The trouble with religion...


Friend to world's children
Registered Senior Member
Al Qaeda are at it again....granted these are a break-off group from Muslims that somehow have twisted the word of God (which by the way doesn't any form) into a way of killing people that have a better live than them. Westeners and the like are fortunate enough to be able to know right from wrong (regardless of if they use their knowledge wisely) and I know how many wars have broken out in the name of Christianity look at Waco for recent events. It's high time that people were educated away from religion. Does anyone seriously think God (who in any from is meant to be a just God) wants these filthy pondlife killing in his name (who still doesn't exist...but stay with me). Perhaps it's totally believable that the Holy Spirit made Mary pregnant by looking at her in a dirty way....if that's the case, I've fathered around 200,000,000,000 children.
The trouble with religion is...well, it's all just a load of bollocks isn't it? Water into wine? Moses parting the waves? Oh, and no Dinosaurs??? Hmmm Penn and Teller would have trouble with those ones!!!
Westeners and the like are fortunate enough to be able to know right from wrong
If you want to glorify lewd western culture, do it in your bathroom.

Perhaps it's totally believable that the Holy Spirit made Mary pregnant by looking at her in a dirty way
The Spirit of Holiness has eyes?

Oh, and no Dinosaurs???
Simply a ludicrous conclusion- on your part.

Instead of posting baseless assertions, tell exactly what you want to talk about. And westerners are just as ignorant, if not even more.
Defender of the faith? What is that? Like a Lord of the Rings thing? ha ha ha My point is, that thanks to religion we have wars breaking out and people dying in 'God's' race is perfect, but the al Q'aeda and most Saudi/Iraqs so jealous of the west, they decide to fly planes into innocent people or beheading people in the name of 'Allah'.....still, I can see why, we have women walking around with their tits out and they have camels with sore arses.....
defender of the you get a sword and a utility belt with that honour? lol
spike_k said:
My point is, that thanks to religion we have wars breaking out and people dying in 'God's' name
Is that realy do to religion or the guys actually doing the killing?
spike_k said:
Defender of the faith? What is that? Like a Lord of the Rings thing?

I don't know whether to smile or cry..

ha ha ha My point is, that thanks to religion we have wars breaking out and people dying in 'God's' race is perfect, but the al Q'aeda and most Saudi/Iraqs so jealous of the west, they decide to fly planes into innocent people or beheading people in the name of 'Allah'.....still, I can see why, we have women walking around with their tits out and they have camels with sore arses.....

Blame it all on religion. Glorify the west. Blame, and I quote, MOST Saudi/Iraqis. How you came to know that their camels have sore arses is none of my business.. As for women walking around with their tits out, western culture is vile, indecent, lewd, immoral and the fat people watching TV all day long is just one of many..

defender of the you get a sword and a utility belt with that honour? lol

See first statement.
§outh§tar said:
I don't know whether to smile or cry..

Blame it all on religion. Glorify the west. Blame, and I quote, MOST Saudi/Iraqis. How you came to know that their camels have sore arses is none of my business.. As for women walking around with their tits out, western culture is vile, indecent, lewd, immoral and the fat people watching TV all day long is just one of many..

See first statement.

But I guess 'vile, indecent, lewd, immoral' westerners are OK when they give aid to these backward barbarian countries in the form of the Red Cross...or when you continuosly see 'western' advertisements pledging help for starving countries...tell you what 'palace of righteous justice' or whatever gay footnote you wanna keep starving the world, blowing innocent people up and cutting their hands off...and we'll keep giving them aid, new limbs a democracy..
Spike, your argument is simplistic at best. Actually no, I think your arguments go beyond being simple.

Al Qaeda are at it again....granted these are a break-off group from Muslims that somehow have twisted the word of God (which by the way doesn't any form) into a way of killing people that have a better live than them.
You seriously think that OBL ordered the planes to be flown into those buildings because he was jealous that those in the West have a bigger TV or better things or way of life than he does? You are aware that OBL was a multi millionaire who left behind the 'better life' to become what he has become? You do know this right? Those planes didn't fly into those buildings because we have a better life in the West and they were jealous.

Westeners and the like are fortunate enough to be able to know right from wrong (regardless of if they use their knowledge wisely) and I know how many wars have broken out in the name of Christianity look at Waco for recent events.
You don't make any sense. Waco was not a war. And the West does not know right from wrong. If we did, we wouldn't be in Iraq right now and genocides such as in Rwanda wouldn't have been allowed to happen. The West is out there proclaiming their version of what is right and wrong and damn anyone who disagrees with them.

thanks to religion we have wars breaking out and people dying in 'God's' race is perfect, but the al Q'aeda and most Saudi/Iraqs so jealous of the west, they decide to fly planes into innocent people or beheading people in the name of 'Allah'.....still, I can see why, we have women walking around with their tits out and they have camels with sore arses.....
You haven't read much history have you? And it appears that you don't read much on the present issues either. If we're so good and are in such a place to point the moral finger at the Middle East, one would think that we wouldn't be doing it while dropping bombs on top of the heads of innocent men, women and children. All this while on an oil grab under the guise of the search for WMD's that don't exist... WMD's they sold him in the first place.

But I guess 'vile, indecent, lewd, immoral' westerners are OK when they give aid to these backward barbarian countries in the form of the Red Cross
Mmm hmmm or when they pretend to save the Iraqi people from torture and murder in prisons and then go and do the same, if not worse than the one they deposed.

or when you continuosly see 'western' advertisements pledging help for starving countries
Maybe there'd be less starving people if the West really helped and wiped out the debts of third world countries. Especially the countries that are suffering from droughts and internal wars. That's just one of the basic things the West could do.

tell you what 'palace of righteous justice' or whatever gay footnote you wanna put

you keep starving the world, blowing innocent people up and cutting their hands off
Are you talking about the West here or those the West is at war against? Because the West is just as guilty of such crimes as anyone else is.

and we'll keep giving them aid, new limbs a democracy..
You mean like what the West is giving Iraq at the moment? :rolleyes:
spike, you've got a stupid arguement...

and there are no sore arses here...

camels? what camels?...

jealous of westerners?... lol

and about westerners, your driving yourself into the ground. look how badly society has deteriated since the 50's and yet you still think you're "liberated". your society is goining to get worse and worse not better but yet as you get worse you'll just seem to think your more "liberated".

the west is currently powertful and rich but as history will remind you, power continually shifts and when western countries are no longer powerful you'll be just as bad as the Arab countries you despise so much.
spike_k said:
we have women walking around with their tits out

and maybe thats why 1 in 2 marriages end in divorce, adultery is so common, rape rates are so high, anorexia etc...

and this is getting worse not better

like i said, the worst you get the more liberated you will think you are.
so Preacher X

you think that all arab (muslim)countrys are bad.
well so do 99% of the people in the west.

I believe your statement to be onesided.
if you read the original post, he picks fault with all religions.
and I agree all religion is bollocks
oh spike k, I think southstar Is very young, so be gentle.
Meh, they don't make religions like the good ol' ones anymore.

Take the Aztecs, for instance: they had a pantheon full of wacky deities, with cool names such as Chalchiutlicue, Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcóatl, and many more. I mean, who wouldn't tremble in awe and fear at the mention of such names?

And don't get me started on the Greek, Nordic, Egyptian or Japanese pantheons. Those guys sure knew how to put together entertaining superstitions, whereas the surviving ones are, if equally grotesque, much duller.

Oh, well.
Many people need religion as a measure to check their moral standards and codes. For the most part (leaving out those beliefs that tell you to harm others), religion... ALL religion is good. The rules -- although some are a bit outdated -- are good. The ten comandments are just a way to keep wily people in line. The Eastern codes are merely set to give people a certain ideal to live with.

Then, there is man... MAN causes war. MAN rapes. MAN murders. MAN is not RELIGION, RELIGION is not MAN. Most religions were created by a few kind folks who wanted to brainwash the masses into doing the "right thing." Problem is, those kind folks, were also smart folks, and the brainwashing worked too well. There codes were written too poetically, too beautifully, and therfore became open to many forms of interpretation. Man has used these age-old poetics to justify his evils instead of using them to help him deal with them... at least, bad men have.

There are a lot of people who beleive in their religion and don't run around raping women and murdering innocent babies because they understand that the moral code, although not perfect, is probably against that sort of thing. Religion helps millions of people deal with the stress of everyday life; helps millions of people deal with their own mortality; helps millions of people become GOOD.

But Good and Bad are human terms, and also are subject to interpretation. Most people who use religion to justify their evil actions simply don't understand that, for the most part, the religions of the world were created to keep us away from this sort of behavior. These MEN are power hungry.

If you must attach an enigmatic word to the cause of war, why use the word "religion." In doing this, you seem as naive as those who are starting the war. Use a word like, "power." Sure they are both flighty, but the second makes a hellava lot more sense.

Religion is not a load of "bollocks..." It is a serious set of standards that many people cherish and denouncing it in this typical way is not only sad, but naive. Try to look on the bright side - try to understand what religions do to better the world. They do better the world, yes, but they catch a lot of HEAT from people like you who are looking for an excuse to pin up the evils of MAN.

Religion is not perfect. Man is not perfect. The difference is that man has the ability to DO according to his belief. And when two imperfect things come together to try an form an idea in the mind of a man that wants power more than anything... the MAN is to blame... not the religion.
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spike_k said:
But I guess 'vile, indecent, lewd, immoral' westerners are OK when they give aid to these backward barbarian countries in the form of the Red Cross...or when you continuosly see 'western' advertisements pledging help for starving countries...tell you what 'palace of righteous justice' or whatever gay footnote you wanna keep starving the world, blowing innocent people up and cutting their hands off...and we'll keep giving them aid, new limbs a democracy..

You are grossly mistaken. I am not what the west views as a terrorist. To tell you the truth, I do not even know Allah, the idol of many.
Preacher_X said:
spike, you've got a stupid arguement...

and there are no sore arses here...

camels? what camels?...

jealous of westerners?... lol

and about westerners, your driving yourself into the ground. look how badly society has deteriated since the 50's and yet you still think you're "liberated". your society is goining to get worse and worse not better but yet as you get worse you'll just seem to think your more "liberated".

the west is currently powertful and rich but as history will remind you, power continually shifts and when western countries are no longer powerful you'll be just as bad as the Arab countries you despise so much.

Same thing I tried to tell him but I guess it didn't go through..
It's about time you went home to mumma.
now your telling us, you dont know god(allah), I suppose you dont know jehovah(god)now either.
and yet you've been on every thread, telling us he's great.
now sonny make up your mind.
and go and play, with the kiddie's next door.
oh and did spike k say, you where a terrorist, "NO".
he was using a generalisation. "WOW"
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