The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil



Anyone here with two good ears had better listen!

What will you learn from being silent? Will you only learn to control your silence? No, that's impossble! Because when not talking, it also means to fight against talking. So you will learn to control both of these two opposites by concentrating on one of them. You see, being silent also means not talk and talking means not silent. It's not possible to see the difference between two opposites when you understand this. Just as a coin has two sides, which still are one wholeness, in the same way are all two opposites only two aspects of one wholeness.

Here is an empty paper...
Q. What do you see here?
A. Nothing.
Q. What could be drawn on it?
A. Everything.

So, you see that this nothing actually contains everything. In this blank state they form a complete wholeness, oneness. From this oneness, you can only see something if this something separates from oneness, comes into being.

Look now, I draw a red apple on this empty paper, with red color. This apple was here already before I draw it here, but you could not see it, because the apple's positive form and the background's negative characteristic rested with each other. They were one, identical. The form of the apple was not yet separated from everything, which includes in this nothing.

Now think about something important: If this apple appeared here in the color red, then it means that it has left an apple, in its opposite color, in everything as an invisible, negative image. Whatever you see, is only visible because it has been separated from its complementary half, and this has not appeared, but left undisclosed. Information is only possible by comparison. Once the entire world rested with its complementary half, in a state of oneness, where nothing (not everything) and everything (not nothing) are the same thing. We call this absolute oneness for God.

When you speak, the negative pole (silence) is not revealed. (and reversed) Silence and talking is exactly the same thing, in reality. It is like this with every opposite. The summary of all the opposites, (which don't really exist as opposites but they have lost the unity) is that which existed before separation, that which IS. It leads all opposites to each other and it can't stop existing, it is the only true existence.


When you walk up to a hill, the hill forms to down. The only reality is that which creates these illusional opposites, which in this case is the gravity. A mountain without a valley is not possible. The negative side exists in everything, always, although it is not revealed, because without a complementary half, nothing is possible to exist in the material world. This oneness binds the two opposites together for all eternity.

Although the two opposites are separated from each other, they still come from one singularity, from the oneness, and they can never go away or leave each other. The eternal will for this inseparable divine oneness exists in everything. There is always an attraction between two opposites, they want to attain the original state, the divine oneness. But the power which lives in all that is, and forces everything back to oneness, we call God.

The world, the visible world, is like a tree: To right it bears good (positive) fruits and to left evil (negative) fruits, yet they come from one stem, from one singularity. Only by separating, the good and evil was born, which are not in sense good or bad, but divine. Because of this separation, the world must consist of good and bad, but without this separation the world would not be possible.

God however, is no entity fallen from oneness, seeking its complementary half, but God is the oneness itself. He is above all that is created, and he rests not his life in some complementary half, but he rests in himself, in the Life that He IS, in absolute oneness. He is nothing, where everything rises and expresses themselves. But in Him, 'nothing' and 'everything' is an inseparable divine oneness.

The 'created world' means fallen from oneness, the wholeness which became visible by comparison, which left its complementary half undisclosed. So you can never find God, the creator, in the created world, you can never see Him, because God has no complementary half, which you could compare Him to, so that He would be visible - God can only BE you!

Because the oneness can't be separated, and nothing can push aside Him, who gives life to the two opposites, He lives in everyone- and thing. He is omnipresent, the indivisible Oneness, the whole universe lives because God makes it alive with its own eternal existence. God is like of Life made Tree, the Lifetree, which gives its own Life and existence streaming in the veins of the created world - He lives in everything. Two mirrors facing each other, doesn't make the eternal images without the Light which stands in the center of them.

You have become visible because you were separated from 'nothing-everything', from 'God', from your only true Self. You have fallen from the divine, the paradisical prime state, where everything, all life is One. I, the Self, has become a visible, created creation. Because your consciousness has moved to your body, it has awakened in this body, which means that your consciousness (the self) has become one (identical) with your body...

To 'eat', means to 'become identical', because you are what you eat. Since you your consciousness awakened in the body, you have, symbolically speaking, eaten from the good and bad learnings tree. And at the same time you have fallen to the world of separation, duality; life and death. Since two things can't exist at the same space and time in the material world, they have been divided. But it is still possible for two things to exist in your consciousness, in 'Me'...

The body is only half of the true self, only one side. The other side has been left in the unconscious part of your being. When you connect these two opposites, you'll be whole again, you'll be able to come back to the paradisical state of oneness. It is impossible to experience the oneness bodily - To make the visible and invisible (unconscious) parts both visible, because one consciousness can't give life for two bodies. Trying to connect both of them would mean the death of both parts! The lord in the Bible said: "No one has ever seen my face, and whoever sees it, cannot live."

If you enlarge you consciousness, you will become aware of the unconscious part too (the complementary half). You can experience 'God', already in your earthly life, you can be 'God'.

The seeking of oneness appears in everything- and one, which is created. Every living creature seeks its complementary half to become one with it again, because they are just one part of the wholeness. Positive manifestations (those who give), males, seek negative manifestations (those who receive), and reversed. This seeking of oneness is the reason why the world exist, the whole creation is based on this principal - To become whole, to be, God. This is the source. Now you know why magnets for example must attract to each other.

Nature takes advantage of this power and deceives the positive powers to unite with the negative powers on earth, which are just manifestations, not the real complementary half. Man identifies himself with his body and seeks his completion from outside, in another human which manifests the opposite pole.

As long as a living creature seeks its complementary half from the created, visible world, he will never find the oneness, because his completion is not outside, visible, separated, from him. But his completion is inside, in his own self, invisible, in his unconsciousness. All that which you do and that which you are, is in your unconsciousness, which still belongs to you, which still IS you. Connect the conscious and unconscious and you have attained the prime state and completed your mission.

When you do this, the eternal will of the body stops, because you have found your true completion and melted with it to oneness. By this, all physical desires are forever annihilated. You are complete, you experience this state already in the bodily existence, this divine state: Immortality, perfection - "It is accomplished". And because in all living and non-living things, the One existence lives, you will be omnipresent, you will be One with everything- and one; when you awaken in your true Self. You have become one with God, but at the same time One with cosmos. You'll rise your consciousness from your body, from the personal self, and experience cosmic omniscience. I feel as "my self" in every living thing, in everything - 'God'. Once again you eat the fruits from the Lifetree. I have gone from the world of causes to the world of primal reasons, from the loss and dissapearance to the eternal, from created to creator and from the kingdom of death to the kingdom of Life. This is to become one, to know, and be oneself, this is initiation, the eternal marriage with the divine self.
Why must the oneness be divine again? What about outside our universe, why must that be part of the divine?
§outh§tar: Why must the oneness be divine again?
M*W: I totally agree with you on this, my friend. Whether we understand it, whether we can see this phenomenon, whether we even admit it, all creation is interconnected. We are One. Religion doesn't teach this, in fact, religion teaches the opposite. United, we will conquer the world (or at least make it liveably peaceful). Divided, we will continue to have racism, bigotry, and hate, and we will never see God in humanity.
Isn't it interesting that God agrees!

At the Tower of Babel, God made the comment that:
Genesis 11
1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
Notice that God says that when man is one, nothing is impossible. But, God split us up on purpose. God does not want us to be one with each other, He wants us to come to Him and be one with Him.
David F,

That statement from Genesis is taken horribly out of context and really has naught to do with the point of the topic.
Sorry I am going off topic. I just want to point out 1 contradition from this literal inerrant word of God.

Genesis 11

The Tower of Babel

1 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.

[There was only one language before the Tower of Babel.]

Genesis 10
5 (From these the maritime peoples spread out into their territories by their clans within their nations, each with its own language.) The Hamites

Genesis 10
20 These are the sons of Ham by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations. The Semites

Genesis 10
31 These are the sons of Shem by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations.

[There were many languages before the Tower of Babel. ]
§outh§tar said:
Why must the oneness be divine again? What about outside our universe, why must that be part of the divine?

Because it has created the universe, it holds everything together and makes everything alive. "We have created the universe and we will roll it back again." "God is living, and because of him, I live also." I could use another word than divine but I don't know which word because words can't explain IT anyway. I don't know if there is anything divine about it, and I don't know how You see the word divine. The oneness is all inclusive, having no opposite, it is totally unexplainable, and the only way to understand it is to Be it - It is not enough to think about "it" (the self) and it is not enough to know oneself, You must be, what you really are, only then is it possible to understand; But in this state it is impossible to feel any kind of separation, one cannot be for or against. I don't really understand what you mean by outside our universe. Is there an outside? Rather, it is the inside which could be called divine, but people don't know it.
Joeman: Sorry I am going off topic. I just want to point out 1 contradition from this literal inerrant word of God.

Genesis 11

The Tower of Babel

1 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.

[There was only one language before the Tower of Babel.]
M*W: Why would a loving, creator-god bring dissention among his creation? The 'tower', like any high-rise building structure of the day, was to reach up into the heavens to speak to god: pyramids around the world were built at the same time as the pyramids in Egypt. This 'god' doesn't sound like a creator-god. This god sounds evil. This god confused the languages of the people so they couldn't use their towers to come close to him. Written allegedly by Moses, this puts an Egyptian twist on the story.
Joeman: Genesis 10
5 (From these the maritime peoples spread out into their territories by their clans within their nations, each with its own language.) The Hamites
M*W: Interesting connection to the 'maritime peoples'. Please explain what you mean by 'maritime peoples.' There are many references in both the OT&NT that refer to 'maritime' symbols, and these symbols have to do with Egyptian beliefs.
Joeman: Genesis 10
20 These are the sons of Ham by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations. The Semites
M*W: I thought the Hamites came from the tribe of Ham, and the Semites came from the tribe of Shem. Can you explain?
Joeman: Genesis 10
31 These are the sons of Shem by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations.

[There were many languages before the Tower of Babel.]
M*W: If there were many languages before the Tower of Babel, which I agree there were, then what was the purpose of god confusing the languages further? If the people couldn't understand each others' languages, why was it necessary to confound their languages even more. What kind of god would do this? Was this god a particular favorite god of the plethora of gods?
Man was going his own way, trying to reach Heaven to make a name for himself.
This must have seemed pretty arrogant to God who had much better things in mind for man than building a rubbish tower. Chess for example ;)
What we see in David F's verse is man as the body of Christ with no head, no direction that was beneficial. With the head, man realises that Heaven is in heart and that all his needs are already met in God. The head directs the body. This is why God split man up. Like parts of the body scattered and confused, each would need to find the head. This is what we see today. Jesus came and said right "Follow me and I'll take you back to the God head" so all those who believe on Him take their rightful place in the body having been joined back to their head. We are allowed back to the God head because sin was put to death in Jesus. Just as sin entered through one man (Adam) so eternal life came through one man (Jesus).

Hope that helps


-Except for the God part, you have stumbled on the Tao-Buddhist concept of non-duality, the fundamental unity of opposites.-

From the Tao Te Ching:

When people see some things as beautiful,
other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good,
other things become bad.

Being and non-being create each other.
Difficult and easy support each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low depend on each other.
Before and after follow each other.

We join spokes together in a wheel,
but it is the center hole
that makes the wagon move.

We shape clay into a pot,
but it is the emptiness inside
that holds whatever we want.

We hammer wood for a house,
but it is the inner space
that makes it livable.

We work with being,
but non-being is what we use.

-Also, not talking doesn't always mean fighting against talking.-
spidergoat said:
-Also, not talking doesn't always mean fighting against talking.-

Yeah, of course not, but that's not what I meant. I meant that if you tried to keep silent, you are also fighting against talking.