The Ultimate Evolution Poll

Do you believe in...

  • ...Evolution by natural selection

    Votes: 24 75.0%
  • ...Evolution by some means other than natural selection

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • ...Neither (some other cause)

    Votes: 5 15.6%

  • Total voters

Lord Hillyer

Simply: Do you believe in evolution by natural selection or some other means, or not.

Your vote will remain private, so please treat it seriously.
Some have said that a higher power, such as a God, has directed evolution. So, intelligently-directed evolution, rather than evolution by arbitrary natural laws, might be one scenario in that category.
But modern evolutionary biologists have well established that natural selection is clearly not the single driving force of evolution.
So, given the tone of the poll the question should probably be rephrased to: "do you believe in modern evolutionary theories (which include the modern synthesis as well as newer findings of the genomics era) or do you believe in ID or any off-spring of it?"
by natural selection are you including "unnatural selection" like what we have done to dogs because if you are then of corse thats the way it is
Oh terrific, yet another “ultimate evolution poll”. Maybe this time we can sort this issue out once and for all.

There’s even a directive to “treat it seriously”. I’m sure the usual bevy of trolls will pay heed.

These threads/polls always turn out so well, not. I just don’t understand why people feel the need to start yet another evolution thread.
probably because the others didnt get the result the starter hoped for?
or is that to cynical
Oh terrific, yet another “ultimate evolution poll”. Maybe this time we can sort this issue out once and for all.

There’s even a directive to “treat it seriously”. I’m sure the usual bevy of trolls will pay heed.

These threads/polls always turn out so well, not. I just don’t understand why people feel the need to start yet another evolution thread.

What we need is a poll that's Intelligently Designed.
As I have stated in another post that's been lost in space somewhere, I've been sent here from another galaxy to visit awhile. We travel throughout the universe and sometimes spread our "seeds" around and this was another world that we did that to. ;)
I protest the movement of this poll from Free Thoughts to the Biology and Genetics forum. This forum will naturally be biased toward Evolution by Natural Selection, just as it would have been biased had it been moved to the Religion forum.

Please move it back to Free Thoughts.
Evolution is impacted by everything...and that starts with drugs for sick who than survive and pass their genes to others...

the key to answering this answer is to define to whom is this "natural" in perspective to?

I believe in evolution by natural selection and other kinds, ie. via neutral mutations (mutations which are "unseen" by, and therefore, are not selected for or selected against, by natural selection). The kind of complexity that we see in life which we see as needing an explanation requires the explanation of natural selection, however.
Some have said that a higher power, such as a God, has directed evolution. So, intelligently-directed evolution, rather than evolution by arbitrary natural laws, might be one scenario in that category.

The natural laws are not arbitrary or random (to our understanding). It represents pure mathematics.

Why it has to be God verses Randomness? Why can it not be that the Earth is a living thing that experiments and produces based on availavle materials vs Mars which dead now but could have life forms millions of years ago.

No one thinks about other external factors....
The natural laws are not arbitrary or random (to our understanding). It represents pure mathematics.

Why it has to be God verses Randomness? Why can it not be that the Earth is a living thing that experiments and produces based on availavle materials vs Mars which dead now but could have life forms millions of years ago.

No one thinks about other external factors....

It is not God versus randomness. That is your own flawed perception: your second paragraph falls into the 'Evolution by some other means' category.

PS - your claim about natural laws representing pure mathematics is backward.