The Under Reported 9/11

Buffalo Roam

Registered Senior Member
How come we didn't here more about this? - Box cutters found on other September 11 flights .....
The hijackers who seized the airliners on September 11 had used box cutters ... some box cutters were found on other planes besides the four hijacked ones, ... - 41k - Similar pages

(CNN) -- The complex investigation into the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington gathered more strands of evidence over the weekend, leading authorities to several parts of the world.

The FBI says it's pursuing almost 150,000 tips and potential leads in its criminal investigation into the coordinated assault that destroyed the World Trade Center and severely damaged the Pentagon, killing thousands of people.

A key part of solving the puzzle may be box-cutter knives or similar tools found on two flights made successfully, the same day that four United States commercial jets were hijacked and crashed, sources told CNN.

A knowledgeable source said two small knives were found on a Delta flight that was supposed to depart Boston, and a box cutter was found on an Atlanta-to-Brussels Delta flight. These planes didn't take off since all flights were grounded after the hijackings. The tools were found when the planes were searched.

A box cutter found by a passenger on a United Airlines plane delayed a flight from Denver to Dallas for nearly two hours.

Federal officials met the plane on the tarmac, re-screened all the passengers and searched the aircraft. Flight 490 was taxiing toward a runway at about 12:30 p.m. Tuesday when the passenger found the cutting tool.

Terrorists used box cutters as weapons to hijack planes on September 11, 2001.

Transportation Security Administration officials say there are more layers of security now than in 2001, including armed pilots and armed federal marshals.

United Airlines spokeswoman Megan McCarthy declined to speculate about how the box cutter ended up on the airplane.

A NATION CHALLENGED: AN INQUIRY; F.B.I. Asks if Hijacking Plot Included Plane at Kennedy
Published: October 20, 2001
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is looking into whether a United Airlines flight scheduled to leave Kennedy International Airport for San Francisco was a target of hijackers on Sept. 11, aviation and law enforcement officials said.

The United plane, Flight 23, was late pushing back from the gate and was seventh in line for takeoff when Kennedy was closed because of the terrorist attacks.

When the captain announced that the plane was returning to the gate, four male passengers described as Middle Eastern in appearance stood up and began urgently consulting with each other, two aviation officials said. The men refused orders from flight attendants to return to their seats, the officials said.

The cockpit crew did not wait for the men to be seated but decided to taxi back to the gate anyway, the officials said. ''As soon as the door opened, these four guys bolted,'' said one of the officials. The other added that the F.B.I. later interviewed the crew about the incident.

Law enforcement officials confirmed that the F.B.I. is investigating the incident. A United spokesman refused to comment, except to say that the passenger list had been turned over to investigators.
Wow, The guy at the FAA that grounded everyone deserves a goddam medal. He was probably nearly the only official with his head not up his ass.

Or perhaps the only powerful official not briefed on the CIA op.
Wow, The guy at the FAA that grounded everyone deserves a goddam medal. He was probably nearly the only official with his head not up his ass.

Or perhaps the only powerful official not briefed on the CIA op.

I got to talk to a Captian, Lynn Spencer, and She was the one who told me about this, she said that there were at least 4 more aircraft, that when cleaned up after the grounding, where Box Cutters were found on board.

So at the least, there were suppose to be 4 more targets, and suicide attacks.

Lynn Spencer is a commercial pilot and flight instructor, and she has interviewed hundreds of people involved in this history.

She also informed me as a Pilot that none of the flight maneuvers made on 9/11 were beyond the capability of a novice pilot who did not intend to land the plane in one piece.

We talked about the Pentagon attack, and the turn the maneuver to the starboard in which the plane made a 14 mile circle back to line up on the Pentagon, and that maneuver was not done at high speed, and was not a extreme maneuver for a 757, and that my estimate of the size of the turn was very nearly correct, and that the Pentagon attackers didn't advance the throttle until they were lined up on target.

She confirmed everything that I had put together on that attack, and complimented me on my research.
I recently searched my truck, and found a box cutter. It was hidden under the passenger seat.

A former gf of mine who did cleaning and maintenance on planes said stuff like that used to turn up all the time at the airport, on the planes, etc. And drills, screwdrivers, duct tape, other terrorist tools. Sometimes guns and drugs and money, entire toolboxes. Once a Samurai sword. These plots go back twenty or thirty years - we've been very lucky.

Should I notify Homeland Security ? About the car, I mean. I don't know where that box cutter came from. I'd hate to be hijacked, and driven into the side of the Pentagon at high speed.
I recently searched my truck, and found a box cutter. It was hidden under the passenger seat.

A former gf of mine who did cleaning and maintenance on planes said stuff like that used to turn up all the time at the airport, on the planes, etc. And drills, screwdrivers, duct tape, other terrorist tools. Sometimes guns and drugs and money, entire toolboxes. Once a Samurai sword. These plots go back twenty or thirty years - we've been very lucky.

Should I notify Homeland Security ? About the car, I mean. I don't know where that box cutter came from. I'd hate to be hijacked, and driven into the side of the Pentagon at high speed.

Yes the damage from your head impacting the wall would be catastrophic.

ps: to the wall not your head.

There was a lot more to it than just finding box cutters, it was were they where found, in the seats, not in the body of the plane, and information in the form of flight headings and target information, and check lists, everything you would ditch when the flights were grounded, so not to have anything that could incriminate you.

There was a worry that the hijacker were also looking to kidnap Pilots, and as fast as they were getting the planes to the gates they were pulling the Pilots out of the Cockpits and stripping them of their uniforms and any visible identification as to being a pilot..
Lynn Spencer is a commercial pilot and flight instructor, and she has interviewed hundreds of people involved in this history.

She also informed me as a Pilot that none of the flight maneuvers made on 9/11 were beyond the capability of a novice pilot who did not intend to land the plane in one piece.

Perhaps she's a NIST type, making absurd claims that she figures no one will bother to investigate because she's an 'expert'. But people do investigate them. Ganymede recently had this to say on the pentagon aircraft maneuvers:
Actually, A Retired US Pilot who flew the very planes on 911 explains in verifiable terms why those maneuvers were impossible. I can't wait to hear your rebuttal.
Perhaps she's a NIST type, making absurd claims that she figures no one will bother to investigate because she's an 'expert'. But people do investigate them. Ganymede recently had this to say on the pentagon aircraft maneuvers:

No she is a working Captian, IP, and Flight Instructor.

She is a Captain of a 757, and has extensive experence with the aircraft.

Because he turn out from target, did a 330 deg. turn to the right, from your posting of the map, his line of flight would have brought the Pentagon into view at his 10-11 o-clock, at 4 miles, he started a right hand turn away from the Pentagon, a 330 degree turn, descending from 7000, and crossing the Mile 2 exit on the 405, continuing the turn just east of the Jack Herrity PKW crossing between exits 1 and 2, at which time he should have been able to pick up the Pentagon at his 3 o-clock position out of his right cockpit window, continuing the turn to line up on the Pentagon at about 2000 ft. agl, and then pushed the throttles to full power, over the next 30 seconds, till impact, all from your report and flight track that you posted, no were does it show that AA77 was at any extreme speed until after it rolled out and headed for the Pentagon, 30 seconds, 4 miles, impact, all information that can be taken fro the information that you posted, and again they didn't turn on a IP, to turn on a IP means turning into the target from a fixed reference point so as to have a reference to gauge your wind drift, and ground speed for a bomb run on a target, not a suicide crash into a 5 acre white blazing in the sun building, they turned away to give themselves more time to acquire the target, and line up for their run, no hard maneuvers, with the help of the auto-pilot, and well with in the capabilities of the aircraft to perform, at or below cruse.

Now tell me if I am wrong about the flight path? or the positions of the aircraft, or the fact that the throttles were not advanced until after the completion of the 330 deg, turn, it is all there to see, the mile markers are at the exits on the map, and the flight path is plainly marked, so tell me were I am wrong,

and how's this for a evaluation from a Pilot, of the Aircrafts handling:
Perhaps she's a NIST type, making absurd claims that she figures no one will bother to investigate because she's an 'expert'. But people do investigate them. Ganymede recently had this to say on the pentagon aircraft maneuvers:

Now as to Gannys U Tube Pilot:

Let see, Vietnam ended in 1975, that's 37 years ago, Russ Wittenberg, flew in Vietnam in F-100, The F-100 was with drawn from combat in Vietnam in 1970, that make 37 years since it would have been possible for Russ Wittenberg to have flown a F-100 in combat, as a pilot in Vietnam, Russ would have to have been at least 24 years old, you have to have a college degree to be a Pilot, and it take 2 years of training to qualify as a jet jockey, and he would have to have served some time in training Squadrons, so when did he have the time to put in over 30 years as a commercial pilot? he is lying some were, and most likely every were in his statements, the time line doesn't add up.

Capt. Russ Wittenberg, U.S. Air Force, fighter pilot, commercial pilot flying 707, 720, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, and 777 's that's less than 4 years on a aircraft, that isn't a very good return on training investments, each of those aircraft will require a complete training course to become rated in them, were did Russ find all the time to qualify all of those different aircraft? and do a Air Force Career to?

Ad to that the Fact that he is suppose to be retired from the Air Force, that is a 20 year carrer, nothing about this guy adds up.
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