Double Overdrive

<small>Aliens are real..?</small>

[This message has been edited by Double Overdrive (edited June 02, 1999).]
I don't know about you, but regressing in time in order to drain fluids from my greatgreatgreatgreat...greatgrandfather's rectum is something that even primitive little I find odious to contemplate.
Double Overdrive,
The chances of your statement being correct are on the good side.
There is enough evidence out there to say that aliens exist, why should we accept the words of higher authority to say otherwise.
That is the problem with people these days, what a government official says, goes. People rely too much on heads of state too actually think for themselves, the human race has robotic.
Accually aliens aren't real, I was just lying in my original post. Sorry to all you alien fans. :(

We live, we die, WHO CARES!
-Double Overdrive
For those of you who do not believe..why
are you spending so much time stating it?
Stick with the topics that you are interested
Somewhere inside of some of you..perhaps there is a part of you that
believes.. if aliens mean nothing to you..
then whyyyyyyyyyyy keep up this on going
argument???? Just curious..

Ahh, so you are stating that our agrument is invalid? We have the same rights as you to post our position on this matter. We keep saying we don't "believe" because there is absolutely ZERO evidence supporting the existence of "gray" or any other type of aliens!

The real question should be why you guys keep trying to persuade us that the alien creatures really do exist. You come to us with an invalid argument, evidence is the only thing you need to change most of the skeptics minds!

So Flash, I hope you learned you lesson in the matter of DEBATE. And according to your statment that deep down inside of me I believe in aliens is absolutely FALSE! I am not predisposed to any mutual feelings toward the belief an alien figure. Show a little more decency in the future.

We live, we die, WHO CARES!
-Double Overdrive

[This message has been edited by Double Overdrive (edited June 02, 1999).]
Double Overdrive,
Decency???? LMAO... then you haven't seen
anything yet. Actually, I have been biting
my tongue sooooooooooooooooo is
a wonder it is not in two... I am trying
to work on my anger...ect...
I never said you did not have any rights
to state how you feel... What I meant to
say, is that why bother if you do not give
a flip? That is all. Have you looked
for the proof overdrive??? Just curious..
am not trying to start a war here..I am
being sincere.

BTW.. I am not trying to prove to you
or anyone here for that matter that aliens
are real. I am only posting in reply to how
I feel... I could really care less if you
believe in them or not. I certainly will
not lose sleep over it.

[This message has been edited by Flash (edited June 02, 1999).]
The funny thing about people who say there is no proof, is that they are drawing this conclusion assuming they have looked into EVERY case of alien observation. I don't know about you, but that sounds like a feat for the omnipotent one (notice I did not say God - I am trying not to support anyone's religious theories [apologies to Lori]).

To be better informed or accept the belief in aliens, it is not so far-fetched to say that there are those who have reason to believe, but that it will take more to convince the skeptics than a first-hand account of abduction or whatever.

Now let's all kiss and make up.


Just look at it this way, there currently is nothing to believe in because there is no evidence concerning the existence of aliens. For the record I do give a flip about this because it is becoming an absurdity!

It is alright if you believe in it, but won't you give up your quest to proclaim aliens real since you don't have any VALID EVIDENCE (whatsoever!!)

You say you don't give a rats ass if I care, but let me tell you that I do care-This alien thing has gotten way outta proportion (HELL,were even making movies outta this shit!) By the way, I am not saying aliens don't exist, all i'm saying is that there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO EVIDENCE supporting the claim. So you can't really call me a skeptic because there is nothing to skepticize about!

That's all I hafta say. What is your backfire Flash?

We live, we die, WHO CARES!
-Double Overdrive

[This message has been edited by Double Overdrive (edited June 02, 1999).]
If you are looking for an argument out of
me..give it up... well, unless I have had
a few..that seems to be when I really can
not control my tongue LMAO...

Becoming an absurdity, huh? All because
YOU do not have proof? Again, I am going
to ask the same question, you know the one
you keep avoiding, have you truly searched
this out? Or do you expect someone to hand
it to you on a silver platter?
Let me guess... you probably do not believe
in a spiritual realm either, because it can't
be proved in a manner that is acceptable to
If you truly want proof..its out
just have to be willing to keep an open mind.
Let me guess..when you lose something in your
home...and look for hours for give
up- only to turn around 5 minutes later to
find it was in front of your face the whole
Double Overdrive,
I have a question for you.
What do YOU believe in?

I'm sorry, I didn't want to make an agrument out of this. I accually can believe in things, but you have to understand that it isn't that easy to accept these type of facts.

I know where you'all are coming from, because my own mom saw a UFO. Although I didn't find it credible, she really believes that she saw a UFO (by the way she said she saw one hovering over a KMART :), and she is on heavy medication.)

So, to end this conflict, We both can believe in whatever the hell we wanna believe in...

We live, we die, WHO CARES!
-Double Overdrive
Is Double Overdrive still around? i havent seen him post lately. Obviously he has never been abducted. Has he seen the scars that occur overnight? has he had nightly nosebleeds from implants? has he experienced missing time? or had the nightmares? probably not. Then and only then would he maybe admit that there might be something to it.Has he ever seen a strange object in the sky? or been given strange documents noone can explain? i doubt it

Eric Cooper
The people who say that there is no evidence must live in a closet. Then again not everyone has to say that these grays are aliens. I read an interesting article at I think it was title Aliens the truth or something like that. It freaked me out because many people had stated seeing these "grey aliens". I was freaked out because I had saw one in my room at night. Common conception is to call these things aliens, but I don't think it was an alien. More like a ghost.

I was also watching a T.V. show about this stuff and they had a celebrity who had seen one of these "greys". I was really freaked cause she explained exactly what I was feeling and what it did. It went to the end of the bed. And you kinda forget to breathe cause of it.

I said hello to it, and it kept on walking, hehe I thought well, heres my chance to talk to a ghost but the thing didn't answer back. Anyway I don't want it coming back, even though other people say that it stays with you for life. Perhaps not coming back for years. People have also yelled out on an encounter "Jesus is my saviour" or "Jesus, Jesus save me" and it went away, disapeared.

That would lead most people to believe that it is a demon or something. I'm a christian, so I'm kinda freaked about it, but know that god will protect me.
Morning Flash and how the hell are you doing? lol im on 24 hr duty so lots of uninterrupted study time. Any more activity your way? lots of new people with new ideas its kind of refreshing except of course for the little ignorant ones. hey have a great day

Eric Cooper
Morning! Hey, I am going on 2 hours sleep..
and I am doing great! LMAO
Yes, there has been...for some reason your
e-mail addy isn't working...I'll try it
again though. Have lots to tell ya!
How about yourself?
Flash try its a better email anyway and that goes for any other abductees on this board

Eric Cooper
Harmonicus! I missed you! Hope you are doing well.


I don't know Deadwood.


There's power and protection in our saviour Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. You are protected if you choose to be. Protect yourself.


I think this string says alot to support my beliefs, though not creating or perpetuating them, as they come from the guidance of the Holy Spirit through prayer to God in the name of Jesus Christ. That's all the proof I need, but it seems that everywhere I turn there is more, and more, and more support. It seems so obvious to me. The reason that there is what seems to be a lack of "hard" evidence, and I mean like a mass landing, or at the very least a big hunk of metal falling out of the sky, or a body or something, is because we're dealing with spiritual beings, or some type of product thereof. This whole phenomenon really does have a lot more to do with a "communion". A spiritual experience. People, you need to have communion with Jesus. And please don't get me wrong, I'm not insinuating that there are no physical manifestations as Eric and many others have spoken of, and of course there's Roswell, but I'm referring to the elusivity, and spirit-like behaviours or traits. Come on people, please get's so important. You've got to pray. You've got to ask Jesus to save you or you will be lost forever. I don't think that we have much more time.

God loves you and so do I!
Hello you all.

This is very interesting, to share feelings and thoughts about this stuff. I don't know how to start with it but I think that there really are aliens (we are aliens too) but they weren't here yet. It is just a thought for people because they are afraid for it. I think that they made the "greys" with their mind to have an example for how it would be, or how they would like it to be. I don't say that aliens do not exist, but they had never visit the earth like people wants us to believe. That's for sure!!! Maybe they don't look like greys or maybe there were no aliens here!!! I just try to tell that all these stories were made up by several people or by the gouvernment. I don't know. But I only know for sure that it hasn't gone these ways!!!
