Theists: Could you be wrong?

Is it possible, in your opinion, that your God does not exist?

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Valued Senior Member
Ok, starting off I'd like to make clear that I will be doing a similar thread/poll for Atheists in the future. But for now, this one is strictly for the vote of Theists.

Discuss if you like, though not necessary, of course. :D

The question: Is it possible, in your opinion, that your belief in God could be false and that God does not actually exist? Please answer honestly.
Yes , I could be wrong !!!!! It is one of the things that give me self doubt . It is hard to believe I am wrong for I feel like my life has no validation if I am wrong. If I am right then life for everyone will get better and better as time unfolds and it could be magnificent by the time my son is an adult
do you really think the theists on this board who are claiming that their god is real and true for all of mankind is really going to vote that they could be incorrect? then they would have to stop that line of reasoning on this board.

and if they did vote that they couldn't be wrong, then it would really show how closed-minded or egotistical it is. it would just reconfirm all the things that the religions are accused of or others are frustrated by.

theists for the most part, and especially fundamentalists have a hard time separating what is personal from what is outside of them. meaning their personal beliefs are not validated to them unless everyone else agrees it's real too. this makes some sense but in a certain way it doesn't because they have plenty of people of their own faith to validate it and they are also not on the fringe, their rights are not being oppressed etc.

i think they would most likely avoid this one.
i'll be the first to admit that i'm 87 kinds of wrong. humans are so inherently wrong, and we're conditioned to be even more wrong, and i feel that. that is something i believe i know because i know god. the fact that i can't define god, makes this question a little weird, but i would have to say that whatever it is that has interacted with me and enlightened me, might as well be god, according to the characteristics, means, and accomplishments i've observed, in my experiences.
Ok, starting off I'd like to make clear that I will be doing a similar thread/poll for Atheists in the future. But for now, this one is strictly for the vote of Theists.

Discuss if you like, though not necessary, of course. :D

The question: Is it possible, in your opinion, that your belief in God could be false and that God does not actually exist? Please answer honestly.
Just to set the context for the discussion, what is an example of something that exists with such certainty as to avoid the possibility of not existing?
both the answers are evasive. first one says i am wrong (about other things) but not that there is a possibility that god may not exist and it's just my faith that it does (i know god rather than i believe in my version). second is just turning the question around.

does this surprise anyone?
Good god. Its really not that difficult and there really isn't an answer beside the two presented. Just answer the question or take the tautological debate elsewhere.
Good god. Its really not that difficult and there really isn't an answer beside the two presented. Just answer the question or take the tautological debate elsewhere.

He's right, you either believe or you don't.
Good god. Its really not that difficult and there really isn't an answer beside the two presented. Just answer the question or take the tautological debate elsewhere.
The question asks whether something is possible. Its as easy or as difficult as one can define the parameters of possibility. Since you wrote the OP I was just asking what you had in mind.

Seems to me the OP is asking if any of the theists here are of the slightest bit agnostic in their views. Got any doubts at all, open to any new ideas if they came along?
both the answers are evasive. first one says i am wrong (about other things) but not that there is a possibility that god may not exist and it's just my faith that it does (i know god rather than i believe in my version). second is just turning the question around.

does this surprise anyone?
if thats directed at me and you don't have a reference for it, I think its possible you are making things up ....

more details
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He's right, you either believe or you don't.


Seems to me the OP is asking if any of the theists here are of the slightest bit agnostic in their views. Got any doubts at all, open to any new ideas if they came along?


i was talking about light and lori's answer.

No worries. I should have clarified that my response was directed toward lightgigantic.
both the answers are evasive. first one says i am wrong (about other things) but not that there is a possibility that god may not exist and it's just my faith that it does (i know god rather than i believe in my version). second is just turning the question around.

does this surprise anyone?

would it surprise anyone if i said birch, you're paranoid?

lg's question is entirely valid.

maybe you could relate it to what i said. i don't have faith that god exists. i know god exists because of my experience, and the impact this thing has had on my life. and THAT is why i have faith in god. IT IS TRUST IN SOMETHING I KNOW. i can not define what god is, and i don't really give a shit what you want to call it. something made a huge impact on me personally, and according to what i have's means, it's characteristics, the effect it's had on me...i call it god.
would it surprise anyone if i said birch, you're paranoid?

lg's question is entirely valid.

maybe you could relate it to what i said. i don't have faith that god exists. i know god exists because of my experience, and the impact this thing has had on my life. and THAT is why i have faith in god. IT IS TRUST IN SOMETHING I KNOW. i can not define what god is, and i don't really give a shit what you want to call it. something made a huge impact on me personally, and according to what i have's means, it's characteristics, the effect it's had on me...i call it god.


Is it possible that what you have observed and it's "means, it's characteristics" could very well be internal and not external? In other words, do you think that it may just be a result of simple neurons in your brain and not something higher than yourself?

Is it possible that what you have observed and it's "means, it's characteristics" could very well be internal and not external? In other words, do you think that it may just be a result of simple neurons in your brain and not something higher than yourself?

no, absolutely not. i don't understand the logistics of it all mz. i can't define what's higher than myself entirely, but at the bare minimum, i would say it is the whole, or the universe, and that's true regardless of whether my brain and it's neurons agree.
The question: Is it possible, in your opinion, that your belief in God could be false and that God does not actually exist? Please answer honestly.

Serious problems (ie. feeling threatened) around "being right about God" arise only for those people (theist or atheist) who have knowingly used their beliefs about God in order to gain material benefits, gain control over other people with the intention to elevate themselves at the expense of others, or in order to "feel good"; and for those people who have done the former unknowingly but who, upon becoming aware of their conduct, do not feel any remorse.

Similar problems can arise for someone who does not actually have a stance on God, but who views the (prospective) use and advantage of "being right about God" as a matter of gaining material benefits, gaining control over other people with the intention to elevate themselves at the expense of others, or in order to "feel good".

Conversely, someone who does not have the desire to control others in some more or less gross or subtle way (ie. someone who does not seek safety in this world and/or by their own effort) will not feel threatened by other people's proclamations of certainty.
Seems to me the OP is asking if any of the theists here are of the slightest bit agnostic in their views. Got any doubts at all, open to any new ideas if they came along?
obviously not

The very nature of identifying one's self as an atheist/agnostic/theist means that one isn't open to a certain set of "new ideas".
Agnostic is not related to the other two terms. It is the degree that someone thinks knowledge of a subject can be known. And given that, new knowledge could change someone who was agnostic of something.

Now you could be an agnostic theist, believe but think that there's no way to substantiate that belief. But you could still answer the OP question either way.