The thought to organize


Registered Member
I have been looking for any information that would confirm to me the existence of UFO’s. Always some pictures and allot of writings. But nothing to confirm their existence at all so far. But a thought came to mind as I was searching all these web sights. How smart are we here. If there are real UFO’s, real aliens, then what really is their purpose here. Are we just a research project for them to watch as we evolve? Or is their something grimmer in our future? Maybe we are going about this all wrong? We want the government to give us all the information concerning UFO’s. But when documents are released, we see allot of shaded lines. Now we do know how the government is for sure. But what if they know something we don’t. Something that isn’t good. Something they want to keep the raps on it as long as possible. We have to figure just the existence of UFO’s isn’t really a secret. They know we know that. But what if it is suspected that these visitors are not friendly.

If so, and with their intelligence, they know what we know about them. They can set and monitor the net, television, and radio. Probably even military secret communications. If this were to be the case, how can we communicate to each other without them knowing what we know? The best way to defeat an enemy is to know your enemy, and what your enemy knows. Does that not fall in the same lines as us?

Wonder what some of you think.
Um, there isn't much controversy over the existence of UFOs, remember a UFO is just an unidentified flying object. So if it's in the air and you don't know what it is it's a UFO. There are plenty of such things.

There is controversy about what they are, and of course as many are found to be mundane things they are no longer UFOs but instead just air planes, Venus, hoaxes or what have you, and who knows what the rest are. Alien space craft is as good a guess as any, but a guess is still all it is, no real weight to it.

As for all your what ifs, well what if planet X were hurtling at earth at the speed of light sure to doom us all? Would there be any way for us to know at all? No. Would anyone claiming knowledge without proof have any credibility? No. Is there reason to get worked up over stupid hypothetical situations? No. So just sit back, sip at a tasty beverage, and try to enjoy life a little, it’s much more fun that way, trust me.
Well Mystech, I do understand where you are coming from. But, can you set there and totally admit that there is nothing to worry about? Maybe it is just the way one does look at things. Maybe one may say that I am half cocked in this matter. But then again maybe not. There were warnings about the attack from Japan before Pearl Harbor. There were warnings about Germany. And also they were not acknowledged. But look at it this way. What if I am correct in this matter? And later it is found that there is truth to the UFO phenomena? And what if their intention is one, which we care not to think about? I mean look at all the sightings. Look at all the videos. I know allot are hoaxes. But some of them are not. The irony of it all, is when one does get something of truth, it is scrutinizes. And when wee are done it is set with all the other unidentified cases. Sometimes we find it is easy to deny something’s we care not to think about at all. It is always easier to find fault in truth.

I am one that does not jump right from a pan into a fire. I am very conservative with the majority of things I do. I find it very curious that with all the sightings that we have no evidence confirming the existence of UFO’s. I also find it interesting to find that in government, the higher up you go, and mention the something concerning UFO’s, that they tend to get more serious about it. It’s also amazing how we can find credited photos and videos of UFO’s and yet, we say that they are UFO’s, something unidentified.

I do find it concerning that we are so eager to discredit what we see here on the net and television. Yet the government discredits and yet classifies allot of the sighting as secret, or higher. Does that make you wonder? It does me. I feel the only way a UFO could not be discredited is one landing in someone’s back yard.

I guess the point is should we still not take a matter as this so lightly?
In a courtesy of reply, what makes you think that the government hasn’t found one? And spooking at shadows no even close. Hidden in some, but never spooked. And my sins, I do talk to my maker regularly. Do you?

The idea of this string was to see if anyone had the same feeling as I do concerning this matter. And apparently not. And trust me when I say that there is importance in secrets ALWAYS! You think maybe I have already considered a means of communication before I asked that. But that’s fine, and I understand. And I do wish that I did have the time to do more than I do. It seems you do have more than I.

Best regards to you and yours, and wish the best for you all.

Do you even know what you are talking about anymore? heh, pick a topic and stick with it!