Theometry Institute

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God and Physics are identically identified. Reference my website for my paper.:worship:

Theometry melds linguistics and physics or words and geometry to create a Theory of Everything which usually is associated with the definition of God. My work identifies God using such tools. A portrait of God from scripture using that method can be made. For example, a Theometry Table can be listed such that triads form under each other to indicate similarities. Across the triad from within does show direct and inverse relationships between those three words. As an illustration, consider the following relationship between two triads: Way, Truth, Life compared to Physics, Chemistry, Biology. We can agree that Biology is the study of life. We may agree that Chemistry is the study of elements which serve as evidence or truth. We might agree that Physics shows how the universe works in particular ways. Within each of those two triads, notice that the far left and right words describe an inverse relationship. The left and centre words or right and centre words describe a direct relationship.

So now let us take a giant leap and compare these two triads: Quantum/Special Relativity, Classical Mechanics/Newtonian Physics, Continuum/General Relativity compared to Father, Son(Jesus Christ), Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, we can extend that thought and list another triad to illustrate in greater detail: Matter/Energy, Mass/Space, Time/Gravity.

Geometries can be associated with each of the three columns of triads to give measurable results as theoretical physics commonly does.

So, in short, God exists right under our noses and has been here all the time. But so is the Devil and he has his own set of geometries, in particular, Euclidean Geometry which defines the vacuum of space. God, on the other hand, is in a shape of a spiral which generates its own peculiar geometries and defines matter as we know it. That leads to the current acceptance of a Loop String model of Physics.

So now we have a way of identifying and measuring God in no uncertain terms.

Is that possible, probable or certain? Yes, another triad, and you can create more on your own. Enjoy!
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Please do post a statement to discuss, it looks like you are only advertising.
God and Physics are identically identified. Reference my website for my paper.:worship:

Theometry melds linguistics and physics or words and geometry to create a Theory of Everything which usually is associated with the definition of God. My work identifies God using such tools. A portrait of God from scripture using that method can be made. For example, a Theometry Table can be listed such that triads form under each other to indicate similarities. Across the triad from within does show direct and inverse relationships between those three words. As an illustration, consider the following relationship between two triads: Way, Truth, Life compared to Physics, Chemistry, Biology. We can agree that Biology is the study of life. We may agree that Chemistry is the study of elements which serve as evidence or truth. We might agree that Physics shows how the universe works in particular ways. Within each of those two triads, notice that the far left and right words describe an inverse relationship. The left and centre words or right and centre words describe a direct relationship.

So now let us take a giant leap and compare these two triads: Quantum/Special Relativity, Classical Mechanics/Newtonian Physics, Continuum/General Relativity compared to Father, Son(Jesus Christ), Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, we can extend that thought and list another triad to illustrate in greater detail: Matter/Energy, Mass/Space, Time/Gravity.

Geometries can be associated with each of the three columns of triads to give measurable results as theoretical physics commonly does.

So, in short, God exists right under our noses and has been here all the time. But so is the Devil and he has his own set of geometries, in particular, Euclidean Geometry which defines the vacuum of space. God, on the other hand, is in a shape of a spiral which generates its own peculiar geometries and defines matter as we know it. That leads to the current acceptance of a Loop String model of Physics.

So now we have a way of identifying and measuring God in no uncertain terms.

Is that possible, probable or certain? Yes, another triad, and you can create more on your own. Enjoy!
M*W: Puh-leeze! You can fool some of the people some of the time...", but you ain't gonna put this one over on us. Get lost.
Congratulations - it's been a while since I read such rubbish.
Why is this collection of unsupported speculation and woowooism not in pseudoscience or the cesspool?
God and Physics are identically identified. Reference my website for my paper.:worship:

Theometry melds linguistics and physics or words and geometry to create a Theory of Everything which usually is associated with the definition of God. My work identifies God using such tools. A portrait of God from scripture using that method can be made. For example, a Theometry Table can be listed such that triads form under each other to indicate similarities. Across the triad from within does show direct and inverse relationships between those three words. As an illustration, consider the following relationship between two triads: Way, Truth, Life compared to Physics, Chemistry, Biology. We can agree that Biology is the study of life. We may agree that Chemistry is the study of elements which serve as evidence or truth. We might agree that Physics shows how the universe works in particular ways. Within each of those two triads, notice that the far left and right words describe an inverse relationship. The left and centre words or right and centre words describe a direct relationship.

So now let us take a giant leap and compare these two triads: Quantum/Special Relativity, Classical Mechanics/Newtonian Physics, Continuum/General Relativity compared to Father, Son(Jesus Christ), Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, we can extend that thought and list another triad to illustrate in greater detail: Matter/Energy, Mass/Space, Time/Gravity.

Geometries can be associated with each of the three columns of triads to give measurable results as theoretical physics commonly does.

So, in short, God exists right under our noses and has been here all the time. But so is the Devil and he has his own set of geometries, in particular, Euclidean Geometry which defines the vacuum of space. God, on the other hand, is in a shape of a spiral which generates its own peculiar geometries and defines matter as we know it. That leads to the current acceptance of a Loop String model of Physics.

So now we have a way of identifying and measuring God in no uncertain terms.

Is that possible, probable or certain? Yes, another triad, and you can create more on your own. Enjoy!

I've never read so much babble before that says absolutely nothing that can be substantiated except by those you are in league with.
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