theories for transexualism

Buckaroo Banzai

Registered Senior Member
Which are the main theories for transexualism?

I know that the author of "the man who would be queen" (and maybe others) hypothesizes that all of them could be either some sort of "extreme homossexual", or, heterosexual with some thing that I do not quite recall the name, but is more or less like a fetish of being of the same sex that he or she feels attraction.

Other theory I've heard is that it could be neurological, somehow. I find it quite weird, such neurological specificity for something like expecting to have or not have a certain genitalia, and/or expecting that people would use masculine or feminine words when referring to he or she.

My own guessing is that it could be something like all these things of social grouping. Self association (or lack thereof) with a certain social group, just like people often try to become fit for a certain social group (in more and less "modular" ways or "packages", such as "fitness people", goth, emo, rapper, biker, worker, businessman, "pretty girl"/supermodel, etc). Plus making of this a big deal, becoming obsessed, pretty much like certain people can get with relationships, with all the glamourization of "soulmates", "everlasting love" and becoming really depressed when the reality of these things shows to not be equal to what was fantasised. I think that these things have much in common, such as the eventual willingness to physical transformation in order to fit the group, depression for not being fit and etc.

The neurological theory, I think, could play a small role in this later scenario. That would not require such neurological specificity for self-gender notions (and recognition of what is expected from the "neurological sex" in each cultural trend) independent of sexual appointment, but would be just that some people would be more prone to feel depressed for some or no reason, and then start to look for "answers", and then convincing that he or she was supposed to be of the other sex (or that was supposed to be slimmer, stronger, hotter, whatever that he or she is not).

I do not think that this hypothesis would exclude those of "extreme homossexual" and the sort of wannabe-narcissist-fetish.

Are there people in the the scientific community holding something like this later one? Which other theories there are?