Theists. Does this do anything to you consciousness?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Theists. Does this do anything to your consciousness?

Theists. Does this do anything to you consciousness?

I direct this question more to literalists and fundamentals who read the Bible literally. Others of course are welcome to comment.
Let me point out that I think of the Bible as a book of wisdom that it is a consolidation of many of the older religions of that day and is a good book to help us seek God by analyzing the old myths. If read literally, the reader will miss out on the rather wonderful thinking stimulated by it and miss the purpose that the book was put together point to. I do not disrespect it but have little respect for literal readers for that reason. They end up idol worshiping a book of myths.

This scholar speaks to the archeology that is killing the historicity of the Bible.

This scholar is showing the plagiarizing and or forgeries of scriptures.

It is interesting to note that both of these prominent scholars came from fundamentalist religions before their research, as well as the scholars they quote, changed their overall views.

They, like myself do not want to dissuade the search for God but only want to point out that God may be bigger than the pigeon hole/Bible that theist have put him in. As a religionist, to me, God is big enough to be everyone’s God. Not just a chosen few. Theists should like this notion because then, God, if real, remains now, as in the beginning, master of all and not just master of some.

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Greatest I am,

Theists. Does this do anything to you consciousness?

I watched the Dawkins one, and a few minutes of the second one but became
very bored.

I find these guys evangelistic-atheistic-fundamenalism (that's what it seems to have become), narrow-minded and tedious, and boring.

Have you read Bhagavad Gita? :)

Theists. Does this do anything to you consciousness?

.Man can not persuade me by his words . to be an atheist , unless he can make life . And so far man have not made life . I don't have problem with evolution . Biblical scholar don't have much understanding about science .
Dawkins exploits atheist by feeding them what atheist want to hear, he provides the material and he runs happily to the bank.

The other character ( Hector ) sounded to me as a shady character.
The third speaker put me to sleep
don't know what to say..

i agree with you when you say a person should not view the bible as the unerring word of is a guide book,not a rule book..
Theists. Does this do anything to you consciousness?

Hector Avalos point the bible is irrelevant at this time .
Lets take the 10 commandments

Don't honor your parents, they are just out dated and take away what has value , they don't need it
Go on and take any thing you want rob , if some bastard gets in your way kill him
Fuck any woman you want if the husband gets in your way , mow him down .
If your neighbor have a new car go on put some dents in.
Don't tell the truth because it will cause harm to you.

For Judeo Christian Islam society the Bible was the guide
Hector found for himself a niche among Spanish people to sell his books
Don't honor your parents, they are just out dated and take away what has value , they don't need it
this speaks way too much of the condition of our society, more than the ideal

Fuck any woman you want if the husband gets in your way , mow him down .
If your neighbor have a new car go on put some dents in.

it would pry would not help if you were to learn that the term 'covet' means to desire, it does not mean 'to act'
there are some societies that consider it VERY rude to compliment them on anything in their house, it indicates a desire to have what they have, it means you are coveting their stuff.

i admit that i fail at this one when it comes to a hot women..(whether she is married or not) (does not mean i will pursue a married woman..)
Theists. Does this do anything to you consciousness?

Hector Avalos point the bible is irrelevant at this time .
Lets take the 10 commandments

Don't honor your parents, they are just out dated and take away what has value , they don't need it
Go on and take any thing you want rob , if some bastard gets in your way kill him
Fuck any woman you want if the husband gets in your way , mow him down .
If your neighbor have a new car go on put some dents in.
Don't tell the truth because it will cause harm to you.

For Judeo Christian Islam society the Bible was the guide
Hector found for himself a niche among Spanish people to sell his books

Progressives do that one . Key or dent your car . Me progressive friend John Wolverton told Me that ( Hi John if you are reading this ) . Yeah they hate cars so much they can't help them selves . You know what they did . They went around the public streets and put theses big bike paintings in the middle of the road . They look a lot like the official ones the city puts on the street but not quite perfect . They got busted and fined I believe , Busted anyway , except John didn't get busted . His cohorts did . Sue Me John if you had nothing to do with it . I know you did .
Kind of funny really . I laugh every time I drive over one of em . To think you get arrested for that . To funny .
Greatest I am,

I watched the Dawkins one, and a few minutes of the second one but became
very bored.

I find these guys evangelistic-atheistic-fundamenalism (that's what it seems to have become), narrow-minded and tedious, and boring.

Have you read Bhagavad Gita? :)


Learning is often tedious, and boring.
Enlightenment takes time.

Theists. Does this do anything to you consciousness?

.Man can not persuade me by his words . to be an atheist , unless he can make life . And so far man have not made life . I don't have problem with evolution . Biblical scholar don't have much understanding about science .
Dawkins exploits atheist by feeding them what atheist want to hear, he provides the material and he runs happily to the bank.

I am not an atheist but-----
Change your use of atheist to church and the same exact wording can be shown to apply to them more than atheists.
The difference, they do it with lies.

Theists. Does this do anything to you consciousness?

Hector Avalos point the bible is irrelevant at this time .
Lets take the 10 commandments

Don't honor your parents, they are just out dated and take away what has value , they don't need it
Go on and take any thing you want rob , if some bastard gets in your way kill him
Fuck any woman you want if the husband gets in your way , mow him down .
If your neighbor have a new car go on put some dents in.
Don't tell the truth because it will cause harm to you.

For Judeo Christian Islam society the Bible was the guide
Hector found for himself a niche among Spanish people to sell his books

Variants of the 10 commandments were around way before Christianity.

God himself does not keep them so if he is to be our best example and we are to emulate him, we should break them as well and he has given us the exact natures that we need to do his will as he does.

I could trash more than one of the commandments but I will pick your first example and ask you a direct question that you will not likely answer.

Would you tell a child who is raped by her father while her mother turns a blind eye to honor her parents?
