The True Face Of "god"


Registered Member

All life on Earth,human included,had been scientifically created in
laboratories by the Elohim,people from space,who had developed a
perfect mastery of genetic engineering and DNA synthesis.
Traces of their work can be found in the Bible,which is the oldest
atheist book in the world,since the word "Elohim",which appears in the
original Hebrew version,means "those who came from the sky".
The Elohim entrusted Rael with the mission of propagating this
revolutionary revelation and building an Embassy where they will
officially return very soon,along with the Great Prophets of Old that
they had sent,such JESUS,MOSES,BUDDHA and MOHAMMED,who are kept alive
on their planet thanks to cloning the secret of eternal life.

The values conveyed by traditional religios no longer correspond to
present day life,and yet humans have a fundamental need for

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Tangible evidence, please ?

No, the Bible (written by men seeking to enthrall the populace)
is NOT a factual document I would deem acceptable.

If you read the bible and leave all of your preconcieved notions of what it is in your "preconcieved notion box",it looks like an instruction manual,with suggestions on how to live a good life.It doesn't come across as being forced on anyone'it gives examples of behaviours and the consequences of them,and if you have a conscience it is obvious how correct it is,do unto others........
Re: Enthrall?

Originally posted by unbalanced
If you read the bible and leave all of your preconcieved notions of what it is in your "preconcieved notion box",it looks like an instruction manual,with suggestions on how to live a good life.It doesn't come across as being forced on anyone'it gives examples of behaviours and the consequences of them,and if you have a conscience it is obvious how correct it is,do unto others........


"If you don't follow this book rigidly, you will go to HELL! A place
where you will SUFFER for ETERNITY with NO CHANCE of getting
OUT! The only way to avoid this in case of human "mistake" is to
visit one of God's "special workers", who will wipe the slate clean
for you to enter paradise."

Again, LOL.

EDIT: I know exactly what you mean but the book wasn't written
for people to know how to live "nice, appropriate lives", as far as
I am concerned. :p
The Book.

The book you are referring to is one that has been retranslated to suit the purpose of the people in control,as a means to control the population through fear,there is no hell,sez it right in the book.
Find the oldest version you can and read that,it is about how to live a good reasonable life,you have to hunt for it,I don't remember what version it is,but most of it can be found on the web in bits and pieces,I need to do more research on this subject myself.
ya know...the more i talk to you the more you start sounding like StarFish...have you ever heard of him? aackk...looks like we will be causing another thread to close..... looks like we're at it again....

p.s. i love billy corgan =o)
Ahh ... another discussion on HE who created all and loves all and is willing to cast all into eternal pain (hell) for a few sins ... some benevolent creator. I agree that the book seems to have it's place in the great conspiracy ...
Tangible evidence, please ?

No, the History, "chance" (written by men seeking to enthrall the populace)
is NOT a factual document I would deem acceptable.
"No, the History, "chance" (written by men seeking to enthrall the populace) is NOT a factual document I would deem acceptable."

Friend, just because you deem something as unacceptable don't make it so. Sorry to poke a pinhole in your airtight theory.

Live a LIE

You know how everyone says that your attitude is important?,it's a lie,if they aren't gonna let you get anywhere,they aren't,a good attitude won't help.
You know how everyone says that if you are educated that you'll be successful?,well that works for the people who give you the education you paid for,they get paid,regardless of the need for your specific degree,what if the job is just not there?.
You know how all the kids think they are gonna be famous and rich?,that's great for the people who sell them all the junk they need to convince everyone they already are or are going to be.
All of this and more are covered in the bible,and these things we are all striving for are a real waste of time,we are being manipulated by the media.
the middle class has been moved to foreign countries,now it is almost completely gone,lower...Aw screw it!!!,it won't help.
I don't know about the true face of god,but I trust what those who passed on the
word of god said,you can all say that is UNACCEPTABLE,we'll just see who tolerates the disappointments to come,and they will be here soon in the US,lighten up,accept your mortality,and stop wasting what time you have.

I just want to warn everyone of the coming disaster which will befall mankind,they call it the new world order.