The Wave Function Unifies Science with Alchemy


I am very confident that I've found the point where physics meets alchemy and the esoteric realities of occultism. Every molecule, atom and particle has an etheric duplicate; the etheric duplicate for the hydrogen atom looks like this. I am personally satisfied, and made whole, by this explanation. The etheric plane, etheric body and the teachings of theosophy are now compatible with science and quantum mechanics.

In cases where ghosts, angels or spirits of the dead have been witnessed, I am satisfied by the explanation that such ethereal entities might be explained as a large scale quantum wave function phenomena. My heart has bled for thirty years that I could not reconcile science with my deepest spiritual nature. Today I am healed and made whole in the knowledge that the ethereal plane, from the point of view of science, would look like the wave-function solutions of quantum mechanics.
You're obsessed with wave functions to where you want to use the notion to explain everything.

Here's a good flick; You should watch it.

The wave-function is the key to making science compatible with occultism, spirituality and religion. Using the wave-function Psi, I can calculate the eigenstates for a particle's position, momentum, energy, angular momentum, etc. Science says there is a random probability that the particle will be in any one of these eigenstates. If there exists an entity that can predict the exact eigenstate that the particle will be in next, and that entity can do it repeatedly, then that entity is exercising a supernatural ability that is beyond the capability of man.
Congratulations. You've learned how to speculate, wildly, while standing atop a platform already built upon mere assumption. It's fun, sure, but subsequent declarations of certainty are for small minds that can't handle the adventure of mystery.

Either that or you're just trolling these forums. Some of your posts definitely have that sort of flavour.
Congratulations. You've learned how to speculate, wildly, while standing atop a platform already built upon mere assumption. It's fun, sure, but subsequent declarations of certainty are for small minds that can't handle the adventure of mystery.

Either that or you're just trolling these forums. Some of your posts definitely have that sort of flavour.

I've had encounters and experiences with the paranormal all my life. So have many people I know. Eigenstates of quantum systems (wave-functions) are random and unpredictable to science. Should you ever encounter forces of God and good that can see or even control which eigenstate the particle is in (or will be in), in effect violating the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, then it is a truly special and joyous event. It will change your life for the better. But if you are caustic and hostile towards such paranormal activity, it won't come around and it won't aid you when you ask for help.

Paranormal and occult activity are rare occurrences; but they are also compatible with quantum mechanics and with science.

I'm sorry if you think I'm a troll; I'm not. I am communicating very sincerely. I only want to be a source of hope.
But if you are caustic and hostile towards such paranormal activity, it won't come around and it won't aid you when you ask for help.

I'm not caustic and hostile toward paranormal activity, I am simply somewhat intolerant of the act of claiming certainty with respect to metaphysical propositions that are beyond the reach of rigorous empirical investigation. In other words, the act of pretending to know shit that you don't actually know.
I'm not caustic and hostile toward paranormal activity, I am simply somewhat intolerant of the act of claiming certainty with respect to metaphysical propositions that are beyond the reach of rigorous empirical investigation. In other words, the act of pretending to know shit that you don't actually know.

Sometimes, it's entertaining.