least as a whole. That doesn't really seem that it will ever be possible considering it's ultimate "size."
It isn't a "theory" it's a BELIEF!! Why don't people understand the difference? :shrug:
To prove God you have to prove that there is something with 3 qualities:

1: All Knowable
2: Everywhere
3: All Powerful
How could these quailities be proved,factualy with out any leaps of faith

To know True Theology, you must examine Reveal Religion... not speculative philsophy.... especially not the speculative philosophy of a bunch of drunk pederasters out for a laugh.
I ask you if I understand revealed religion right......................
where God has failed to disclose himself to an individual, group stating this is the truth, this is the correct way to praise me etc. And continuation of belief in that religion (without disclosure of God), means you are not taking the word of God, but instead putting belief in the person or institute telling you what is so...... is this what you meant?
so christianity is no different to islam or judaism, belief in God without God's disclosure relying on the word of man..
Answers: your original post pretty much sums up exactly what I believe. God(The Creator) made everything. Even science can't argue that - we don't know what our creator was. Whatever definition we arrive at, it will be true that whatever caused the Big Bang created everything (and why not the Biblical God or Allah what's in a name?). Although under that edict, evolution wouldn't matter a bit to any religion because even if we came from some primordial soup - it was all in a grand scheme to one day make us as individuals. It's a pretty encompassing view, and it takes a massive open mind to believe but I think there would be a lot of things solved if more people actually subscribed to it.
Answers: your original post pretty much sums up exactly what I believe. God(The Creator) made everything. Even science can't argue that - we don't know what our creator was. Whatever definition we arrive at, it will be true that whatever caused the Big Bang created everything (and why not the Biblical God or Allah what's in a name?). Although under that edict, evolution wouldn't matter a bit to any religion because even if we came from some primordial soup - it was all in a grand scheme to one day make us as individuals. It's a pretty encompassing view, and it takes a massive open mind to believe but I think there would be a lot of things solved if more people actually subscribed to it.

Why not call it the BB and leave it at that ?