The UFO Technology Hackers Manual Second Edition


Registered Senior Member
The Second Edition of my book The UFO Technology Hackers Manual is out and in downloadable E-Book format or CD ROM.

As with the previous edition I want everyone to have the information in the book so it is included on the site that is promoting the book for me. Just go to the patent archives and do the research there that is outlined on this site and you don't need to pay a dime for the information.

Or you can support my research and download the full 10.1 MB file with all the patents and other images and links included.

The UFO Technology Hackers Manual SE E-Book


You can pay the $10 with paypal or send a check or money order to me and I will send the CD if you can't download a 10.1MB file

Michael McDonnough
rude and quick response

Since you could not have possible read any of my material that quickly I must assume you just come here to dump on people.

Try at least forming a legitimate informed opinion before you pop your cork.
Au contraire my deluded friend. I read enough to come across enough gibberish to form that opinion. Sorry if it's not what you wanted to hear, but I call them as I see them. :D

If you really wanted me to comment on various aspects of your article, expect complete brutality. Shall I continue?
I will not waste my time spating with the nameless and faceless

The opinion of a nameless faceless individual who atackes through their keyboard is of no value to me.

I thought you were rude and very quick to judge and you simply proved it further.

My research is about technology and it's application in space travel. When you have read through all of the patents and have spoken to the inventors you will have done enough to determine the value of my research, work plain and simple.

Anything less and your opinion is not even based on evaluation of the facts as they are.
smiles I read that link (about half with my full attention and ONLY lost some attention when a guy I knew messaged me online and I was doing both) I have a your book do you explore and talk about the application of all those patents?
That is the purpose of the book

The purpose is to explore the application of the disclosed patents. I am working closely with one of the inventors James Cox on developing his technology for use in the Mars Manned mission. His Torroidal EM thruster is able to produce significant thrust already. We will be further developing his engine technology this year.

Some of the other technology is also interesting and James has used some of the best of all of these to advance his system.

James Taylor is no longer alive. He died of a heart attack shortly after moving to Australia to work on his engine for a GOV contractor there. His EM propulsion system is very promising and is now public domain since he is no longer around to keep up with the patent and has no heirs to do this for him..

We have what it takes I think to be able to produce electric spacecraft using EM for thrust only.
I will not waste my time spating with the nameless and facelessThe opinion of a nameless faceless individual who atackes through their keyboard is of no value to me.

I thought you were rude and very quick to judge and you simply proved it further.

My research is about technology and it's application in space travel. When you have read through all of the patents and have spoken to the inventors you will have done enough to determine the value of my research, work plain and simple.

Anything less and your opinion is not even based on evaluation of the facts as they are.

Classical bookcase crackpot rebuttal.

We have what it takes I think to be able to produce electric spacecraft using EM for thrust only.

smiles I am going to buy your book as it sounds interesting and a new theory about what UFO's are. I have issues with aliens flying around doing all that people claim but I can accept our government hiding facts about our own exploration.
I think that humans can do more than is widly accepted

I started looking for the possibility of human designed UFO Technology and this book describes what I found. This is a lot of my opinion as you would expect from a book written by a non scientist.

The inventors of these patents are human and some of the patents date back to the early 50's. These just show that it is within the human mind to grasp this technology. The dates are only relevant to a point. Just like inventions that were attributed to a particular time only to find evidence of their application in an earlier time.

The more we learn the more we find out how little we really know.
In other words, written by someone who has no idea what they're talking about, but would like to make you think they do know in order to take your money. Perhaps if you peddled your wares as science fiction entertainment, you might get better reviews.
You certainly are important in your mind

Just what is your problem? You just want to fight someone?

I don't want to mix it up with you. I am not hurting you in any way yet you attack me. Why? Judging from the time of day of these attacks I would have to conclude you are suppose to be doing your homework.

Perhaps some clarification is in order.

It is YOU who is trying to sell crap on this message board. It is YOU who is attempting to convince our fair readers that the crap you're selling has some sort of scientific relevance.

If you can't take the feedback, negative or otherwise, then you shouldn't be trying to sell your crap on this message board.

In other words, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Clear enough?
The opinion of the nameless is valueless

Since you will not qualify yourself your opinion is has no relevance anyway.

What I am selling I also give away as I stated. There are links to the patents on that page and you may read them for yourself and you can judged their value for yourself without cost.

The opinion of some top engineers I am working with is a lot more value to me then your non qualified opinion.

So think what you like but you should make up your mind with facts, not opinions of the messenger.

Why don't you write to the patent holders and tell them the patents they have been issued have no value because you don't think they know what they are talking about.

I did not author the patents I only report on them and their possible applications.
Originally posted by betavoltaic
Anything less and your opinion is not even based on evaluation of the facts as they are.
Yes, facts are indeed important. I remember you flashing around the Undernet a while back.

According to this link, as of 1998 you had been “researching” for 5 years. So, by 2002, 9 years.

According to this link, as of 1998 you had been “researching” for 15 years. So, by 2002, 19 years.

Your research period would seem to be a simple fact to keep straight, yet there is some difficulty. A little “publicity grease” perhaps? You know, get the masses thinking you’ve committed more time than you actually have… make it a little easier to accept your theories? When “known” facts are suspect, all facts become suspect. Just my opinion.

By the way, how come we don’t get the book link with the fancy representation of your work? Why aren't those that reviewed your book credited? James E. Cox, inventor? He doesn’t seem too “inventive” to me. In fact, when he “speaks” about your second book, it’s exactly, word for word, the same as when he spoke about your first book (on this page). Or was this just a little “cut and paste” action to save some time and lend credence to your work?

Yes... facts. Color me skeptical. :rolleyes:

You waiting out the clock Goofyfish

Looks like you spent some time on that search. If you get paid by the hour your boss is getting ripped off.
Fortunately, my time is my own.

Rather than concerning yourself with addressing the information I presented, you posted a somewhat flippant reply. In truth, you provided all the answer that I really needed. Try peddling your snake oil in the next town down the road.

I will answer the time spent on research question

I have been studying the UFO phenomena for 15 years at the time of that writing. I had been studying the patent archives for 5 years at that time.

The 2 have relevance of their own and taken in context it is a lot clearer then when taken out of content and lumped together.

The patents speak for themselves. The book is my opinion of them and my ideas for possible applications. Nothing more or less.
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I am afraid, Betavoltaic, that to throw a possibly pseudoscientific theory into a roomfull of scientists is rather like throwing a goldfish into a tank of pirhanas.

It is the nature of science that we examine and dissect your claims. We do this to our own. The false theories are weeded out, the good ones stay.

We are often acerbic in our replies. If you cannot take that, do not peddle your wares here. Do it somwhere else.

As Goofyfish noted.
This is the pseudoscience section is it not

This is the place just for this. No one who attacked me had a thing to say about the content on my message they only attacked the messanger.

Nothing was disproven in the least just chided and spat upon with no real critical debate. Not even the content of the patents were discussed..

In other words save the high and mighty scientist stuff for someone that will beleive it. Some people come to these boards and vent their frustrations and nothing more. That is self evident.