Theists/atheists: Why do other people believe in God?

What is the main reason why other people believe in God?

  • They think God is needed to explain good and fight evil in the world.

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • God's plan is visible in the world.

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • They think that, without God, there would be no morality.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They were raised to believe in God.

    Votes: 21 43.8%
  • God answers their prayers.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • The bible/Qu'ran/other text tells them God exists.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Everybody needs to believe in something.

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • God gives meaning to their lives.

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • They experience God everywhere in their daily lives.

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • They think the universe is so perfect/complex, it must have been designed by God.

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • They are afraid of death/the unknown.

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Other...

    Votes: 3 6.3%

  • Total voters

James R

Just this guy, you know?
Staff member
The above poll is part of a three-part survey of posters to the Religion forum.

If you believe in God, please reply to the poll in the following thread:

Theists poll

If you're an atheist or agnostic, please reply to the poll in the following thread:

Atheists/agnostics poll

If you have any comments you'd like to make on why you think most people believe in God, please post them in this thread.

I will comment on the overall results once we get a significant number of votes.
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I think it is mostly how they were raised.

I'm not sure they'll all admit it, but I believe being brought up by religious parents is the driving factor for many people. Since they were born they have gone to church every week, taught to pray etc...

I'm am so grateful that my parents weren't religious, I've been able to make my own mind up about the whole thing.

Originally posted by croper
I think it is mostly how they were raised.

I'm not sure they'll all admit it, but I believe being brought up by religious parents is the driving factor for many people. Since they were born they have gone to church every week, taught to pray etc...

I'm am so grateful that my parents weren't religious, I've been able to make my own mind up about the whole thing.

Completely agreed.
There are many people who converted to one faith after having another faith, or "no faith". Upbringing plays a major part, but who is to say that whether a child knows God or not cannot depend on whether his parents knew God or not? After all, all Christians are in a sense the 'children' of people who believed in Christ. At any rate, it seems most people here did have a religious upbringing, which they rejected anyway.

But we are not talking about any religious system here. The poll is about "God". The question is a bit biased because it doesn't say which "God". I came to know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through my parents. So did many Muslims. But I came to know Jesus through the Bible, and the Bible is just a testimony to the acts of Jesus. I believe in the truth of that testimony because Jesus believed it. In the end, faith is a product of prayer and searching for God, after having started to believe in Him.
I think it is mostly how they were raised.
yeah, i agree.

though i think that religion gives people purpose in life is another big factor. i don't think most can handle the thought that we're just here for no particular reason except perhaps to procreate. it's a hard concept to accept i reckon. besides, who wouldn't like to be important to a god.

i think human nature factors mainly in that area. we're arrogant therefore we are important therefore we have purpose. something i don't quite agree with.
the best way to guess someones religion is to ask what there parents were. Sure there are people who convert. But the vast majority stick with more or less what they were raised with. You dont see alot of Hindus being born to Roman Catholic parents. Relgion is like language, food and many other things, its cultural.

So I would say that most people beleive whatever because they were taught to and it is the easything to do.
Most people believe what they're taught

Originally posted by spacemanspiff
the best way to guess someones religion is to ask what there parents were. Sure there are people who convert. But the vast majority stick with more or less what they were raised with. You dont see alot of Hindus being born to Roman Catholic parents. Relgion is like language, food and many other things, its cultural.

So I would say that most people beleive whatever because they were taught to and it is the easything to do.

This is why Xianity perpetuated for 2,000 years! Most people who believe whatever they were taught have simple minds. It IS the easiest thing to do--because they don't 'question' what their parents taught them. They accept it because they fear God and have been led to believe they need a savior to save them from their human screw-ups!
Why all the "thinks" in the poll. A believer knows that there is a God. M*W to save from their screw ups means not screwing up does it? I don't quite understand your religion. So your going to raise yourself up?
Medicine*Woman's religion?

Originally posted by okinrus
Why all the "thinks" in the poll. A believer knows that there is a God. M*W to save from their screw ups means not screwing up does it? I don't quite understand your religion. So your going to raise yourself up?

okinrus, thinking is believing. As humans, we all have the tendencies to 'screw-up.' We're mortal beings, and son, you wouldn't understand my faith since you are already programmed by Xianity. I was created by God, for God's purpose as well as for mine, and to be an integral part of humanity serving my fellow wo/mankind. By allowing me to have this life at this time, it is my job to fulfill God's purpose for me whatever that is. Because I am here, I do not need to be 'raised-up.' God has allowed me to live a long and happy life (but not without personal tribulations). Salvation (for lack of another word which you wouldn't understand) has already been given to those of us who are here. Salvation means 'life.' And, yes, I am One with God. God lives in me just like he's been trying to live in you, but you keep being distracted by focusing your entire belief on Jesus! I have no religion. I have God. God has me. That's all that's needed.

A believer knows that there is a God.
No not quite. A believer only thinks he knows there is a God. He can’t actually know because there is no proof that gods exist.
okinrus, thinking is believing. As humans, we all have the tendencies to 'screw-up.' We're mortal beings, and son, you wouldn't understand my faith since you are already programmed by Xianity.
You have a strange notion that I'm programmed or something. All I've done is read the historical evidence, the bible, and said a few prayers. Your wrong, thinking is not believing. Thinking implies doubt and distrust. But God is Trust.

Salvation (for lack of another word which you wouldn't understand) has already been given to those of us who are here. Salvation means 'life.'
Salvation is eternal life or at least having eternal life within you. The defintion of salvation really depends on the author, protestants have warped notion of salvation. For right now, I would say salvation is having grace and freedom from sin.

And, yes, I am One with God. God lives in me just like he's been trying to live in you, but you keep being distracted by focusing your entire belief on Jesus! I have no religion. I have God. God has me. That's all that's needed.
Now I must ask you a few questions. Is your religion a personal revelation or based on outside spirits perhaps even God himself? Do you have a code of ethics? Maybe a simple one like Wicca's "An it harm none, do what ye will". What books outline your faith?

You theology that God is within you is from christianity. This is from the martyrdom of Ignatius of Antioch, the place where christians were first called "christians".

"Trajan said, "Dost thou then carry within thee Him that was crucified?" Ignatius replied, "Truly so; for it is written, 'I will dwell in them, and walk in them.'" Then Trajan pronounced sentence as follows: "We command that Ignatius, who affirms that he carries about within him Him that was crucified, be bound by soldiers, and carried to the great [city] Rome, there to be devoured by the beasts, for the gratification of the people."

Thinking implies doubt and distrust. But God is Trust.

Its not wrong to think. How do you even know God is trust if you haven't even thought about it objectively? It is not wrong to question and think for yourself, what is wrong, is to simply accept something without questioning its credibility.
Medicine*Woman's beliefs

Originally posted by atheroy
bloody hell.

but for someone who is not a programed christian i would like to hear more about your beliefs M*W.

Thank you for your interest in my beliefs! I shall endeavor to share more of them with you and the forum.
Many people believe in God simply because they don't enjoy thinking about the topic. God is teh easy answer because you can attribute everything to him that is good and blame everything that is bad on Satan.
Blame it on God & Satan

Originally posted by Ectropic
Many people believe in God simply because they don't enjoy thinking about the topic. God is teh easy answer because you can attribute everything to him that is good and blame everything that is bad on Satan.

Exactly! The longer I live, the less I believe in the powers of God and Satan and more in the power of my own Self!
Originally posted by spacemanspiff
the best way to guess someones religion is to ask what there parents were.

yes agreed. i chose that one in the poll. but my family never follows the rules it seems. my grandpa was jewish, my grandma catholic, my mom's whole side is lutheran. they raised my brothers and i catholic. my brother is still catholic and married to a southern baptist. i kind of go my own nontheist way. i've got my eye on a lutheran whose father's side is catholic.
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People believe in god because it comforts know that something or someone is looking out for them and their loved ones. I see it as a giant parent childern relationship. Those who believe in god also see them as sort of a a parent maybe.
I think that the choice of religion/GodFrame is largely determined by upbringing, but I don't think it's an adequate response the the general question "Why do people believe in God?"... consider why their parents believe... why their parents' parents believed... etc.

I think that the God meme is common mostly because of the "meaning of life" factor.
"You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is
not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need
to believe." -Carl Sagan