The "Zetas" talk


Registered Senior Member
Have any of you seen this???
IMO a very elaborate and well executed hoax, but an interesting read anyways.

Ok, don't get me wrong here I'm not a ufo basher, I find it hard NOT to believe that advanced beings have found their way here. I just find it hard to believe things that just appear in cyberspace, y'know Anyways give it a look an tell me what you think

[This message has been edited by JMitch (edited June 26, 1999).]
I'd like to give you all a little history regarding Zetatalk. Their "leader", Nancy, caused a major flap when Comet Hale-Bopp was in our neighborhood. She engaged various astronomers on an astronomy newsgroup and argued with them about Hale-Bopp and what she saw as course changes in its orbit. I believe I've read that she claims to receive channeled information. I'm sorry but I do not agree with some of your posts. Zetatalk may be an interesting site to check out but I wouldn't want to "hang out" there for very long.
I just received channeled information from ZZxaret XAWWQQ from the planet J, informing me that Nancy is a bored bimbo with no life.

But what do *I* know?

To quote you: "I'm sorry
but I do not agree with some of your posts. Zetatalk may be an
interesting site to check out but I wouldn't want to "hang out"
there for very long.

Nooo. my views are entirely my own--Just as you're entitled to yours. In fact, the reason i took interest in the subject is because it's ideas come close to mine, from beforehand. Secondly, I am in no way pro-schizo! lol.

Happy hunting, Jmitch
Sorry to be so negative about Zetatalk. Which of their ideas are similar to your own? I have to admit that I have always thought that it was extremely odd that there were not more pictures of Hale-Bopp released to the public. Here we had a naked-eye object that was capturing the attention of hundreds of thousands of people and no really good pictures were released.
ZetaTalk is a bunch of B.S.
I went there and read a bunch of files;
however, I made haste to get the hell
out of there before the info. on there
screwed me up.
Now don't call me a "Skeptic."
Ok, fine. Call me a skeptic if you want,
but only because I'm skeptic to the
paranoia that's been going on here.

For years now it's always been the same
story, the same thing over and over again.
If its not crop circles, it's either
little grey gays probing men up the
ass with glowing vibrators.
For some time now nothing about Ufology
seemed to add up. Suddenly a person
living in la-la land comes along and
writes up a homepage full of crap
to back you all up.

sorry guys and girls, I'm not an entire
skeptic, but reading some of that
material just made me sick.
Can you believe that? The author
kept refering herself as a Zetan by
using the such words as "we the Zetans..."

Just keep in mind that just because
someone wrote up something doesn't mean
it's true. People can lie too you know.

Guess what everyone.

The other day when I was surfing the
net, I stumbled upon this page and
what was on it was just amazing.
The author (writer of the page) was
claiming that we've never been to
the moon.

Just to tell you all. If you're stupid
enough to believe ZetaTalk, you've
gotta be stupid enough to believe
trash like that.
Good, I can say that it sucks too...and it does! I was hoping for an intelligent discussion of the material, to expose it for what it is. But forget it, it looks like the readership of this board is thankfully above it.
How about this...if you think that the Zetatalk site is a bunch of bull shit like I do, BUT you're not a Christian, get ready to be "converted", because soon you will have to choose between one theory and another, and you will not have the priviledge of speculating while sitting on a proverbial fence. Not to say that it will be the EXACT Zetatalk theory which is ultimately presented, but it will be something similar enough that the Antichrist will propagate and use to denounce Christianity. Get ready to get religion, people! Praise the Lord!

God loves you and so do I!
If ever I saw a full stop (a "period" for our American friends) signalling the end of a thread, this was it :>

Well, almost...
Well, that's just fine with me, but when the shit hits the fan, remember what I've said.

God loves you and so do I!

could you tell us when you came upon these doomsday ideas ? You told us that there was a definite point where you became a christian, did you already have the idea before that or did the reading of the apocalyps triggered it all ?

"If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants."
Isaac Newton
Duh, Al, I didn't mean the EVERYDAY shit, I meant the end of the world shit, sweety-pants.


I can tell by your question that, OF COURSE (what a shocker), you are proposing that I haven't put much thought into this, or I've been brainwashed, or whatever. You know, I really get tired of everyone making that assumption. I don't make that assumption about others, I just may not agree with the conclusions that they've come to. I've never assumed that this isn't a very difficult topic to theorize about. It's really unfair, because if you knew exactly how many volumes and volumes of information from a WIDE VARIETY OF SOURCES, that I've read before I even started making any conclusions, and if you were aware of how intelligent I am (standardized test scores, IQ, degrees, etc) you would definately not be quite so patronizing. I'm not going to tell you how I came to this conclusion right now, because I don't really think that you want to know. I just think that you would like to make fun of me some more. So piss off.

God loves you and so do I!

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited September 02, 1999).]
If you would like to know where I'm getting my ideas from, a good place to start would be to read a book called "God and the gods" by Miriam Hellman. I'm reading it now, and so, that would make it impossible for this book to have influenced my ideas until the present. I have come to the same conclusions as this woman has by reading many other sources of the Bible, alien abduction accounts, accounts of other paranormal activity, accounts of near-death experiences, Zetatalk and other accounts of "contact" like I AM AMERICA, volumes of info on new age religion including Share International's web site, lots of scientific info, which you guys out here have helped with, and then finally, take a look around, would you (current events), and many other sources of info on prophecy like Nostradamus, Egdar Caycy, Hopi Indian, and so on. But the book I'm reading now is a really good compilation of Biblical verses which clearly address the very topics that we continually go round and round about. So why don't you all just read the book, instead of assuming that I've pulled all of this shit straight out of my ass. When I'm finished reading it, I'm planning to post the main theory contained in the book, along with various supporting exerpts, on a different string.

God loves you and so do I!

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited September 02, 1999).]
Also Plato,

I don't think that I expressed myself correctly about there being a definate point where I was "converted". In many ways, it has been a life-long search and learning experience. Maybe there was one or a few specific circumstances that really drove the point home to me, but those circumstances alone could not have done it. That's why sometimes it is difficult to respond to the questions of when and why and how, and the need to provide specific concrete examples of what has happened in my heart. It's hard to put all of it into words without writing a complete and detailed history of my life. What I do know is that being saved is just like getting a new pair of glasses, after using an incorrect prescription for your entire life up to that point. That is exactly the way the Bible explains it too. The truth is veiled, and you need the holy spirit to lift the veil. So basically I'm saying don't get frustrated because what I say doesn't make sense to you (or maybe I should say that I shouldn't get frustrated because you don't understand). You need the holy spirit to really see clearly.

God loves you and so do I!

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited September 02, 1999).]
damn lori...... you can prob type really fast. but, i used to beileive all that christian shit, but now i have used my head, and come out of it. i mean, if there was a great god, who was perfect, then why did he have all of us come down to earth in the first place, he sopposovly already knows whos goinbg to hevan and who's going to hell. so why waste the time of the people, the bible said that were not gonna look back once were in heaven, so why have earth???
