The Truth About Salvation!


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No one today has salvation. Mark 16:16/17 says that, if you believe and are baptized, you will be saved and you will have the power to perform miracles, lay your hands on the sick and they will be healed and Jesus also says you can tell a tree to pull itself up by the roots and cast itself into the sea and it will obey. And Math. 17--20/21 Jesus says "that nothing will be impossible for you". Corinthains 4--20 says the gospel is a matter of power and not of words. If you have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you will have this power. Or is the gift of speaking in tongues the only gift that God has. That is what some say that proves you have been baptized by the Holy Spirit. If you don't have the power then you have not been baptized, therefore you are not saved.

Let me began this with luke 16--19/31. Lazarus died and went to heaven, that is the first resurrection, [for the dead in christ will rise first] Oh by the way this Lazarus is the same Lazarus that Jesus raised from the dead. This lazarus is the same rich man that came to Jesus in Mat.19--16/22 and ask: What must I do in order to be saved? and in Luke 18 --18/26. Ecclesiastes 9--5/6 says that the dead know nothing, Their love, their hate, their passions, all died with them. Ecc. 9-10 says work hard at whatever you do ,because there will be no action, no thought, no knowledge, no wisdom in world of the dead--and that is where you are going. Now, does that sound like the action of someone in heaven or hell. Everyone's spirit goes back to God when they die and there body goes back to dust. Besides, if a person went to heaven or hell the moment they died, what is the resurrection for. Surely you don't think that God would take someone out of hell, pass judgement on them and then throw them back into hell. "ludicrous" Also Psalms 88----10/12
Then the Bible says that the rich man died and went to hell, according to Rev. 20 the rest of the dead will not rise until the thousand years is over with. Jesus said that Lazarus died and went to heaven, [the first resurrection], then the rich man died and went to hell, [the second resurrection], but there is a thousand years between the two resurrection's, and then the judgment . Look at John 5--25/29 Jesus said the dead would hear his voice and come out of their graves. Those that had done good will rise and live, and those who had done evil would rise and be condemned. Jesus said this in one statement, but their is a thousand years between the two resurrections. Now to the thief on the cross. In Mat.27--44 the bible says that both thieves insulted him. Also in Mark 15---32. but in Luke 23--32/43 Jesus said, I promise you, that "today" In other words, he made the promise that day. you would be in paradise with me. He won't be with him in paradise until he is resurrected, and judged. He knew that both their spirit would go back to God who gave it. Now you study the bible to find out for yourself where Jesus spent the next three [3] days
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It is interesting mythology I agree. Sadly there are people around today who believe these things might actually be true.
Interpretations...blah, don't waste your time with them, if you do, make it worth something and start your own religion. Just make sure you appeal to everyone's emotions to get quick convertors.