The Tragedy of Hauntings


Registered Member
I would like to point out something about hauntings that you may have never considered. Right after my husband committed suicide, we experienced paranormal occurrences in our home even though he did not take his life at this location. For several months, our televisions would turn on by themselves. Particular odors would suddenly show up. My daughter saw his figure in a mirror attached to her bedroom door after it had opened by itself. She was so frightened that she would not sleep in her room for many months. My son avoided our upstairs family room and his own room had an area in it that felt uncomfortable. I could feel the house "build up" in energy right before these things would occur.

I must explain that because I am a Christian, I believe that the established order in our universe is that we live, die and go back to our Father in heaven. At some future time, judgment will come. Therefore, my response to these things happening in our home was to continually tell my husband to go to the Father. His staying was against God's order, and I believe that this is why God condemns mediums in the scriptures because spirits staying or coming our direction is a violation of his established order.

One night, I awoke to feel the bed move as if someone's weight was placed upon it. I opened my eyes in the darkness and even though I couldn't see anything, it was as though I could sense my husband's face was close to mine and he was trying to tell me something. But it was muffled almost to the point that I only sensed his mouth moving. What with dealing with the whole tragedy of his death and my children being afraid, I reached a breaking point then. This had to stop, and I earnestly prayed that the Lord would take him where he needed to go. That prayer was answered, and I could sense his spirit leaving. We have not had any occurrences since that time.

But herein lies the tragedy of hauntings. Every one of them are a result of violent deaths, unfinished business, tragic lives . . .something keeping these people in this physical realm in the pain and disappointment. The very fabric of houses or objects can be imprinted with activity that replays over and over. What a tragedy to be caught in such a cycle! Because these things represent pain to one degree or another, I feel that we must not view them as "play things." We must not toy with the thrill of experiencing contact with spirits who should be moving on.

This was graphically illustrated to me during a ministry trip where we stayed at Chillingham Castle in the UK. I distinctly sensed one spirit wearily saying, "have you come to play with us, too?" There was such sadness in it yet a ray of hopefulness that somebody somehow would remedy the situation. And I was able to say "no, I did not come to play." I was there to tell them to go to the Father.
if that's true then... wow.

you know i agree with that playing thing. it's wrong..

..have you seen the MTV reality show Fear? they send kids to places that are claimed to be haunted and give them 5000 bucks to try to summon spirits..

if the ghosts are real they should be left alone and not exploited for a tv show.
Heh I acctualy caught a few episodes of Fear (My being that my Sister watches MTV constantly) and I found it to be the most hillarious thing I had ever seen, though not intentionaly so.

First off the idea of straping the cameras to these sort of weird rigs that go over the contestants shoulders, and stick out so that the camera is ALWAYS pointing at their faces, so that every single shot is that one from the Blare Witch Project, where you've got that chick crying or whatever, was just corny beyond belief!

As for the stuff that they acctualy did in the show, it was laughable, it was nothing but immature braindead twenty somethings crying becaue they are afraid of the dark, and jumping at their own shadows. It was a laugh riot, I tell you!
Every one of them are a result of violent deaths, unfinished business, tragic lives . . .something keeping these people in this physical realm in the pain and disappointment.

I do not agree with this. Not all dwelling Spirits who remain in this realm are a result of violent and/or tragic deaths.

There are some who have lived a very satisfying and fulfiiling life before they died.

Such Spirits are of the helping kind.

I guess the christians would call them angels, but in fact, they are just good, wise Spirits who chose to stay around and help people if they need it really.

The media hype to lure (young) people with money into haunted houses is just a playing on peoples fears.

Why should one be afraid of a Spirit. It is very rare that something "evil" happens, if it is really a Spirit you meet. Often it are overworked imaginations because of the visiting a haunted house, castle or other so called haunted place.

I think you should keep in mind that not everything beyond life as we see it, is "evil". Or sad, for that matter.

Thanks much for the discussion!

The subject of hauntings is so vast, and in my first post I was really zeroing in on one aspect of it, the tragedies. You're right that we should not fear these things.

In regard to different types of spirits, actually angels that are described in scripture are an entirely different type of spirit, not human. They are sent to this dimension as messengers and to help people. They are able to take on human form if needed. May we be blessed to have as many as possible of those wonderful beings!

However, I still believe that we need to be careful and not play with spirits because there are also other spirits that are not so good and kind and in fact are very evil. It's possible for them even to masquerade as loved ones or as benevolent spirits in order to draw people into places where they should not go. A good thing to know is that the Bible lists "discernment of spirits" as a gift from the Lord.

One of the reasons I went to Chillingham Castle was the fact that it was featured on the TV program, "The Scariest Places on Earth." A family was sent around in the castle to see what they might encounter and even called spirits there with candles and chicken blood. What a horrible thing to commercialize this type of thing and make it into a fun house!

My friends and I were the only ones at the castle that night and we were given freedom to visit the dungeon and area where the items of torture are kept. We spent sometime there around 9:00 in the evening. These things are not frightening to me, but I dislike the "dark" and uncomfortable feeling that accompanies them. Both places were extremely heavy, especially in one spot where the torture items were kept. We prayed that God would take care of it all. Then we went to our rooms and slept wonderfully.

The next day, we were given the official tour and when we were taken through the places we visited the night before, we found that peace had replaced the heaviness we first felt. The instruments of torture felt like mere props in a theatre. I do hope that the owner of this place will not allow it to be used again as a place to toy with spirits.
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