The truth about God and Religion


Registered Member
After searching and searching for such a long time, I have finally found some websites that totally and completely describes what God and religion are really like. These websites that I found tells the complete and 100% truth about God and religion. They are, by far, the most truthful descriptions of God and religion that I have ever read. They are brilliant. They say it all about God and religion. If you want to know the accurate, honest, 100% truth about God and religion and what they are really like, go to those website's addresses. Those website's addresses are:
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While I agree with a lot on the sights that you posted, however, it is hard to say that they are the 'truth' about God and religion. The scary reality is that you really cannot prove that God is real, or made up. I personally think that if you rationally work through all of it, most will come to the conclusion that its all a big farce, but that doesn't do it for everyone. Some can abandon logic and reason for faith, and while people can do this, religion and God will exist in their minds. Whatever, to each his own.

By the way, your first link does not work.

Best of wishes.
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Q25, thanks for that website you posted. I am someone who believes that there are two and only two possibilities regarding God. Those pssibilities are either God does not exist (which seems the most likely), or that God is 100% cruel and evil. That is what I believe to be true. Anyway, I had been searching and searching the internet for a while to find some websites that totally agreed with my beliefs. Those four web links that I had posted totally described how I think and feel about God, religion, the bible, christianity and everything associated with it. Each person who created those websites is an atheist. They believe that God does not exist. However, they believe that if he does exist that he is evil. That is exactly how I think and feel. Anyway, even though I like the four web links that I found a lot because they say what I believe to be the complete 100% truth, I am always looking for more websites that express similar thoughts and feelings. Again, Q25, thanks for that link to that atheists site, I definitely liked it and agreed with it. Thank you, very much.

These websites that I found tells the complete and 100% truth about God and religion.

How do you know that? Because they agree with what you believe to be the truth about God?

I am someone who believes that there are two and only two possibilities regarding God. Those pssibilities are either God does not exist (which seems the most likely), or that God is 100% cruel and evil

You chose to title the thread "The truth about God and religion" and yet you believe there are two possibilities regarding God. Since they express opposite views, which one represents the truth?
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There was no opposite views. The people who created their sites made it clear that they are atheists and they do not believe that God exists. In their many arguments, they pointed that out. I believe that is the truth. However, based on the cruelties, prejudice, death, disease, destruction, and cruelties in the bible, and hundreds of many other examples and arguments that they pointed out, that they also believe that if the unlikelihood that God does exist that he must be evil. I believe that is the truth as well. To me, everything they said represents the truth. There was no contradictions and there should be no mistake of what they or what I believe. It was perfectly made clear.
It is also possible that God exists, and is indifferent to our individual plight, and that the bible was written completely independently.
If there would be a truth about god and religion, then there would only be one belief, not millions.
And I sure hope that god is either indifferent or non-existant, otherwise he is probably a sadistic egomaniac. And I don´t like such people.
You are absolutly right! Here is another site with the truth about christianity and what they believe.
Enigma'07 said:
You are absolutly right! Here is another site with the truth about christianity and what they believe.
contradictions upon contradictions,its fucking depressing to know that people actualy believe any of it.
bible's full of contradictions btw
and some more truth on God/Jesus
and one angry atheist,I guess living in the bible belt must be a bitch
and religion from atheist POV :D

and one funny bit from

George Carlin on religion

[An entire article was copied in here. No URL was provided, but it may be possible to find it on the web, if you're interested. It has been removed, in accordance with the forum posting guidelines.]

(Copyright 1999 by George Carlin. Printed without permission.)
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I don't think you can find total truth. only answers maybe. I'm not a athist or a christan. I simply believe in reasonable logic and knolage. I believe wisdom and knolage will help us to understand are self and are surrondings. That means I don't try to be bios. you need to study both point of views in order to get a un-bios opinion. Research history and link events. Here what I know from disscusion and research. God gave us free-will and one of the reason he does'nt intervine is so he does'nt interfer with are free will. Think about it. Think about are choices. I don't have time to go into detail so e-mail me if you have question on it. All I can tell you is what I know. second many historian believe and have proof that the catholic church rewrote and change the bible. Some historian also believe that jesus study with many forms of religions between the age of 14-21. He magicaly dispear out of bible in that time period. And historical research had been done to show he was in certain location at various time periods. I have brief knolage of this stuff from a proffesor I talk too. Please if any one has any more knolage they can add to the table of any sort please do. Also I apologize for my sloppy grammer and writing mechanics.
All I'm sayin is that stuff is'nt always as it seem, but some time is. If that make any sense. micha-chi-ni NO TRUTH only opion
i've been reading through this discussion and i've started pondering something. all you people who agree with anonymous' views on religion talk as if you actually believe the christian god exists.

eg, anonymous says: "...completely describes what God and religion are really like."
Q25 says: "...some more truth on God/Jesus."

shouldn't the athiests/agnostic's say "the idea of god", or "the [religion] god" ?
To me, just saying "god" implies that it/he/she is a real, physical object in existance.

am i making sense?
Becouse we all know how accurate the internet is. :rolleyes: I have no problem with athiest. It is up to the person how they want to spend thier time. If I want to worship a "fake" god then it should be my business and mine only. Believe me, you or your little websites have no effect on how the world spins around. That is an undisputable fact.