The Urantia Book


Registered Member
Has anyone heard of the Urantia Book? It talks about The central and Superuniverses, The local Universe (our universe); The history of Urantia (earth) and The life and teachings of Jesus.
If you want the whole book (2097 pages) is online at
Just click on the button that says 'read the urantia book'
Can you imagine seven super universe (containing other universes) ellipsing a central paradise universe (Havona)?
It's pretty interesting. you folks should check this out.
There is no author. The information was transmitted from a spiritual being to us and through us. Just like a course in miracles.
about the urantia book

"""The Urantia Book is an anthology of 196 "papers" indited between 1928 and 1935 by superhuman personalities whose names are given with their respective papers in the book. The humans into whose hands the papers were delivered are now deceased. The means by which the papers were materialized was unique and is not clearly understood. The material appears to be a compilation of the best thinking of more than 1,000 human authors writing between the first century and the present era, edited and combined with information and commentary by a superhuman revelatory commission. Current research is attempting to identify the human sources used in this undertaking.

Although the Urantia Papers have been in print for nearly fifty years, no formal religion has sprung from their teachings. The spiritual insights of the book are used by teachers, ministers, and lay persons of many faiths to enrich the highest values in their own traditions. Many individuals outside established religious institutions have developed rich, personal spiritual lives as a result of reading The Urantia Book. An international network of independent study groups continues to develop. Several translations exist and more are currently in progress.

Like all other sacred texts, the contents should not be evaluated by relying on claims of authorship or authority, but rather upon the enhancements of personal spiritual life which they produce. The new reader might explore the book as a fascinating piece of religious literature until such time as its spiritual quality authenticates its message and its source.""""
well, it's up to you if you want to take this seriously or not. I bought the book and am reading it with the perspective that if it is real then great if not, it's a great piece of fiction. So I'm enjoying it either way :)
A woman who I worked with this past summer; her first husband and her daughter left home to live in some Aquarian Concepts commune in the Southwest that is based around that load of BS. Their joining this commune was very painful for her, and she told me a lot about it.
Human imagination is endless. That is why we are very special piece of creation. If a new reality starts for every thought and story and idea and philosophy, life can go on forever.

That is probably the pupose of our being...a catalyst for growth, change, chaos and order....
kmguru ...

You left out possibly the most important purpose: Generation of B.S.
... or should that be H.S.? :D

Take care ;)
Thanks just added it....:D

(PS. I am trying to read the book so that I can see firsthand how much BS it contains)
I read Urantia Paper 15 - page 164 - The Seven Super Universe.

Verdict: makings of a great fantasy book (not Sci-fi). Could it compete with Babylon 5 or Startrek - not likely. May be directed to a separate demographics.

(notice the numbers used are 1 and 0, 1 followed by zeros...)

Don't we always get these loonies? I remember a while back there was some post about a 'Pink Unicorn' cult. I went down in my basement and found the pink unicorn board game that it was based on. On the website, there was some sort of map, and the samw one was in this game.

Well, anyway, see you later. I'm going into a permanent coccoon.
This book wasn't written in hopes of forming or being incorperated into cults..
Many precautions were taken in keeping any information about the person that these beings communicated through, in hopes of preventing such things from occuring.

I know that a lot of philosophy or information in the Urantia book is pretty hard to believe and understand. But there are many things that our science will never figure out, like anti-gravity. If there is such a thing, we would have to reconfigure our whole understanding of physics.

Many things in the Urantia book are also explained in the bible, a course in miracles, and some sylvia browne and edgar cayce books.

Originally posted by zaleia
But there are many things that our science will never figure out, like anti-gravity. If there is such a thing, we would have to reconfigure our whole understanding of physics.
Never? As the over-worn cliché points out, that is an awfully long time. The history of science is filled with examples of mankind having to “reconfigure” his understanding of the universe.
Many things in the Urantia book are also explained in the bible, a course in miracles, and some sylvia browne and edgar cayce books.
Ahhhh.. a fairytale, the queen of Mumbo-Jumbo, and the scribe of the Akashic record. Jeez, who could argue the obvious facts?
