Them (They) Conspiracy


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
If you don't know from the title this thread is about the "Them" and "They" that some people refer to within a conspiracy notion.

For many years, many different conspiracies have surface from many different people, all with some small amount of evidence but classed as non-credible. The usual main preportion of their conspiracies points to a group that exist hidden within the world you know pulling the strings of the majority like puppeteers.

However those that are always accused are "Them" or "They" since no one can fully identify who the responsible party is and therefore it becomes erroneous to declare someone responsible without evidence.

I had such a conspiracy that I actually thought possible, I thought that the film companies that we know and love for "great" movies could have been responsible for some things that have occured within our world that are Unexplained or Paranormal. Previously I had no proof just a theory that the "MJ12 paper" was a teletyped piece as a prop for some long since lost within the archives film or play, and the only credible proof being that when "The War of the Worlds" was broadcast via radio the US was set into a panic fearing that "Aliens" were destroying the known world.

While I was looking to see what new films were released I cam across a film called "Godsend", apparently the reviews were appauling however one thing that was mention in the review was that in addition to the films release a ficticious company was made on the internet in the name of the company from its plot for "Cloning deceased children".

The actual site is As I have mentioned its not a real company, it's actually fake, a Film Prop that exists within the real world as a facsimile of something real.

It makes my conspiracy that some of the very paranormal things that people see are purely there for the release of a new film and to keep public interest in the particular genre of films. I will eventually attempt to seek comments from the agents that deal with such genres however this will be no mear feat, since most of them will not want the world to know that the conspiracy is a con to sell their pictures.

To continue this conspiracy a bit further, You could call into the question of the usefulness of Parapsychologists. If there was no Paranormal activity reported then there would be no reason for certain individuals to have Parapsychology degrees, so you could suggest that if it was possible to genuinely create such elaborate hoaxes with specialist equipment "they" would do so just to give themselves a job for investigating the occurance.

In certain respects it would suggest that if it was ever proven that Parapsychologists were knowing frauding the public with bogus ghosts, aliens, UFO's, corncircles etc they would be stopped from their fraudulant behaviour and a dramatic drop in paraphenomena would occur.
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Joojoo thats possible if you identify who the female was that worked with the Dobermen lot.
I have been thinking about conspiracy off and on especially since I started watching all the x file eps again.

I don't have a whole lot to add here except possibly a comment point for other posters.

I was thinking with as many people who think most people are grossly uneducated and ignorant how could a massive conspiracy such as the one you propose ever work? I mean if most of us are stupid how could any of us stupid people pull it off. Oh of course unless the people who complain about the ignorance of the majority of the populace are simply mellow-dramatic egotists.

Anywho...I was just thinking back to some of my conversations over the years with various government and military people I have met. And I have come to one conclusion. Is it possible? Yes.

How probable is it? I'm not sure but I can see the probability increasing especially, as you pointed out, with the Internet; mock/hoax sites are popping up all over whether to promote a movie or promote someone's ideal. And it is possible that if we are as stupid as some people say that if something does not exist, when you get a mass of people togther they may make it exist. If only in their minds.