The video the US Army doesn't want you to see...

What Can we do when half our Nations are ae fighting with the other half.

Left vs right..Untill we come together on common ground and agree that there is no left or right, but people of the USA, UK, Canada..and we come together to undue the corrupt banks and governments, on Military and many more Issues, we are destined to sit back and make our proud People look like Criminals, when we are really caring people, and at heart the majority of us do have the right decisions and ideas at heart.
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Sounds like a lot of propaganda. Everyone knows we're over there for money, but the oppression? I'm not convinced. Sure... there are going to be incidences of soldiers committing crimes but that's human nature, its not military.

Understand I'm not saying that it's acceptable but what do you want them to do? They already have a ton of restrictions on who can and cannot join each branch which greatly limits the amount of recruits they get. These days there's such an anti-military mentality that people will look at you like a crazy murderer before you even begin your service. It doesn't help that those that do want to enlist almost always go for the airforce/navy, its gotten to the point where the airforce will reject applications because of a traffic violation.

So who do the marines and army get? A majority of the children who got cut off from their parents and have no other options. They may not be old enough to have a record, but they're certainly capable of committing the crime and with the added stress of being a soldier, then the things that go on behind closed doors can be horrific.

But this has always happened and it will continue to happen. That. is. war. If there was a way to prevent it I'm confident that such a structure as the military would be capable of enforcing it and would. At this point they need ANYTHING to boost their public reputation in order to get more recruits. If they cover up these isolated incidents, I don't blame them. As you can see, anti-war radicals would exploit the shit out of it.

The way this video sounds you'd imagine boot camp was training for raping women and pillaging villages. I've talked to soldiers, as well as friends whom are now veterans that have been to Afghanistan and Iraq. It was some of the best experiences of their lives. Most of them wouldn't go back but the things they've learned and the friendships they made was well worth it. They also told me about the dangers and its no joke, insurgents are not against using their own children as weapons.

Instead of listening to this bullshit why not talk to people who have actually been to these nations? People who can tell you firsthand what happens over there? There's always going to be two sides to every conflict, and there are always going to radical publishing to support their view.

Too put it simply, its not as bad as that video would like you to think.
And unfortunately it's not as good as this video would like you to think:

But as there may be soldiers over there making lives least there are soldiers making lives better. Regardless of your stance on the war, please support the troops that are.
no thanks
i cannot support those that voluntarily sign up to go fight illegal wars

US veterans gathered in Maryland this past weekend to testify at Winter Soldier, an eyewitness indictment of atrocities committed by US troops during the ongoing occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Soldiers spoke of free-fire zones, the shootings and beatings of innocent civilians, racism at the highest levels of the military, sexual harassment and assault within the military, and the torturing of prisoners. While the corporate media ignored the story, we broadcast their voices. part 1 part 2 part 3
the original winter soldiers were somewhat more radical...
"I did not think it was terrible at the time. My plan was that, on the last day we would go into the [congressional] offices we would schedule the most hardcore hawks for last — and we would shoot them all...I was serious. I felt that I spent two years killing women and children in their own fucking homes. These are the guys that fucking made the policy, and these were the guys that were responsible for it, and these were the guys that were voting to continue the fucking war when the public was against it. I felt that if we really believed in what we were doing, and if we were willing to put our lives on the line for the country over there, we should be willing to put our lives on the line for the country over here."​
I'll give 5 dollars to anyone who can find an article on that site that isn't completely anti-war.

no thanks i cannot support those that voluntarily sign up to go fight illegal wars

But you haven't a problem reaping the benefits they provide. I'm not asking you to support the military, but for those who are actually wiling to die to protect you...if you can't do that then I think you're pretty twisted.

I felt that I spent two years killing women and children in their own fucking homes. These are the guys that fucking made the policy, and these were the guys that were responsible for it

That gave me a pretty good laugh. I would love to read this policy that forces today's soldiers to kill innocent people. Its like the senate pulled the trigger for him :eek:

Soldiers spoke of free-fire zones, the shootings and beatings of innocent civilians, racism at the highest levels of the military, sexual harassment and assault within the military, and the torturing of prisoners

Honestly what war does this not happen? I don't think anyone disagrees that war sucks and should be avoided.
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I'll give 5 dollars to anyone who can find an article on that site that isn't completely anti-war.

i see
you want to give equal time to babykillers

But you haven't a problem reaping the benefits they provide. I'm not asking you to support the military, but for those who are actually wiling to die to protect you...if you can't do that then I think your pretty twisted.

protect my freedoms? from.........osama?


they aint dying for me. its the risk they take for a goddamn paycheck

That gave me a pretty good laugh. I would love to read this policy that forces today's soldiers to kill innocent people. Its like the senate pulled the trigger for him :eek:

since said policy cannot exist, it never happens, right?

Honestly what war did this not happen? I don't think anyone disagrees that war sucks and should be avoided.

honestly? were you being dishonest? anyways, i see we agree now

Soldiers spoke of free-fire zones, the shootings and beatings of innocent civilians, racism at the highest levels of the military, sexual harassment and assault within the military, and the torturing of prisoners

What disturbs me is that President Bush LIED about the reasons to invade Iraq. That told me what politicians really thought about the troops and citizens of America. I support the troops because they are told where to go and they must do as they are told or face dire consequences.
i see
you want to give equal time to babykillers

Haha, that wasn't taken out of context. :rolleyes:

protect my freedoms? from.........osama?


they aint dying for me. its the risk they take for a goddamn paycheck

Really? You believe every person that becomes a soldier is for a paycheck?? I can think of easier ways to make $1500 a month.

Who's talking about Osama? Think for a minute...what would happen if we didn't have a military? Or men and women who are willing to occupy the positions necessary? I hope I don't have to spell it out for you.

since said policy cannot exist, it never happens, right?

It was a response to the guy saying he was "forced" as if he'd be court marshaled otherwise. It may come as a surprise to you, but they try to protect soldiers from such unjust actions. Anyways...what would anyone gain by murdering innocent civilians (other than to exploit and use as propaganda against the war)? Come on now...

honestly? were you being dishonest? anyways, i see we agree now

Have you actually read what I said? Please go back... I never said I support the war. I even made that distinction in two of my posts. I didn't really even talk about the war... I just commented on the condition the military is in and this apparent media battle. I've never met a soldier that wanted war let alone risk their life fighting it.

And as long as you don't support the troops then no. We don't agree.

Soldiers spoke of free-fire zones, the shootings and beatings of innocent civilians, racism at the highest levels of the military, sexual harassment and assault within the military, and the torturing of prisoners

What and they never reported it? Oh wait...they must have, but no one could do anything about it. This is the military we're talking about....of course they could, maybe they just didn't give a shit then. Instead they'd rather turn a blind eye and wait for the media blowout to damage their public relations and devastate the number of recruits they get.

Or maybe these soldiers are just part of the propaganda to end the war as soon as possible. Nah...the other explanation made more sense.

As I said in my original post. There are always going to be criminals that enlist. There's nothing we can do about it...I'm sorry but we haven't developed mind reading techniques that can predict the future. As it stands, people commit atrocious acts. This is human, not military nature. I, once again, invite you to re-read my original post. Clearly you misunderstood my point.

Edit (Quote from first post):
But as there may be soldiers over there making lives least there are soldiers making lives better. Regardless of your stance on the war, please support the troops that are.
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What disturbs me is that President Bush LIED about the reasons to invade Iraq. That told me what politicians really thought about the troops and citizens of America. I support the troops because they are told where to go and they must do as they are told or face dire consequences.

Exactly. Thank you. Animosity towards our politicians not our soldiers.