Them that know

Some excerpts from the Tao Te Ching;

From verse 1.
“The tao that can be described
is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be spoken
is not the eternal Name.”

From verse 2.
“Therefore the Master
can act without doing anything
and teach without saying a word.”

redarmy11 said:
Them as can do, do.
Them as can't, teach.

So I would say;

Them as can do, do.
Them as can do, teach.

illuminatingtherapy said:
Get it. But it's not all true. Hence we have books, and hence people teach.

Is the teacher who knows the most, the one who talks the most, or the loudest?

Does the preacher shouting sermons know more than the quiet monk teaching by example?

illuminatingtherapy said:
How is someone to learn if no-one were to teach?

What is the correlation between teaching and learning?

The learner never really has learning given to them; they learn from what is said (by everyone – not just ‘teachers’) and what is not said; from all that is experienced and not experienced.

The teacher never really gives the teaching to anyone; they try to teach, which may or may not lead to learning on the part of others.
those who teach, offer information, for the pupils to analyze.
those who preach, tell the pupils what to know.

and just for L Traveling, that was zen, this is tao.