Thee Book.d (Extracts Chapter One)


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if all breaks down to frequencys the as a matter of knowing wich frequencys do wich job thus make wich oject then wich frequncy or combination is the be all end all of objects to exist simple yes there was once a single freqency lets make it easyer we will use colours well there was this colour then in a sutal change it shade changed well since the original is not the exact coulor as the shade change then it can not hold the same space so now there are two coulors(frequencys) well this process continues to a piont till thruogh amalgimation this body of freqencys gains the ability to control the out come of changes thus inturn gains the ability to build objects remember that all objects break down to a list of frequencys well ya end up will a frequency that has the ability to creat and with experimentation gains the capasity to know the outcome of an amalgimation of frequencys get it now well thiere is a limmited number of combinations of frequencys the same as there is a limmit to the amount of coulors you can creat and amalgimations that can take place so when that piont is reached how do you asure that continual growth can take place and continue well its simple you just......................................................
..........(Extracts From THEE BOOK.d by Jahmah)