The use of religion in modern society

Zero Mass

Registered Senior Member
My intention in starting this thread is to examine the topic of religion in terms of its practices and influences in societies, both past and present, in order to better understand the reasons that people both believe and deny the existence of supernatural forces.

I am new to this (brilliant) forum, although I have read volumes of material on it already, and I have found myself in awe of many of the people who post on it. I hope that you (those people I just mentioned especially will) spend the time in expressing your views on this topic.

A few additional questions to aid discussion:

What purpose does religion hold in contemporary society?

What was the purpose of religion in prior ages?

What role has religion had in government, philosophy, law, and education in past and present societies?

Once again, I thank you in advance for your thoughts and time.
Zero Mass-

Ill try to take a swing at this

1. religion in contemporary society- I think the most pertinent question for today is "How can people believe?" basically this is saying how can people believe in supernatural agents when there is science around to give a more plausible explanation. The science vs religion debate took a turn because of the existence not only of doctrinal religion but of a monopolistic doctrinal religion that made the crucial mistake of meddling in empirical statements of fact, providing us with a long list of particulary precise, official and officially compelling statements about the cosmos and biology, supposedly guaranteed by revelation, that we now know to be false. In every instance where the church has tried to offer its own description of what happens in the world and there was some scientific alternative on the very same topic, the latter proved to be better. Every battle has been lost for the relgious, obviously many people manage blithely to ignore what happened and continue to live in a fantasy world where Biblical sources are a good instrument of geological knowledge and paleobiology.

Most religious people in the west prefer the escape clause- that religion is indeed a special domain that addresses questions no science could ever answer. This is often the foundation of some decidedly woolly pop theology to the effect that religion makes the world "more beautiful" or "more meaningful" and that it addresses the "ultimate" questions. Science has not progressed to the point where it can make religion totally obsolete, this being so it lets many people justify themselves being ignorant and saying that it(religion) is a plausible alternative.

2. Purpose of religion in prior ages- Our minds are made in a way by evolution in that religious concepts are plausible. Religious concepts invariably recruit the resources of mental systems that would exist, religion or no religion. Also if you focus on written texts you can notice that they establish a moral code with dire consequences for diverting from the rules and expectations. What better way to control behavior than the heaven and hell concept. Religion also gave people answers for the "ultimate" questions that they desperatly wanted answers to. It is humanity's great lie.

3.Since the majority of the human race believes in supernatural agents, it is only inevitable that the beliefs would run into other realms of thinking. People honestly believe this is the ''truth'' so of course it is to be encorporated into mass society's essential parts of operation.
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Here's a question to those of you who are Religious:

1. How/Why do you believe in "supernatural agents"?

2. Does the religion you currently follow rely on dogma from centuries past? If so what importance do you think they have in our modern society?

3. For atheists/agnostics, Why exactly do you think that people still believe in Religions?

4. What are the detrimental effects of having a strongly religious society as opposed to having one that is Atheistic? What would be better, what would be worse?

Talk to me people, I really want to read as many varying opinions as there are to be written

Originally posted by Zero Mass
Here's a question to those of you who are Religious:

1. How/Why do you believe in "supernatural agents"?

“Supernatural” means, something that acts outside the known laws of nature.
What is music? Where in nature does music form naturally, in recognisable harmony, yet we see it as natural. When intelligence is used to combine natural phenomenon, and create such wonderful objects and concepts, then to me, that is a form of supernatural. So, i see creation as an act outside of the laws of nature, therefore supernatural. Of course, once it becomes common knowledge, it is no longer regarded as such. If I were to give a basic reason why I believe in God, it would be, that every creation has to have a creator, and whoever created this manifestation, has to be great.

2. Does the religion you currently follow rely on dogma from centuries past? If so what importance do you think they have in our modern society?

The ultimate aim of all God-based religions, is “to go back to Godhead, the original cause of all causes.” But to do this there are many ways, due to the fact that there are many different levels of consciousness, which creates different types of mentalities. So God has many ways of reaching every living entity. So sometimes the dogma has to be very strong and rigid, due to the type of consciousness that it reaches, and sometimes, there is no dogma at all, because the type of consciousness in question, already has a relationship with God, and automatically serves Him.
Religion itself, is a title, and a title has no importance, what has importance however, is how we act within our space and time, society is a culmination of every person, so I believe you need to pin point what aspect of religion.


Jan Ardena.
in logic, i can only quote karl marx::: "Religion is the opiate of the masses."

and while we're on the topic, its the only opiate that sucks.

"3. For atheists/agnostics, Why exactly do you think that people still believe in Religions? "

It's comforting to beleive deeply in something. Especially if it provides answers to all of life's brain benders. Like "where did we come from" and "why are we here". doesn't the idea of a warm receptive God greating you after you die sound better than being no more than worm food?

"4. What are the detrimental effects of having a strongly religious society as opposed to having one that is Atheistic? What would be better, what would be worse? "

the best in my humble opinion would be a society with a mix. but a better mix than there is now. in the US there is too much of a stigma on being atheist/agnostic. Christianity is too much the default religion. I don't mind other people beleiveing what they want, but when they become pushers and look down on all who don't agree with them, then i have a problem. I don't know if it is like that all over the US, but i'm from the deep south :(. I've had plenty of people look at me funny for not being christian.
Religion is based on societal mythology; sacred stories that elevate cultural morals and ethics. Just about all myths are created on these premises:

1. protagonist
2. antagonist
3. hero
a. how the hero was conceived (divine)
b. hero's journey
c. apotheosis

Humans' greatest fear is death and the greatest unanswered question: what is my reason for being? If an afterlife is created it gives meaning to life and death is but a doorway to the realm of the creator. When humans are young they seek happiness and comfort in their parents' care and those parents seek the same thing from a higher being(the creator). For those who believe in a deity for salvation, just imagine what would happen to their psyche if their religion were to crumble before them. Total devastation, emptiness, fear, nihility, etc. So you probably understand why religious people hold onto their beliefs and defend it with their lives.
Religion was created by man to opiate mankind?

Do you think that we still need this calming of our society? Have we grown as a people to the point where we can do away with religion?

Whether he creates a belief system on fables or stories or facts, the truth is man is religious by nature. He was born to worship something. He may accept any of the religions in the past, or accept modern scientific explanations, to answer his questions, but he does so religiously. Even those who profess not to follow any 'religion' will defend it with such devotion that being non-religious is a religion to them. To be religious is part of man's nature.
Zero Mass:

One of the main products of religion is to give hope to those who live in destitution. What does science have for those people?

If you are going to ask people to give up their hope, what are you going to give them instead?

Religion is a wonderful opiate. It gives happiness to many millions of people.
Oh, man...where do we start?

Religion isn't a monolithic entity. It's another of those ill-defined terms, a lexical category which has the habit of injecting itself as the subject of argument without semantic preface.

I love sounding pedantic.

OK, let's start with definitions? Anyone? Religion can be a structure based on myths. It can mean "spirituality" without dogma, though this is an intrinsically slippery definition itself. It can mean a collection of codified myths. It can mean a vague belief in "gods." Or a set of sanctified rituals. Or all these and more.

As a structure, it's just that. A social structure. A means of, yes, control, but hat's not always a bad thing. It can go haywire, like other networks, but it usually keeps boundaries. By this, I mean it connects people.

It can be an "opiate" though I don't like the negativity in that term. It's not nearly so conspiratorial, as usual. It can be an antianxiety agent. More likely I think it's just belived in because people believe what they're told as kids.

But the best, perhaps most maligned explanation is the memetic one. The idea is an amalgam of survival-oriented parts, violence and coercion being among them, even if it's only negative social sanctions. That's why Christianty exists at all. For many, admitting a skeptical view would be social suicide or at least chronic annoyance.

There are probably a gazillion other reasons, which is why this topic exists at all. :D
Too tired to comment - but top of my head ....

What purpose does religion hold in contemporary society?

* A benchmark/rulebook to assist people to conform with what the majority feel is a positive influence in a majority of cases (not all of course)

What role has religion had in government, philosophy, law, and education in past and present societies?

* A goal post, as it takes a lot of guts for the government/law to circumvate and shoot beyond the religeous goalposts -- this may be a negative thing depending upon the actual religion you are reffering too.
Originally posted by Zero Mass
What are the detrimental effects of having a strongly religious society as opposed to having one that is Atheistic? What would be better, what would be worse?

I think that a strongly religious society is definately worse. I'm not an atheist or agnostic. I proclaim the Christian faith, but I look at all possible sides. I grew up in a society that is very religious, and am currently surrounded by a strongly atheistic one. So I feel qualified to comment on this particular question.

To start off, society in general plays far too large of a role in religion to start with. The reason people go to church at all, in many different regions of the world, is simple: to be social. This in and of itself cheapens the point of religion in the first place. Secondly, a strongly religious society, which I'm taking to mean dominated by one religion, is generally far to critical of others. The Bible itself teaches its followers not to judge others, yet that is the point of most, if not all, religions. There are very few faiths that I'm familiar with, barring perhaps the Hindu faith, that are tolerant of the different religions. Therefore, not only is a strongly religious society generally far too critical and harsh, it is also detrimental to the religion itself, hereby defeating its entire point.

In contrast, an atheistic society, is generally much more accepting of various peoples. For example, as I mentioned earlier, I am surrounded by a strongly atheistic society currently, and this does not harm my faith in anyway. No one is critical of my beliefs, though they may make for heated debates on occasion, and no one tries to convert me to theirs. The society doesn't suffer in anyway that I've ever seen, from a lack of religion. There is no more crime or whatever other evil you can suggest than would be present in any other area. And that which does exist stems only from human nature itself, and our free will. So it is quite clear how one could arrive at the conclusion I mentioned earlier, that an atheistic society is certainly better than a strongly religious one.
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Originally posted by Zero Mass
My intention in starting this thread is to examine the topic of religion in terms of its practices and influences in societies, both past and present, in order to better understand the reasons that people both believe and deny the existence of supernatural forces.
the believers brains havent yet evolved enough to accept reality,imo
What purpose does religion hold in contemporary society?
to control and exploit people financialy
What was the purpose of religion in prior ages?
to explain everythingand to control people
for more info see
Opiate or Crack?

What purpose does religion hold in contemporary society?

In today's society religion is used to provide comfort. It's just that easy.

What was the purpose of religion in prior ages?

Religion in past ages were often not welcomed. I point to the whole "Be Catholic or die" part.

What role has religion had in government, philosophy, law, and education in past and present societies?

Religion has no role in government (Bush thinks otherwise). I don't want a theocracy that says: "Hey, were killing these people because they aren't Christians." I want a republic that says "Hey, were killing these people because they have oil."

Philosophy is where it gets iffy. You can say that God made the rock that made the brick. Or you could say that it was the big bang that made the rock that was used to make the brick, and then the brick becomes part of the house, and the house a part of the city.

Education? Yes. well, let's all learn about how Hitler was a Christian. I believe that religion should be taught in the form of history. Not fact.

And this is where I leave you. Hey Jude by the Beatles just came on, later. Nah nah nah, hey Jude!
I would like to her more opinions for the use of religion in society

Should religion, if it is so important to people, be allowed in government or school?

Let me here theistic opinions on this matter

Religion should most definatly be allowed in schools and government. Religion is the cultural foundation of a large segment of our population. Not allowing people to express their culture within school and within government seems to me to be a violation of some part of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.

Likewise I would think non religious expression should also be allowed.
If I am correct the separation is between Church and State not between Religion and State.

Why should a teacher not be allowed to talk about religious celebrations but can talk about sports to the exclusion of actually teaching?
Jan Ardena-What is music? Where in nature does music form naturally

Ever heard birds singing in the morning?

Why does that have to be anything other than natural? Why do you have to demean the very meaning of existence by attributing that which we have to something supernatural? Every time i feel a thump at the door i could consider it to be aliens. To do so is foolishness is it not? If i attributed everything we have and everything that happens to little green men you'd assume me to be an idiot, why expect anything else in return?

Ok you have nothing to lose... If you die and there is god you'll get eternal life, if you're wrong you'll never know so it's a win win situation. Us non believers cannot win so why do you think we debate? The fact is we need more than heresay, we need more than an old book. I think we remain faultless either way, we do not receive the signs you do... and nothing on this planet or otherwise could fault us for being nothing more than human. We are that which has been created, so how could we ever be at fault?

I have refused my daughter being taught religious education. Many question me like i'm doing a bad thing. The facts of the matter remains: Nobody has the right to tell my daughter santa claus is fake over something with even less evidence. She will learn as she ages what, who, god is and if he's there. She will hear him if she wants to- and if not, she's not at fault- she's merely human.

To take away basic understanding and replace it with heresay, groundless speculation and assumption is not the way any person should be forced to proceed.

Religion caters for the week hearted, the slow minded. It answers the questions when we're on our deathbeds, it sustains as an answer to the emotionally weak and crippled. Anyone who subjects a young and impressionable mind to such basic probable fiction is evil beyond comparison.

Let every man of sane mind judge for himself and remain non-convicted for whatever answer he ends up with. Nobody has right to judge the human mind, not even god.