The true god and the only one true religion ?


Registered Senior Member
Me my girlfriend and my girlfriend's mother had a discussion about religion.
We were on the way home from church, when i asked my girlfriend what she thought about Islam(It could have been any other religion). She and her mother said that Islam and any other religion wasn't the true religion.
I myself consider myself christian, but for some reason their comments sounded kinda ignorant.
I came to be believe that Allah and god are basically one and the same. I didn't let them know how i felt, since my girlfriend thinks that people who think that god and allah are one entity are confused. Could anyone help me out.
Is christianty (with the true god)the only true religion? :confused:
Truenemo1889 said:
Me my girlfriend and my girlfriend's mother had a discussion about religion.
We were on the way home from church, when i asked my girlfriend what she thought about Islam(It could have been any other religion). She and her mother said that Islam and any other religion wasn't the true religion.
I myself consider myself christian, but for some reason their comments sounded kinda ignorant.
I came to be believe that Allah and god are basically one and the same. I didn't let them know how i felt, since my girlfriend thinks that people who think that god and allah are one entity are confused. Could anyone help me out.
Is christianty (with the true god)the only true religion? :confused:

Hi T,

The answer to your question depends on your intent.. If you intend to proof that Islam is the only true religion and christianity is a sham, then you are basically doing the same thing that those christian girl friends of yours are doing. They are basically playing god and judging people. We should not be in the business of playing god nor judging people, because all believers in a creator god (muslims, christians, jewish, ect) should trust that we are in a period of respite where all the doors to forgivness, compassion, ect are open by god. To god only shall we all return after our death and to god is our judgement...not to our girl friends, not to our pastors, not to our parents, not to our cool friends, not to the in crowd...only to god who have not spoken yet on the issue of who is right and who is wrong.

My suggestion to you is to take yourself out of negative influences such as attending churches with overly judgemental crowd or being around overly judgemental people. Perhaps nourishing religion in your heart and in private is the best prescription for you. Don't let anyone in on your secrets with god and believe as truthfully as you can without addressing others regarding your inner most feelings.

If you don't like to be lonely with god and that makes you feel uncomfortable, then I suggest reassessing your faith.

Follow the bible and don't attend church for public prayers:

[5] And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
[6] But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
[7] But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. from that girl and her mother because it is obvious they are narrowminded and entirely ignorant. You could teach them the better part of religions and their diverse forms in the world but running is so much easier.

Ofcourse you could tell them that one religion is not more valid or "True" over the other because they are all useless in the end and god is nothing more than a method of hope and comfort.

There is no "true god"

There is no "true religion"

God is what you make of it (So far, i remain hopeful in the most nonsensical way) so thinking that "your god" is the true lord is nothing but ignorance and signs of immaturity.
If you have the time you can read, and listen to this - it's a sermon titled
"Why I'm against organized religion"
by Rev. William Branham, preached and tape recorded in 1962.
It can answer many of your questions on this topic.
This link takes your directly to the message transcribed verbatum, and in the corner of the screen is a menu where you can click to listen to the words at the same time.

Hope it helps,

The Visitor
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TheVisitor said:
If you have the time you can read, and listen to this - it's a sermon titled
"Why I'm against organized religion"

Miraculously I was able to read it....What a boring preachy fake peace of shit. I think that guy likes to hear himself talk.
I'd like to ask the believers how they can recognise the One True Religion.
Miraculously I was able to read it....What a boring preachy fake peace of shit. I think that guy likes to hear himself talk.
You must have much more patience than I do.
I think that you should find for yourself what's right and wrong to you.

I guess you can find some underlying truth in each religion. Religions that have many Gods may describe the angels in christianity. The thing is that most religions are true in some way. But there is (only) one God, one truth.

The bible can be interpreted wrong, every religion can be interpreted to be true or come close to truth, so there isn't a "one true religion" there's a one true truth. Everything less than God is less than truth.
The truth confounded by physical reality (thus, interpretations) is subjective. The absolute truth is objective.
VitalOne said:
The truth confounded by physical reality (thus, interpretations) is subjective. The absolute truth is objective.
I agree. What we think is true doesn't have to be true, I wonder if it's even possible for a human to know the whole truth.
Cyperium said:
I agree. What we think is true doesn't have to be true, I wonder if it's even possible for a human to know the whole truth.
M*W: Not until we ACCEPT the truth! That's the harder thing for us to do. We must STOP looking at some God out there whom we think is all omniscient, omnipresent, etc. We need to start looking from WITHIN to the God in us, the God within humanity, the vehicle to carry God across the face of the Earth. Humanity IS God. We don't have a long white beard and sit on a cloud. We don't have a deep voice that strikes sinners down with lightening bolts. We weren't born of a virgin. The whole truth lies within the human race. We didn't die on a cross, but we did rise from death--death of the body. No one can convince me otherwise that we are God. We have always been God. We will always be God.
Since Christians, Jews, and Muslims are monothiestic, Allah and God are one and the same. Allah is merely the Arabic word for God, and Islam is supposed to be a continuation and clarification of Christianity and Judaism. I, as a Muslim, beleive that Islam is the "true" religion. But I don't think religion is really about being a Muslim or a Christian or whatever. It is more about being moral and doing what you think is right. Everyone pretty much in their heart knows what is right and what is wrong. It's just about following that feeling.
piddu said:
Since Christians, Jews, and Muslims are monothiestic, Allah and God are one and the same. Allah is merely the Arabic word for God, and Islam is supposed to be a continuation and clarification of Christianity and Judaism. I, as a Muslim, beleive that Islam is the "true" religion. But I don't think religion is really about being a Muslim or a Christian or whatever. It is more about being moral and doing what you think is right. Everyone pretty much in their heart knows what is right and what is wrong. It's just about following that feeling.
M*W: Yes, piddu, you are right! Allah and God ARE the same. I don't like the name "God" so I prefer "Allah" as my true God. I'm NOT Muslim, but I have a deep respect for Muslims and Islam. It's so much more true than Christianity. I'm a DEVOUT NON-Christian! Yes, you are right, it is more about being moral, living moral, thinking moral than just praying redundant prayers. All creation is God. We are part of that. Our intelligence leads us to God as well as leads us to our innermost soul. If one is not busy being born, then one is busy dying.
'God' is a pretty neutral term, if you think about it...just a noun made proper with a capital letter..
There is only one religion. Logically, more than one religion will contradict.

I say Christianity is true, and I know this by faith.

That's not narrow-mindedness, that's truth. Is there more than one answer to the question, "How many protons are in a helium atom?"

Aaron Rider said:
There is only one religion. Logically, more than one religion will contradict.

I say Christianity is true, and I know this by faith.

Ok, I respect your Faith

That's not narrow-mindedness, that's truth.

Faith = Truth???

Is there more than one answer to the question, "How many protons are in a helium atom?"


That is hands down one of THE most retarded things I have ever read.....thank you.
Aaron Rider said:
I know this by faith.
How can you know anything by faith? You have it backwards. Faith is based upon what you know (or think you know).

Aaron said:
There is only one religion. Logically, more than one religion will contradict.

I say Christianity is true, and I know this by faith.

That's not narrow-mindedness, that's truth. Is there more than one answer to the question, "How many protons are in a helium atom?"

Retardation aside, you say Christianity is true, and you know it by your faith. Much like my family knows only Judaism is true, and they know that by faith, or Hindus know Shiva or the others are real (by faith).

The best way to put this: faith is neither narrow-mindedness (well, some of the times it isn't) nor truth. It is faith. Unknowable, unfalsifiable. That is exactly how it was thought of. Faith is good for one thing: faith only. It cannot be applied to practical uses without causing harm, as we have all seen. If you consider yourself religious, you have surely researched the history of your religion, much like if you consider yourself American or British or Australian, you have researched the history. Right? You have, haven't you?

Ah, tangent.

Anyway, faith is nothing more than belief and ideas. Faith does not have or require evidence or anything substantial of that sort.