The universe is too complex to NOT have been created?

I would like to go on record as a Christian who believes in the separation of church and state, and that creationism has no place in the science class - although there might be a spot for it in history or social science. My personal belief is that if God wants to use evolution as his way of creating life on the planet, then thats ok with me. I don't believe that God put fossils in the ground to confuse us and make life difficult. God's time is not our time, so a day in the bible doesn't equal a day for me. And evolution is the only way to explain why Cain (the only surviving offspring of Adam and Eve), was so worried about being killed by all these other people (who were not offspring of Adam and Eve). Adam was, for me, the first human on record that had a relationship with the Creator. The creation story in the bible has enormous truths to teach, and I have no need to force one or the other down everybodys throat.

The current war between 'creationists' and 'evolutionists' is caused by people who believe the father of lies.

If any other Christian is upset by this view, please feel free to rebuke me publicly or send me a private message if you would rather.
I have to admit that Turduckin's views reflect those I had come to know while I lived in the UK, the 'creation science' fiasco seems to be primarily an American creation and is significantly out of line with the rest of the Christian world, including official Catholicism.

Yes, even the RCC Pope has agreed with evolution theory.