The Universe and universe


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What does the word "universe" mean?

The "observable universe," Sweitzer explained, "is the one astrophysicists generally talk about because it's the one open to empirical measurements. In fact it's the only one we can or ever will be able to talk with any certainty about."

He goes on to explain that "universe" (sans the word "observable") is a larger concept that scientists think "conforms to our laws of physics and all the assumptions that go with them." Comprehending this universe, Sweitzer said, "requires a leap of faith into unobservable realms."

Finally, there is "the Universe," which, by virtue of its capital "U," includes "absolutely everything, even possibilities of dimensions, modes and regions that obey laws of physics we don't know or maybe even can't know."

Okay then. If we can't know it, let's move on to the next question.

How did the universe begin?

There is a very simple answer to this question: We don't know. And we may never know.

The leading theory for the formation of our universe is the Big Bang, of course. According to this theory, all the matter and energy in our present observable universe was compressed into a very small area, before, in a nanosecond, it exploded outward and expanded continually until the present time -- and will perhaps do so forever.

Unimaginable as it might seem, the Big Bang theory is tame compared to some recently emerging wilder ideas, speculations that pop up like parallel universes in a vacuum of understanding.

Some cosmologists say our observable universe is one of many that spring forth continually from a series of bubbles. In this scenario, one Big Bang begets another.

Another recently proposed scenario holds that instead of springing forth in a violent instant from a teensy point in space, our universe was created when two parallel membranes collided. These "branes," as theorists call them, would have floated like sheets of paper through a fifth dimension until slamming together and generating energy and heat that led to the same expansion described by traditional Big Bang theory.

This Ekpyrotic Universe theory, as it is called, does not replace Big Bang theory. Instead, it offers an alternative way that the currently observed expansion might have been jump-started.

In any case, the Big Bang theory does not actually explain how the universe began. It assumes that space, time and energy already existed. Accept that rather significant caveat and one can then discuss the leading theory for how our present observable universe came into being.

"It started from an extraordinarily dense and hot state, and it has been expanding ever since," said Livio, of the Space Telescope Science Institute, giving perhaps the world's most concise definition of the Big Bang model. But there's more to point out here, including the fact that "dense" is rather an understatement.

Everything that exists now, at least in the observable universe, was once all packed into a sphere one millionth of a meter across, Sweitzer said. Translation -- too small to see.

"That may seem pretty small, but it's only because of our human perspective," Sweitzer assured us, adding that today's universe is "extraordinarily empty." Imagine, as an example, that the area of our solar system -- with nine planets packed into a region less than 9 billion miles (14.5 billion kilometers) across -- is relatively crowded compared to the vast empty stretches between stars, where nothing but a few molecules hang out.

I have to admit looking at a brief statement of the Ekpyrotic Universe theory (and being refered to as the precurser for the Cyclic Universe theory.) They look very similar to my own theory, however mines a bit more visual in the way I see it in retrospect.

I'll try to cover it in full although the likelihood is that I might miss something out (which I tend to do when I start to visualise/construct my interpretation).

My suggestion is that the universe started as "nothingness" no energy, no matter, no heat or radiation. The nothingness itself is the void of not having anything, not even zeropoint. However at a point in time matter enters the void from the future creating the first instance of a paradox.

[Note: Time doesn't exist without something to measure it, so from the relative perspective of existing within this void, the time that passed could have been nanoseconds or billions of years.]

The thing with this paradox is, is it's very much like the "Which came first, the chicken or the egg" scenario, The universe is born of matter from the future, a future that exists within a universe that in it's past had nothing within it. How does the mass transpire?

Simply it is a continued repetative loop of paradoxes that reoccur over and over again. (It's cyclic to that extent).

However absolute cycles, would mean complete repetition to which our universe doesn't do. It doesn't do this because of Entropy and Entropy is generated in simulations of cycles where the universes newly aquired matter finds itself colliding with itself, not just once but millions of times and all at slightly preportionally different times. The collisions themselves cause the matter to coexist in different superpostioned states at different regions of space all at the same time and begins the generation of the universe (not to mention more than half a dozen elemental states) ALL FROM THE SAME MATTER.

If the start of our timeline was to be marked by the entrance of matter, then every reoccurance of that matter in the same space at the same time is a parallel (paradoxal) universe and due to our current technological goals the likelihood is that the very beginning of the universe became this way through multiple realignments from timepoints in the past, present and future.

Some people will wonder how can a future time point effect the past, well the simplest answer is that if we get to the point of generating parallels, in reality we won't be generating them, we will be just connecting to them creating bridges between universes that allow us to cross between one and another. This means those universes coexist with our own right back to the beginning of time.

Since the creation of a bridge will require the generation of a paradox (namely the occurance of an outcome before the sum of the event that leads to the outcome), it means that the beginning of the universe becomes realigned based upon those paradoxes we do at any time, since every new bridge is another universal state for the beginning of the universe.

My previous explainations about staggered parallel universes ties in with this theory nicely (where 10am in one universe can coexist with for instance 9am or 11am in other universes, but they share the same universal space, which was my basis for generating "time bridges" where communication or travel could occur.)
My explaination is that say the universe started at 00:00, that could be both 01:00 and 23:00 even though 23:00 wasn't suppose to exist and therefore the removal of the universes singularity [Relates to Hawkings theory].

It can be said that I have no proof that such paradoxes that "Quantum leap" can occur, however Our universe exists does it not?

If a network was like the universe, imagine that in the future when you get more users you can plug them in because there is always enough bandwidth available, as every connection made in the future alters the beginning of network to have enough bandwidth for the users up to that connections point in time.

Another thing to add here is an explaination to Particle/Waveform duality, an interpretation suggests that an atom has a particle that is a particle, however if it suffers a paradox event it generates the particle to exist in a multiworlds state, turning that atoms particle into a waveformation.

With every particle in the universe having the potential to do that, that is alot of potential Paradoxal alterations that continue to increase the size and shape of the universe from its very root.
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[Admittedly this will seem currently messy and a bit of a blog, which is not the intension. I feel there is something to discuss and understand, however currently I can't write the whole thing up correct because I'm pretty rubbish at explaining things. So my intension here is to get other people to discuss it, point me in the right direction where I'm wrong and otherwise try to conclude the overall information with evidence]

Extensions and Corrections
I'm still continuing theory and research into my overall theorum and in doing so it means some of my overall theory has to be extended on and of course corrected when found in error.

Oberservation Theory at the Beginning of the Universe
I have to suggest that if in the future we can interface with the timeline to view any point within the universe, one of the first points that most people would want to view is how the universe began, However to see how it began would mean having to observe before it began.

I can't explain what observation equipment or technique would be necessary other than it would probably mean alot of spacial folds and holographic computation. It's just that setting up observation before the beginning would mean that anything that occurs would be measured by the setup, which means the actual observation equipment is the first generation of dimensions and of course time, the generation of the universe after that fact will although be monumental would otherwise be perceived not as the actual start, because now the paradox of observation theory has catalysed the beginning.

Since the measuring setup will involve certain physics and have a formation of "Carrier" for the information obtained, it's suggested that the universe might actually exist within some form of equipment. Apparently it could all be in a very large computer.

Extension to the "Dynamic Universe"
As I previously attempted to explain, my suggestion was that the very beginning of the universe is "Dynamic" in the suggestion that what paradoxes we generate in the past, present and future cause alterations to the orientation of the first quanta formations matricing.

<IMG SRC="Http://">

Firstly I suggest that from the observers point of view, the universe which they see is like a train moving down rail tracks (In the diagram they are moving along track O towards the right of the image).

When they gets to the point of generating a paradox (The area encircled by a blue dotted circle), they have reached a rail switch, and changed tracks to a parallel rail line (Track P), however they will only see the rail they are travelling down(Signified by V).

Notice that although they see whats signified in by V, the actual layout is like that in black. Both parallel tracks coexist from the start, they don't just suddenly get created and don't just suddenly end.

<IMG SRC="Http://">

My suggestion is that parallel lines although classed as "Parallel" do not actually have to be parallel, they can staggered (where one occurs before the other like A), or they can be inclined (B or C), there is also the chance that they can be all three, namely inclined and staggered.

My suggestion is that from the beginning there is one universe, as paradoxes occur new parallel universes are added to the Multiworlds universe. The shifts in orientation and direction of the universe in relationship to one another would cause alterations from the beginning which would be dynamic at the beginning and potentially causes a paradoxal shift of the first instances of quanta.

In fact the overall quanta of the Big Bang is suggested to be the preposed near infinite number of parallel universes that are "junctioned to" over time, and their relative positioning alterations all occuring near enough at one point at the same time.

Admittedly my very suggestion is very much like the Laplace Demon quote. (Although If my point about Observation theory before the beginning is correct then it's probably Daemon, like that which runs when a computer starts up to be available for use past it's startup point).
[Source for Laplaces quote: ]

I do believe there is a way to show how I mean in regards to the Laplace quote. For instance the Quanta at the beginning will be that of the smallest energy amount, from that point in time you would have to follow the timeline and point out occurances of "Paradox" (which are more than likely to be generate from an alternative universal observation point, like a parallel disattached from the Multiworlds universe)

I suggest that multiple copies of the same quanta (from the different parallels) then converges at the beginning from multiple different directions and slightly different timings to generate the energy that would have been present at the very beginning.

If you were able to follow the different directions from where the quanta arrived, you would find timelines and those timelines at some point would have a paradox that would have been what created them as a parallel universe in comparison to what the multiworlds universe would have been as a singular universe. Due to these paradoxes occuring at different times and on different universes, is what causes what I suggests at the beginning.

I've identified what would help to suggest if my theory is true, You would first have to identify WHEN the universe began, Then you would have to identify the amount of time for when a paradox occurs, and also how much distance is between the two universes.

however as usual it's not easy to explain.

Multiworlds exist?
I suggest so purely because multiple parallels causing this dynamic alteration to how the universe was first formed to account for the multiversed existance creates Stability and generates a large enough ruleset for parallel universe experimentation. Without such "Crash testing" to the physics of our universe, I would suggest our universe would have fallen apart probably instances after it started.
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Kmguru said:
In any case, the Big Bang theory does not actually explain how the universe began. It assumes that space, time and energy already existed. Accept that rather significant caveat and one can then discuss the leading theory for how our present observable universe came into being.

This statement is false. The BB assumes there was no void pre-existing the formation of the universe. The BB created space-time itself.
Well Norval at least it is "Theory", which is the main reason I wrote it and wrote it to be discussed not just commented on.

admittedly the theorise a mess because it's a real pain to explain what I understood from the information I examined (Examined in a Virtual Reality suite)
Although you could say what inputs/ingredients were placed into the system doesn't necessarily come up with the correct answer. Main problem is looking at a few things from a perspective of someone thats "not trained in the field" nor do I claim to be trained in the field but I'm learning as I go in this area.
uhhhh huh. Ok.

Take a field trip and experiance some of the reality of physics, then you may start to understand them.
I dont think 'nothingness' has ever existed as it would have needed the quality of 'potential' to become something. Everything has potential, so maybe that is the source quality of existance.

Potential exists and the universe (multiverse) is the manifestation of all the potentials.

Funny thing is, the further back in time you go, the more occurances happen in a shorter and shorter time. Seems like the universe has already fulfilled all its potentials and 'decided' to continue on this path, which coincidentaly. from our observations, looks like the best possible configuration of energy to exist for the longest possible time.

Could be coincidence, but from all the possibilities..........and we get this one !

Kind of like looking at crater chains Kula, and we get this same pattern over a big varriation in size and length. Of all the variables in a breaking up comet to do this ,,,,,,,,and we get this one!

Currently our universe at its present known dimensions is large enough for me with out adding parallel co-existing universes. Just learning about this one in all of its huge splendor and potential is enough for me.
I dont think we have to invoke a multiverse either, although the random chance of this universe existing seems to diminish to almost zero if we dont.

Potential seems to be the only quality that we can rely on, but of course the 'options' then become almost endless and the 'chance' occurances of any one particular state becoming 'real' are not good odds !

these new theories are very promising.

to the person who claimed hmguru was wrong about these new theories still holding the big bang as valid- it is valid.

it is simply saying that there is a possiblity that there actually WAS something prior to the big bang, instead of just... NOTHING.

i personally think that makes more sense.

one interesting theory that i believe adds to this discussion;

some people have proposed that perhaps the 'big bang' was an event where 'Space' and 'Time' reversed their roles. Im sure KMGuru must know of this, it is related to the theories he posted above.

the reason why this may revolutionize the big bang scenario goes something like this;

we cannot understand what came before the big bang- mainly because our measuring instruments (which we claim are soooo great...) are not yet sensitive enough to peer that far. (for whatever reasons)

perhaps this is because before the Big Bang, Time was Space, and Space was Time.

i know it sounds perplexing, and this will probably be shot down by some pessimistic reader or hard-boiled egghead.

thats ok.

this goes with the 'bubble' theory. theres speculation that within the Universe, 'bubbles' begin forming in certain areas. these pockets are said to somehow begin gather 'energy' or inertia, until the treshold is reached where the Time's mass overthrows the Space's mass, or vice versa.

This is what is a "big bang". it is no longer *the* big bang, because it is speculated that big bangs happens all over the universe, creating what can only be labeled as the multiverse.

i'll dig up that magazine with this info, and perhaps polish my post.

*waiting for something*
*what are you waiting for*
Thinking about quantum potentials, the big bang may not have happened 'yet' as we havnt been able to measure it accurately. This is a thought, not a philosophy !
