the truth resides await eternally

james whitticker

Registered Member
please only serious replies only.

i have been seeing many disturbing things as of late, but one of the things that is most distressing is that we are not even living in the fucking right year.
I need to prove this and if anyone could help me man you would be nice, I mean, i need an accredited source saying 'this is when so and so happened, and here's how I know"

it seems almost impossible because, now it is not 2003, it is 1999. if you are a Christian you know that end times is 2000, which puts us less than a year away. Fock!

"Roman Historical documents prove that King Herod died in the year that we now call 4 B.C. Since Herod plays an integral role in the story of Jesus's birth, we know that Herod must have been alive when Jesus was born. Since the Bible doesn't tell us how many months passed between the birth of Jesus and the time that Herod ordered the death of all the infants, we can easily guess that it could have been 5, 6 or even 7 B.C. when Jesus was born"

I also know that the current calander was made according to how long Julius Ceaser had been in power, and that the person making the calander made the mistake that put the calander 4 years behind, and in fact I have a book saying that called "5/5/2000, ice, the ultimite disaster" by Richard Noone. But i need more, please helpme if you can.
A completely serious reply (and this assumes you are not simply joking) will be:

1) For the first 1000 years or more, calendars were rather messed up and we have no reliable knowledge of the precise timing of events around the year 1. At best, precision is around +-5 years.

2) The Bible does not contain ONE precise future date. "Bible predictions" are all conjecture, and they do not have any great record for reliability.

So, just go ahead with your life.
