The West


Valued Senior Member
Baha'i missionary arrests
Iranian authorities have reportedly arrested several women for doing missionary work for the Baha'is, the religious group whose persecution by the Islamic republic has been condemned by human rights activists and governments around the globe. For a long time now, those who wanted to recruit young Iranian men to join the Baha'is used attractive women as bait," the site said. "Israel has given sanctuary to the leaders of this perverted group [Baha'is] for many years, and the United States and Britain have provided them with billions of dollars to engage in propaganda."
Yup, just like SAM always says. It's all the West fault. The West.


Bloody West!

See here:

Black Iraqis

Their faces and darker skins make them look different. They are routinely called "slave" by the majority, whatever their profession. But Iraq's black population hopes that Barack Obama's rise to the White House will mark a turning point for minorities not just in the United States, but also in their country. The Movement of Free Iraqis was founded two years ago and on January 31 it will run the first slate of black candidates in Iraq's modern history. Thijeel hands me the party's documents that spell out its demands. Foremost is that the government recognize blacks as an official minority in Iraq. This is key, because power in Iraq is apportioned along ethnic, religious and even tribal lines.

"There's a change in international politics," he tells me. "Obama won, and not that long ago, in his country, black people were marginalized, so this event has shattered all barriers."
See here, more problems stirred up by The West.


... Bloody West! Screwing up everying.

Note in the CNN article:
Their history goes back 1,000 years to the time when Africans were brought as slaves to the south of Iraq to drain marshes and build Basra. Many Iraqis still call blacks "abed," an Arabic word that means "slave." Thijeel grimaces when he pronounces it. It's demeaning, he says, and he wants the government to forbid its use.
Why 1000 years ago, that's what? During the Arab Golden Age ... yup, all the West's fault.
Don't you mean SAM(s)?


Anyway, it's not only the SAMs, it's also many people like to blame the "West". My Iranian friend specifically said that this is one of the biggest problems in Iran, no one wanting to do anything except blame blame blame... ... Even in the top article what does this dipwad think - it's the West's fault!

Somehow the USA (or even better "The West") is secretly managing to hold down Muslim nations. It's not true, and has little if anything to do with the "West" ... these nations are holding themselves back.

Imaging if >90% of your country was worried about offending their imaginations and on top of this, the fruitloops who really go to the top, I mean run the country - they are the ones who hear invisible voices telling them things! Imagine teaching people it's ok to smack your woman around. Or forcing them to wear a tent. etc...

Oh, there's no doubt that these countries are screwed up, but it has little to do with the west. If anything, by our buying their oil we have given them and built for them much more than they would have ever developed on their own.
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In order to be at fault there must be two sides to anything. So if one side sees things one way and the other see;s things in a different viewpoint, then one will always see the other as the problem because they don't see things the way they do. Instead of trying to respect each others views and try to establish a reasonable balance and understanding between each other , they only want to fight about the way they want everything to be their way . Conflicts will then develop and nothing gets accomplished.
Somehow the USA (or even better "The West") is secretly managing to hold down Muslim nations. It's not true, and has little if anything to do with the "West" ... these nations are holding themselves back.

Imaging if >90% of your country was worried about offending their imaginations and on top of this, the fruitloops who really go to the top, I mean run the country - they are the ones who hear invisible voices telling them things! Imagine teaching people it's ok to smack your woman around. Or forcing them to wear a tent. etc...

Oh, there's no doubt that these countries are screwed up, but it has little to do with the west. If anything, by our buying their oil we have given them and built for them much more than they would have ever developed on their own.

Of course, Because they're so advanced now thanks to you (you think).
They're going to give up Centuries of ingrained habits.

The west isn't that great son.
It wasn't easy to get to the point where we in the USA could finally have elected an African American. It takes a lot of work, continued effort and vigilance - and it's still a bitch to get this far. It's certainly not our fault the ME hasn't. No one from "The West" is standing over the shoulders of Iranians and forcing them to prosecute Baha'i. They do that of their own accord because of their own religious beliefs. It has nothing to do with the USA or anyone else - it's their fault. No one from "The West" is forcing Iraqi Arabs to act like bigots towards Iraqi's who are from African ancestry. They do it because it's part of their culture to think being Arab is better than being African. They act like bigots because they are bigoted people.

The West used to be like this. But, we matured and progressed socially. It's not our fault people in the ME haven't. Each day they choose to act this way or that and the sum of those choices is the real reason why people in the ME are in the shape they are in.

That's the point anyway. I posted the OP to show how ludicrous it is to keep blaming this mythical "The West" guy for what's your own damn fault.
I think you're obsessed with SAM. As is a lot of people on this site.

A lot of people lurk and read but never post. Most of what Michael says to SAM is as much for THEIR benefit as it is for hers. It is a noble thing that Michael does.
It wasn't easy to get to the point where we in the USA could finally have elected an African American. It takes a lot of work, continued effort and vigilance - and it's still a bitch to get this far. It's certainly not our fault the ME hasn't. No one from "The West" is standing over the shoulders of Iranians and forcing them to prosecute Baha'i. They do that of their own accord because of their own religious beliefs. It has nothing to do with the USA or anyone else - it's their fault. No one from "The West" is forcing Iraqi Arabs to act like bigots towards Iraqi's who are from African ancestry. They do it because it's part of their culture to think being Arab is better than being African. They act like bigots because they are bigoted people.

The West used to be like this. But, we matured and progressed socially. It's not our fault people in the ME haven't. Each day they choose to act this way or that and the sum of those choices is the real reason why people in the ME are in the shape they are in.

That's the point anyway. I posted the OP to show how ludicrous it is to keep blaming this mythical "The West" guy for what's your own damn fault.

Just a point. You realize that the West, often support brutal dictators, which just you know, might have a slight impact in the middle east?
But Religion is a large component, primarily because it makes it easier for people to manipulate.
:D I had to take a break, honestly. It's tough when you go to work, maybe miss a day on the site, and you come back to find the thread you left now 7 pages longer.

I left for over a year and came back to find a thread wherein people were postulating that I was the shooter at Virginia Tech. The day I decided to leave I posted a simple "Goodbye beautiful world" and that was the day the shooting occurred. At the time I lived in Virginia.

Some guy was even pulling up posts I made that "confirmed" I was the guy. :(
I left for over a year and came back to find a thread wherein people were postulating that I was the shooter at Virginia Tech. The day I decided to leave I posted a simple "Goodbye beautiful world" and that was the day the shooting occurred. At the time I lived in Virginia.

Some guy was even pulling up posts I made that "confirmed" I was the guy. :(

Holy shit, dude. I had no idea.
Do you think anti-West sentiment is keeping religion alive and well in the East? Have to get God in on it too you know.
Do you think anti-West sentiment is keeping religion alive and well in the East? Have to get God in on it too you know.

No. Poverty helps keep it alive. As does the primitive and strict nature of Islam. But combining the two is what makes it really bad. Not to mention that these people live on the land that is written about in their holy books, which adds a level of fucked-upness to the whole thing that we can't really fathom.

It's tough enough dealing with Evangelicals in Tennessee. Imagine if Jesus was born in Memphis?
Wait, Jesus wasn't born in Memphis?

Speaking of Jesus, he gave me a call the other day. Was having computer problems, the poor guy. I got him set straight. Seemed like a nice enough chap.