
It was mildly amusing to see another pot-shot taken at the bible for the sake of it. *shrugs* It goes to show you that lots of things in Science are based on point of view...
Originally posted by Xevious
It goes to show you that lots of things in
Science are based on point of view...
As I see it, so are most things in life. You know what
they say - perception is everything. ;)
Ahhh.. an oldie but a goodie…   :)

I think every college-geek circle of friends has “invented” this theory. My friends and I called it the "darkon theory," and we had a habit, when entering a dark room, to say that we were not turning on a light, but switching off the Darkon Generator.

And yes, we were nerds beyond any reasonable bounds.


Youth is the first victim of war - the first fruit of peace.
It takes 20 years or more of peace to make a man;
it takes only 20 seconds of war to destroy him.
  • -- King Boudewijn I, King of Belgium (1934-1993)
I need to get my rear in gear and get some stuff done around
here so I am just passing through. Just stumbled on this quote ...

"Science tries to answer the question: “How?” How do cells act in
the body? How do you design an airplane that will fly faster than
sound? How is a molecule of insulin constructed? Religion, by
contrast, tries to answer the question: “Why?” Why was man
created? Why ought I to tell the truth? Why must there be
sorrow or pain or death? Science attempts to analyze how things
and people and animals behave; it has no concern whether this
behavior is good or bad, is purposeful or not. But religion is
precisely the quest for such answers: whether an act is right or
wrong, good or bad, and why."

-Warren Weaver (1894–1978), U.S. mathematician, scientist,
educator. Science and Imagination, ch. 4, Basic Books (1967).

Source for quote:
Sucker is the word, and it certainly isnt bright, heheheh.

Seriously (well, sorta), you can invert things if you will. For instance, science long thought there was an element Progesthion (sp?) which disappeared from things burning. As research progressed, this element became more and more weird, for one thing having negative weight. Finally they realized that they had a sign inverted, and the element was Oxygen.

But you can threat light as absence of dark streaming towards the light source, which then is a dark sucker. You can also threat the solar system as if Earth was in the center, you can even threat Earth as if it was flat, only the math becomes VERY complex.

So Occam's Razor says that the model with the simplest math is likely to be the truth.

Your eyes are suckers. Hmm, I am thinking where do I put all those darkness when I sucked them, since I have been sucking them for a long long time. :D
This sucker theorist must be having negative retina. and he must be eating thro his ass and shitting thro his mouth - which is obvious.:D
Originally posted by everneo
This sucker theorist must be having negative retina. and he must be eating thro his ass and shitting thro his mouth - which is obvious.:D
Are you calling him a crackpot?
I would also submit, that science has thermodynamics all confused. You see, for instance, cold is not simply a lack of heat, it is instead the other way around, cold is the force, and heat the lack of it. No, how about instead they are both forces unto themselves and the temperature of a given area is determined by the balance of these to forces. Yes, balance of forces goes much better with pseudo-nature worshiping religions, so I think I'll go with that one.