the truth is here!


Valued Senior Member
I may be here for a while now, Schlorgibbarrrnt is running well late and I've got to do something constructive, otherwise I'll go mad waiting for him/her/hum.I'm not worried though, I've put out a coded message so it probably won't be long before I am contacted by a fellow Grrbwuintishinian, but in the meantime I am available for insight and wisdom into the entire cosmos as taught to me by the great masters of Grrbwuintishin.Although this isn't strictly legal I do command a certain amount of discretion and I'm not likely to turn you on to anything really spooky because you just simply wouldn't understand it anyway, well, not unless you understand Gfirrifusian fractal code - It's not normally taught east of the Thracudnwrrnjan central meridian, so I don't expect to have any problems with the Rolsd of Suctije or,'lawmakers' as you would simply describe them.
Anyway, take advantage of my presence and good offices and ask me your most profound questions on life, the universe and everything. I shall endeavour to answer in a way you will understand.
the have a word for people like you. lasy slackers. i'm not saying that i'm not one, but you could make up better words dude, i'm serious. cause dude, i'm like a expert on a bunch of stuff, and i've never herd of any of that, what are you, an alien, a god or what????? i dont get it? and some guy running late??? dont tell us that.

Hoyiugboiusboweu makes about as much sense as that gibberish you posted, tablariddim. You're either hitting the bong a little too hard, or you've watched way too much British comedy.

I'll take you seriously when you've replaced the batteries in your universal translator.
LMAO!!! :D :D :D

Duracell - Boom!!! - Booom !!!- Booom!!!

ehh.. ok.. uhrm...

Instead of we asking you about stuff. Why don't you post your take on it all. From start to finish, maybe not as detailed to begin with, but so that we can catch your drift and ask you from there..

I am waiting.
Somebody has disputed the idea of 'soul', so for him and for others who are sceptical I shall make an analogy, because apart from a mathematical formulae which would just go on forever, an analogy is the best way to describe such an intangible.
The soul or personal spirit is just a part of the great universal spirit which is totally connected and intergrated with every single atom in the universe, it evolves, re-invents and re-incarnates itself endlessly.
One analogy to re-incarnation is thus :
Take a body of water - a churning river, alive with the power of it's momentum - all the while this river exists, parts of it are 'dying' or evaporating. Though this isn't discernible to the eye,the water which has 'died' is usually reduced to its single atom status and it is carried by whatever atmospheric condition exists at the time to a new destination where it will join up with trillions of other atoms to create or add to another body of water.This body of water could be anything, from rising damp to an ocean, from an iceberg to a snowflake, from a virus to an alien.In any case it will either be within a life form or it will nourish it or it will provide a habitable environment for it to live in.
The soul behaves in an uncannily similar fashion. one analogy for the soul is thus:
If the organic brain/mind was related to an electronic computer, then you could say, that the brain/mind is programmed and conditioned by the sum of its experiences and that any notions of soul are purely illussory and based on fear or wishful thinking. A computer is programmed and configured by the sum of its maker and it's user.It can play music to you all day, it can offer you fantastic environments for you to play games in, it can do an abundance of things but, does it have a soul?
Yes, it does now, well almost.But its soul actually existed long, long before computers were even thought of. Yeah right!! I hear you say. But of course they have a soul now, the internet is the soul. That intangible quality which was never programmed or configured by either the maker or the user
except to simply enable its function.But the ordinary people who are the providers and the users of the 'net have been around a very long time.The internet is immortal, whatever is on it now will never die, it will simply evolve, as will the technology that provides it. It's nothing new when I say that in the not too distant future the internet will be as interactive and as real as a real living lifeform, the technology for this will exist as a microscopic brain implant and humans will be able to become 'as one' with the virtual universe,at will. This is a fact pre-emptied!
The soul is like a universal internet,it is invisible and unobtrusive until it's 'dialled up'.Some people who believe they have a soul are actually able to become as one with the real universe/God/whatever, the human mind cannot comprehend fully that which was never programmed into it and so therefore descriptions/assumptions of this type of phenomena are invalid and ambiguous ( I looked through a glass darkly )
but these people do tend to acquire very deep insights and wisdom, seemingly from nowhere.The spirit is everywhere, it is in every living thing and it is out of every living thing and it is outside of time.To quote from one your holy books, ' it always was, always is and always is to come'.Your individual soul is attached to the source of all things and to the end of all things.Your soul is outside of time!just like the 'net.Its just that its past and its future are invisible but, just like the'net every one of its experiences/actions may be recorded and stored.The 'net providers/operators do this to gain customer profiles by which way they can evolve their services to better attract new clients and capitalise on their knowledge.The spirit is always developing and evolving through the experiences of individual souls and is continually re-incarnating new souls which in essence have been configured by the previous ones - eventually, over time an entire sea change occurs to absolutely everything, changes which are directly but unwittingly caused by the souls themselves.
I'm sure you get the gist of it by now so I'll leave it at that for now...I'm a soooul man deden de da deden de da, a sooul man!
Sweeeeeeeet. Anything else from Zelphadingywoowu you'd care to share? Maybe something we haven't heard before.
Congratulations, you've just equated soul with meaning. I think you are still a bit aways from equating it with the self (which is the canonical form). So I'm not sure what your newly-conceptualized "soul" is trying to accomplish.

By the way, water is molecular, not atomic.

I am; therefore I think.
Sounds like you're trying to start another new age scientology based cult with the internet as your god.
This forum is for 'Aliens and Extraterestrials'.
I politely suggest you either move to the 'Religion' forum or basically p*ss off with that crap you print...." the internet has had a soul long before you or I were born??? " ...the sh*t just don't stop, does it??!!
I say this in the nicest possible way :)
i'm in honors spelling, 8th grade!!!! and i have a B!!!! that isnt too great but.... its kinda a start i guess... and i am a lazy dude, with nothing better to do with my time

that is all

Welcome, tablariddim... and thanks for the laugh.

Although I get the drift of your analogy (I think), I could not help but find some of your statements quite humorous.

For example:

This is a fact pre-emptied!

Perhaps it's just my strange sense of humor, but I found this statement to be hilarious!!! Did you mean to be funny? Or, was this just a typo?

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited November 09, 1999).]

Try not to pay attention to those people who TRY to make fun of you and who call you names. Since I believe that many of them already know your age (it's been stated in a number of your posts), I venture to guess that they just can't resist pickin' on little (younger) guys. It does not reflect poorly on your character, dexter, it reflects on theirs.

Have a Pepsi on me, man!
Yeah, I realised that water was molecular after I sent the message.Actually it's Schlorgibarrrnt who's the real brains on the team but since his radio got broken he's been stuck on Uranus.I hope he gets back real soon and then hopefully we can dish out some real science.' A fact pre-emptied', sounds pretty cute don't you think? ok, pompous and arrogant as well but, hey I'm only five feet high!By the way Dave, analogies do not a religion or cult make and what makes you think that aliens cannot have a concept of soul or spirit? I certainly do!
Boris, I'll try again. What I think I'm trying to say and this is just an outline,is
that lifeforms serve as conduits to streaming information to/from the universal spirit, every single thought and action by the lifeform is put to use by the u s which in turn evolves and shapes the universe to better suit those thoughts and deeds. I don't believe it's judgmental but I believe it can work very quickly when the collective needs/thoughts and actions are strong enough to move it.Just look back in history, to see how quickly nature can re-assert itself with rapidly evolved species of everything after huge natural disasters, such as meteor crashes and climate changes.Don't want to bore U guys if you want me to leave say so, I'll count the stays and the go's tomorrow so maybe we'll speak again.

Nobody's trying to kick you out. But don't expect us to swallow anything unpleasant, either.

On the information note, I think you are hitting close to home. However, information is not passed on to some "higher spirit"; instead it is encoded in the structure of life itself. Across generations, it is encoded in evolving DNA, and within individual lifetimes (for higher animals), it is encoded within the ever-changing brain (as in the various forms of knowledge). You can fancy otherwise all you want, of course -- but such fancy will not help you study all the nitty-gritty details of information accumulation and transfer in the universe. Nor will it help you explore the dynamics of knowledge and memory within both healthy, and pathological, humans.

I am; therefore I think.
Tab......the diet soft drink, anyway,ya replace your damn duracells and maybe your doctors should tighten up the restraining straps and increase your thorazine. They have a word for this condition....called god syndrome,theres no time limit,no rush to get your 'information out' nothing. Like Boris said, what 'information' youve said has been known for centuries. Increase your meds and go back to sleep.Leave this board for the serious.

Eric Cooper

You should stay. You are an interesting person but would you take a hint and cut out the crap?
By the way Dave, analogies do not a religion or cult make and what makes you think that aliens cannot have a concept of soul or spirit? I certainly do!

kay...when did I say Aliens didn't or couldn't have a concept of soul...actually.... at what stage in your post did you say that they did or could???
You can't leave now, this is getting too weird so don't you dare leave us hanging...I want to know where all this is leading ... after all - you have now mentioned aliens - so please continue..... :)
HEY pass the BONG!
Can't you guys see he is just trying to get a reaction. A form of self satisfaction perhaps?

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

Hmmmm... I took tab' to be one from the unisex species... Hence, the him/her/hum...

Hey, speaking of gender, do you believe that it is possible for a man to be trapped inside a woman's body and vice-versa? If so, then would gender be a function of the mind, the body, the spirit, two of the three, all of the above, or WHAT?