The Ultimate Crackpot Theory


How to Good-bye Depression
If you constrict anus 100 times everyday. Malarkey? or Effective way?
by Hiroyuki Nishigaki

I say "Hey, you gotta take a look at the butt-squeezing exercise and try to do it in secret".

I am very pleased and embarrassed to explain such a
butt-squeezing exercise in my broken English

I highly recommend drinking a cup of water as soon as you get up. Then, have a bowel
movement for more than 5 minutes and repeat these another 5 times during the day, even
without stool discharge. Twice in the morning, twice in the daytime, twice in the evening. Also
practice to dent the navel to spine 100 times in succession and to constrict anus 100 times in
succession daily
. These two exercises do not require special time and a special place, since
they can be practiced without being noticed by others, while waiting at intersection in a car or
on the subway or in a boring meeting or reading e-mail or in a bed or even in a church (but may
go to hell). I know a Japanese man who has been doing so everyday for 20 years. He is 70 years
old now, but he looks like 50. His eyes sparkle. He has a good complexion, is full of vigor,
happiness and joy. He never ever complains or carries a grudge under any circumstance.
I tried this and actually goodbyed depression. but I helloed haemorrhoids.

It also gives women better pliers.:confused:
Yeah, well you might gain another hand or something if you work your ass that often, you could suck stuff into it, rearange it and then spit it back out. Like lego sets, for example.
Originally posted by Pollux V
Yeah, well you might gain another hand or something if you work your ass that often, you could suck stuff into it, rearange it and then spit it back out. Like lego sets, for example.

That is the weirdest thing I've heard for a long time. :D