The time before Jesus


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
I usually don't debate religion here, because seriously, what's the point?

So this question is just out of sheer curiosity, not a debate or annoyance.

What is the Christian teaching on people living before Jesus' time? Why God decided to send his son down exactly then and not 200 years earlier or 500 years later?

See, here is my problem: If this whole Jesus business happens relative shortly after the whole Adam and Eva business, that would make sense.
But why would God wait 2-4-6000 years in between before he sends his son down to get things straight? Unless I am missing some teaching or explanation here, it just doesn't make too much sense to me...

So please feel free to educate me...
Jesus incarnated about 4,000 years after the creation week, and we are now about 6,000 years from the creation week, and there were six days of the creation week, and God rested on the seventh, so you do the math.

And wouldn't you say that 6,000 years of God allowing such physical suffering seems more Godly than allowing it to go on for 600,000,000 years?
You've missed the point of the question. I refer you to this, with added emphasis:
Why God decided to send his son down exactly then and not 200 years earlier or 500 years later?
P.S. "I don't know" is a valid response.
His crucifixion had to have been 483 years after the command by the Persian king to rebuild Jerusalem (Daniel 9), and it was.

And it had to be at the time and place where the other Old Testament prophecies about His incarnation could be fulfilled, which they were, in that time at that place.
BECAUSE THE JEWS.... have ignored the convenant contract with god.

they worship... and pray... but did not obey.

not then.... not even now.

Jesus... resolved the issue of whats important, and what is not.

money is not important... our brothers and sisters are.

Jesus... was the best Rabbi... and he came for all mankind... not just jews.

adam and eve... were the first humans.. and the first jews...

according to jewish religion...

therefore... all mankind must decend from them..

therefore we are all... all.. brothers.

the jews... typically then... and today.. only concern themselves with jews.

the part they miss... is that all mankind is basically jews...

jew... should mean mankind.

but it doesnt.

And wouldn't you say that 6,000 years of God allowing such physical suffering seems more Godly than allowing it to go on for 600,000,000 years?

Uh, when did God end physical suffering?


I think they missed the memo.


Them too
Jesus incarnated about 4,000 years after the creation week,

OK, but what about millions of people lived and died before Jesus during that 4000 years without salvation?
Let's say a person born in China 300 years before Jesus, how could he know what the only true religion was and how could he be saved? Why God allowed the world to go on for 4K years without telling them the truth??? All those people who lived in the Americas, Australia, Asia???

Any intelligent answer would be appreciated...
Why God decided to send his son down exactly then and not 200 years earlier or 500 years later?
Sending him down exactly on Christmas day, year 0, was a stroke of genius from God! :)

What other date would he have chosen if not then!?
His crucifixion had to have been 483 years after the command by the Persian king to rebuild Jerusalem (Daniel 9), and it was.
Where in Daniel 9, or anywhere else for that matter, does it say "483 years later - Christ will be crucified"?

And it had to be at the time and place where the other Old Testament prophecies about His incarnation could be fulfilled, which they were, in that time at that place.
Please document the prophecies, detailing their description of the time and place.
People who have never heard and understood the Gospel, nor were privy to the teachings in the Old Testament before Jesus' incarnation, I think, are or were judged according to how they respond to their knowledge that there is a Creator ("all who don't acknowledge this are liars") and to their God given conscience, having a repentent attitude toward the Creator.
And wouldn't you say that 6,000 years of God allowing such physical suffering seems more Godly than allowing it to go on for 600,000,000 years?

This has got to be the biggest load of crock I've seen this week. And that includes a personal trip to the Dilbert Zone.

How do you quantify suffering? Where do you get off on marking 6K years of it as a lesser misdemeanour than 600M years? How do you or any entity even begin to justify any difference? Suffering is suffering, the length of time is irrelevant.
Suffering is suffering, the length of time is irrelevant.

We both put our hands into fire. I keep it there for 1 second, you keep it there for 5 minutes. Then we can discuss the relativity of length of time...:eek: