The Walls At Giza


Registered Senior Member
Forwarded e-mail. What do you people think of this? Check out the website please for pics on the wall at Giza...:)

Does anyone know anything about THIS?? When it came to my attention in the ExoScience list, I was floored!! I haven't heard a *thing* -- NOT A THING -- about this fence until now. Gawd -- you know, this frightens me -- it's like Egypt is either preparing for (a) war, (b) natural disaster, (c) new world order and access restrictions, or (d) all of the above.

You can check out the website with pictures by clicking here:

I'm also posting the article from that website (below) for the benefit of any one using a vocal reader.

- James -

===== Article Starts Here =====

New Walls Encircle Pyramidal Complex at Giza

Article written by:
Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.

Since the beginning of 2002, Dr. J.J. Hurtak and a European
team of investigators and explorers have been recording the
construction of a massive system of walls being placed
around the historic pyramidal sites and the larger
unexcavated area of Giza, Egypt -- in total, an area
covering approximately eight square kilometers. Why build
these massive walls at this time? Certainly Giza is one of
the finest archaeological zones of the world. Are there new
treasures of ancient Egypt yet to be uncovered that require
sophisticated technology and surveillance platforms, to
protect the ongoing research along the Giza plateau? Has,
perhaps, an area been discovered that shows tracings of rare
earths and unique minerals? Or is it simply, as some
officials are claiming, a move to protect the plateau from
terrorists and control the masses of tourists visiting the

The standard argument for the creation of such a wall is
"crowd control", but the details of this new construction
suggest an initiative that is both multi-purpose and grand
scale: the wall near Nazlat al Salman will be, at a minimum,
7 meters (22 feet) high. Are such measures solely for crowd

The walls have been built in stages. Images taken in
February of 2002 reveal the walls extending far out into the
desert where, for the most part, they have not been
noticeable to the average visitor. Note the foundation and
the massive re-bar supports. The walls have been carefully
constructed on a deep and wide foundation (at least 2 meters
below ground) with iron rod poles poised to support the
concrete interfaces, with room for a special attachable
cover. All in all this suggests a gargantuan wall.

This barrier would enclose all major archaeological activity
but would do nothing to protect the archaeological site from
the strong winds that blow across the plateau. So vast is
this structure that some local village homes have been
removed, suggesting that what is envisioned on the plateau
is more than just a restricting device for visitors to the
popular site. What we see is a larger, carefully
thought-out design, encompassing neighboring findings and,
perhaps, protecting underground graves, tunnels and

Thus, not only are the aboveground structures contained in
this "new zone", but also the vast underground structures
yet to be uncovered. The extent of the walls clearly shows
the detailed consideration of civil engineers and
hydrological experts. (I think of the likes of the
ingenious Italian architect Paolo Soleri, who designed all
the ingredients for an underground city to match his
aboveground city in the deserts of Arizona.)

The psychological reality of guards stationed as sentries at
intervals along the entire wall carries the intrigue of a
major feature film set, designed for the few experts who are
to find an underground sphinx or obelisk, or a connection
between Osiris and the constellation of Orion, rather than
an open-door feature for thousands of well-behaved
international students of history and archaeology who have
never needed to be extensively controlled.

Indeed, are the chambers of the deep being closed in the
21st century to students of world culture history who follow
in the footsteps of explorers like Charles Piazzi Smyth and
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz, who entertained a higher meaning
to Egyptian architecture? Are these sites now being closed
to technologically gifted explorers at a time when new
proto-historic findings could serve to unite the various
camps of thinkers and philosophers in the Near East on the
basis of a grand history for all people?

We hope that newly discovered realities within the walls
will not be limited to the few, and that there will be no
concealment of important historical information that could
bring a higher knowledge and unity to all humankind.

-- Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.

(c) 2002 Academy For Future Science All Rights Reserved

Is it to keep people from getting in? In various cultures it has been said that this year, people who built the Great Pyramid would show up, return the gold and crystal capstone, and open up a gateway to another dimension. Naturally Hawass would do anything he could to make sure that he had access to this portal, and not the peeons. But that isn't how it works, as he will find out.

Initiates are supposed to be able to use this, and he is not one. If he hasn't been prepared to do this, he could cause himself harm.
This has been set up not to allow others to enter, before they have the proper knowledge. So he won't get through.

Anyhow, that is the rumour...
Legends like this are often just that - a legend. Sometimes though, they come true in some way. I would certanly be interested in seeing why this works out.
Originally posted by Banshee
In various cultures it has been said that this year, people who built the Great Pyramid would show up, return the gold and crystal capstone, and open up a gateway to another dimension.

Very interesting Banshee. Do you have any more info on this or know of where I can obtain any info?
I think I have a few questions.

  • How close to the Nile are the pyramids?

    There was a rush to do final excavations when the Aswan dam was built. Prehaps another dam is in the planning?
  • Is something in the nature of the "Great Wall" in China being built here?

    Forever, it seems, there has always been the threat of tomb robbers carrying off what they could get before the archologists could study the tomb's contents. Many artifacts have been lost this way. China built the Great Wall for much the same purpose. To prevent the spoils of raids from leaving the country.
  • Is this to be a permanet structure for all time?

    Obviously whatever is being build must stand the test of time to protect the contents that have been here for so long. As such, it would have to be built on a scale to match those contents or it will not last. If point two is valid, it must also withstand human tampering to defeat its purpose.
  • Why is the area so large that the wall covers?

    Evidently it might be thought that unknown discoveries still await finding. It sounds as if they want to be sure to enclose it all so that nothing is not "protected" by the wall within the area.
  • Why is it implied that this is a secret project?

    Something so large cannot be built without the knowledge of the Egyptian Antiquities buearu knowing of this. After all they are in charge of protecting ancient works. I would say that it is done with full knowledge of the Egyptian government and the answer might be as simple as asking.
The pyramids of Giza are about 5 miles from the NIle. According to some authors, there were expeditions in the 1970's that revealed secret doors opening inside the great pyramid, secret chambers, in which discs with knowledge of future events were found as well as ET objects. All the books concerning these expeditions have been confiscated.

Come on people, give some reply here. Is there nobody with some interesting thoughts about this? I am sure some of you must know about this.

I gave an intro. Let's go some further with this please.

Anyways, Hawass knows very well what is going on, as does the Egyptian Bureau of Antiquities.

Come on, thoughts and comments please...:)
There have been busloads of Giza tourists machine gunned to death by Islamic terrorists.

The fence that surrounds the complex now is still far from secure.

The secrets of the great pyramid are a crafted hoax of many including the out of breath Hawass the public director of Egyptian antiquities who is the PT Barnum of our day.

The many underground water canals and known chambers, passages and devices in the great pyramid point to one thing -
a great public works project of irrigation with the ingenious aid of an enormous hydraulic ram pump.

The truth should be amazing enough but people are still suckers for secrets and religion.
A toy train-sized robot opened one door deep within Egypt’s Great Pyramid early Tuesday, only to find another, leaving scientists and TV viewers alike scratching their heads.

Most interesting

What might lay beyond? No matter what, I am curious to know what they will discover in the time to come... :)
Once, a secret chamber found near the top of the great pyramid at Gaza with a fiber-optic camera revealed an Egyptian longboat. I think the pyramids have treasuretroves of hidden chambers filled with fascentating discoveries just waiting to be unearthed!
Not wanting to put a damper on this,but I have been to the great pyramid.I spent two days poking around there with friends who live out there,teaching the Embassy children.
I think that all the myths are just that ,myths.There are a lot of vibes there,but its only what people have put in to it when they visit.
I think the most interesting place is Avebury in England. It's worth a look.Its a thousand times more interesting than Stonehenge,which was mostly rebuilt by the Victorians.

Have a look at this.
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and reverance, those are the things that always came to me whenever the Pyramids would come up.

I learned a great deal about them, intrest in the subject of history. But not the history as learned in school or by the usual historians, no I was always more intrested in the alternative story's and their plots. They strung a closer chord in the ordonance of logic whithin me.

something to think about when speaking of them (the great Pyramids) :
you have to stop for a while and think about all the knowledge and technology that we have and how that affects our self-awareness and how we perceive ourselfves as 'civilised'.
now stop and go back,...back, way back into time. The egyptians had this knowledge before our beginning of time, before columbus, before the dark ages, before the romans and before the greek's.

did you know by the way that with all our present 'knowledge' and 'technology' , we can't even begin to think about building a copy of it.
they already had copper water pipes, electro-batery's, fosforlamps, ect, ect, the list goes on and on,... all things that went into smoke as time past. So maby this time they are going to 're-discover' some knowledge that was lost until it will be found in a couple of months and after several more doors.
that's my most optimistic shot. but even so> we live in a time where every knowledge is contained and controlled/not free to everyone. People have to pay and those who don't pay or can't pay they can die off or fuck off. Choose your pick. That's the time we live in, and I don't have any illusions about the altruïsm of certain economic and sientific ventures.

You all have to understand that all what we have and share today and perceive as common sense, that all that won't b e available in the future anymore,....there is no democracy,....the people are sold out, and so is this planet.

groetjes Banshee! ik ben binnenkort weer online, maar ik ben ook druk bezig te verhuizen. tot laterxxx