Theism/Atheism: how did you start?

Theism/Atheism: how did you begin?

  • Started Atheist, became Theist

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Started Theist, became Atheist

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • Started Atheist, stayed Atheist

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Started Theist, stayed Theist

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters
Awwk! beware, the agnostics of the forums will seek you out and annihilate you!!! :D

Just kidding. Lemme tell you about this interestign dialogue I had with my dad when I was like...what, 6 or 7?

Me: ok, so how did life start?

Dad: No one knows for sure, there are many theories?

M: like what, dad?

D: weeeellll....someone says that life slowly came out of the swirling chaos of the earth.

M: What?? How could that happen?

D: No one knows for sure. There's another one. Another says that there was this being...

M: Being? Like who?

D: It doesn't matter. They say that the being made things as they are. That being made everything that is.

M: So? Who made the being?



D: The being was just there since the beginning of time.

M: That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, dad.

See? Y'know what this is about, right? When I heard about religion, I recognized it and that distant memory just sorta reappeared to me. Started atheist, still atheist. Probably will be atheist.
it was a little different for me.

It was more like God is lord...
<repeat for 14 years>


Wait... What am i saying... <history Teacher comes in>... religon is a tool used for control... Oh I see... God is Right because he said so... Alright... I'm out!!

thiest -- Athiest (truth)
Hehe, I was an alter boy with a devout catholic mother. It never was a rejection thing...I just came to my senses and starting using my brain instead of ignoring it. Not thinking -> thinking.
I was raised as a Christian but never liked it. I go to the church pretty much to meet chicks. Other than that I hated all activities like bible studies. I hate watching the same play over and over during easter. I have seen the story of jesus a bizilliion times.
Actually, I was a theist until I became a member here. I always had doubts, but thanks to a certain atheist member - I have seen the light! I hated the guilt that was always in the pit of my stomach when I was a Christian. Guilt about EVERYTHING! Now, I only feel guilty when I do something that I feel is wrong. Going by own moral code here, not some books. And if there was only proof..... I just might change my mind again. The predetermined thingy really got me thinking also.

Take care:)

Great stuff. You are the second member here I have seen who has admitted to deconversion.

Take care
I was raised as an atheist. My parents mocked religion and religious people, they were purely materialistic.
I was this way too. But then I got interested in ufo's and started to read many books about that phenomena, which lead into more books about ockultism. My grandmother started telling me about her spiritual experiences. She and her brother are psychics, clairvoyants. I got very interested. Then I started reading more spiritual books, self-help books, which lead to reading "heavier" books on the subject of cosmic order and universal love, psychology and philosophy. I started to remember seing ghosts as a child at my grandmothers, which she confirmed. I was scared to death to pass a certain hallway in her home, because a man with dark clothes, a tall hat and long white beard used to stand there and stare at me.
I started to get out of body experiences, astral projections. I started to meditate to evolve spiritually. I got more and more convinced that my parents were utterly wrong and that there is more to reality than what we know. I don't know if this makes me a theist, because I'm not a follower of any religion, but I do believe in souls, spirits and other dimensions, and a large soul, often referred to as "God", like a collector-soul of our souls, our common soul.
And, my mother has followed me. In her own way, of course. She started to get involved with shamanism and there she found her spirituality. Now it has evolved beyond shamanism to a larger perspective.
So you see, sometimes the parent teaches the child and sometimes the child teaches the parent. :)
I know what you mean Bebelina

Yes, my science teacher was a very spiritual person, there is nothing wrong being a spiritual person, it puts a positive attitude on you and does not affect you logically concerning science, it helps you to be a much better and loving person.

That is why I'm simply not atheist they reject spirits, etc. Not just God.
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