The utter hypocrisy *shutter*

TheMatrixIsReal said:
The truth shall set you free! But we don't want people to ever change there opinion no matter what the evidence. I swear, theists continue to amaze me by continuing to discover new levels of utter disregard for logical thought processes.

The board says "for the Baptist community." The disclaimer is probably to make it clear that trolls are not welcome. There is nothing wrong with having a forum where members can discuss, rather than debate, their faith.
By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, hateful, harassing, libelous, pornographic, abusive, obscene, profane, invasive of a person's privacy, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. We reserve the right to delete any message, topic, to ban a username, IP address, domain name, or email address for *any reason* that we feel is deserved.

You also agree that you will not post links in our message boards that try to persuade others against Christianity.

LOL... The truth shall set you free, as long as you don't have opposing views :rolleyes:

The hypocrites.

Yeah, but the site isn't about argument. It's about discussion among a community of Baptists.

If a website for discussion of the Big Bang said 'please do not post here trying to convince people that the Big Bang did not happen', that would be legit. There are plenty of other places one can debate whether or not the Big Bang happened--if a particular forum does not want to devolve into that aspect of the discussion, they are entitled to ban such discussion without being labeled closed-minded. Similarly, a Baptist website can do the same thing.
I tried to register but my registration has to be approved by a moderator before I can post. I stated my religion/denomination as Transhumanist.

This is essentially a private club and I guess as such they can pretty much do whatever they want.
TheMatrixIsReal said:
I'm tempted to sign up as a Baptist and "try to persuade others against Christianity" using a "horrible", "blasphemous", "satanic" tool known logic, buuuut I'm too lazy.

Why, so you can fuel their already misguided negative impressions of the secular by being an asshole? Way to go.

Let them be.
As expected - my regsitration attempt was rejected.
TheMatrixIsReal said:
If making logical arguments and backing them with evidence is considered "being an asshole" by these people then in all honesty I really could care less what they think of me. And yet, I didn't hear them say those things, you did. So you might want to try thinking for yourself, not other people who you don't know.

The point is, the board makes it very clear that it is not a forum for arguments against Christianity. You are signing up as a Baptist, which is dishonest. Who the hell is going to listen to you when you are blatantly disregarding two rules?

You're being an asshole by deliberately doing these things, not by being rational. And where exactly is it that I'm not thinking for myself?
TheMatrixIsReal said:
My point is their "rules" are bullshit, and I would not feel a single shread of remorse for being "dishonest" (by which I mean typing in some text into a box) to anyone idiotic enough to make such rules.

Well, if this is your attitude, then fine. But clearly this is just sinking to a lower level than necessary.

How can I be an asshole for something I already said I wasn't going to do.

As long as you don't actually do it, I suppose you're not an ass. What I meant to say was that if you DID do it, it would be quite jerky.

As for thinking for yourself, I said think for yourself NOT other people. I wasn't implying you don't think, merely that when you said "Why, so you can fuel their already misguided negative impressions of the secular by being an asshole?" that you were making rash generalizations about their attitude towards the secular.

That the actively religious mostly have negative impressions of the secular is NOT a rash generalization. It is a fact, and one that I can support with hard evidence if you really need it.