THE TWO WAYS - an interesting quote...


Registered Senior Member
The first way - "IMITATION".

This way is the most easiest and sweetest... in the beginning. But the most difficult and bitter in the end. Walking this way, one does not need to work with his soul. He can be as everyone, live as all live… But in the old age - bitterness, repentance and a regret...

Old age for you now - something uncertain, unreal, not clear. As a far - far foggy island. Each of you are sure, that never will grow old.

Walking this way, it is not necessary to think, strain, it is necessary simply to follow the elementary instincts and desires.

It is a way of the sleeping. This is comprehension of the world through recurrence experience of others, through imitating predecessors.

"... There will come time when the person with the help of an object would be able to lift other object up to the stars and back, and if farther, through eighteen thousand worlds to God.

There will come time when the person with the help of an object would be able to lift himself up to the stars and back, and is farther, through eighteen thousand worlds to God, to personally appear at him.

But it only when the time will come. This time can come after thirty breaths or after thirty thousand years. But it is - when the time will come. And your life can not be enough.

On this way you can receive, extract, collect, save up knowledge and transfer it as a heritage to other people. You can leave a trace in history of mankind and the experience of movement on this road ".

The Second way - "CONDITION".

"Remember! If you do not have time to wait millennium and you want to appear personally to the Creator, during your life, to be dissolved in His great and immense light, you should go on a way of self-knowledge. Because, by learning yourself, you will learn the God.

Going on a way of self comprehension, opening secret forces in yourself, you, with effort of the spirit, would be able to lift an object and send it up to stars and back or further, through eighteen thousand worlds, to the Creator. Or you would be able to lift, with effort of the spirit, yourself up to the stars and back or further, through eighteen thousand worlds, to the Creator
On this way you will learn hate, passing in compassion to people.

Through compassion you will comprehend Love.
Becoming rich, you will comprehend essence of riches and poverty.
You will comprehend essence of force and powerlessness.
You will understand and will comprehend validity.
You will learn a pain of loneliness, remaining among set of people.
You will comprehend pleasure and a pain simultaneously, having opened the true recognition of the world and seeing person the way they really are".

The Truth is not transferred, the truth is comprehended.
The Way of Imitation. While receiving easy knowledge, the Personality disappears on this way, it dissolved in a crowd. To comprehend truth on this way, is indefinitely difficult.

The Way of Condition is a way of the perfect person. Everyone going this way can comprehend the truth. The lack of this way, is that the force, abilities, love, power and all opportunities achieved on a way to truth, is impossible to transfer anothers. During transfer, being reflects in consciousness of other person and the truth perishes.

The task of going on this way - to find, distinguish, open a perfect person and to pass on the baton.