The third temple in Jerusalem


Registered Senior Member
Hello again,
I haven’t been here for a long time, but I can see that same of past participants are still taking part in the discussion.
My post is mainly directed to Jews (I don’t know if any Jew visits this forum), but I hope that rest of you will also enjoy with the post.
The conflict between Israel and Muslim countries have become more stringent recently, so I turned my attention on present Judaism – Islam hot points. One of them is the Temple hill in Jerusalem. To 70 a.c., on that hill was located Jewish main Temple (second one) – demolished by Romans. In 690 a.c. was build there one of the most important Mosque in Islam world – al-Aksa – exists at present. The area around that Mosque is the most conflict place in Jews – Muslims relationship. Muslims have their saint place, but Jews want to rebuild their saint temple – third one. There is no solution to build third Jewish temple without bloody conflict with Muslims (not only Palestinians but all Muslim nations – about 1 billion people). Due to some signs (very red heifer and similar), discovered by Jews, they feel entitled to start with new temple construction (the corner stone was established on July 2001). But to accomplish the construction, they have to destroy most of present Muslim’s power . In other words – they have to win the war with all Muslim’s world. Even they able to do it (with the help of USA), the foundation of such temple will be flooded by blood of millions of victims. Therefore, the sacrifice made in such temple would be a biggest sacrilege in our history. Such sacrilege could be worth of .. apocalypse.
Why I wrote that? I’m explaining:
When you read the text of “Book of Covenant” from Bible (Exodus), you can see the typical contract condition: One side ensure good living condition in the certain country, the other site ensure proper ceremonial and behaviour. We assume the perfect nature of God and therefore the breach of Contract was possible only from Jews site. Such cases appeared twice: first one about 600 b.c. when Jews turned into baal religion - effected with first Temple demolition and slavery in Babylon. The second one happened in 70 a.c. – effected with second Temple demolition and spreading all Jews around the globe. But what was the specific of second breach of contract – no significant except Jesus refusal as a true Messiah. For me it’s strange that two millenniums was not enough to understand the mistake. So if Jews really want to renew the Covenant with God they should accept Jesus words, not to try to build empty temple by force. How It (Renewed Covenant) could be awarded? God knows, but within such problem I have got fine idea of screenplay for comedy.
The story is taking place at present.
During demolition of the old Jewish building in Poland, some old papers were discovered. To the site comes young linguist, who trying to recognise what is this. The first sentence translated from Hebrew language was : “He said to Matthew: What is valuable in your deeds, if your deeds come from others willing “. The New Testament in Hebrew version? – it’s impossible - he thought, after all I don’t knot such sentence in New Testament. But the papers must be very interesting for my friend – young Jewish scientist from USA (woman), who study old Jewish culture. He call to her and she promise to arrive to Poland as soon as possible. Within the time (to her arrive) he discover what the papers really are: It is complete set of statements brought by Sanhedrym’s spies of every Jesus move end word (Judas was also such a spy). It was incredible, so he start to share the news with a lot of his friend. Too much people acknowledged about the discovery, so when his friend from USA met with him, the atmosphere around our hero became hot – someone watching them, someone searching his flat, someone try to crash his car and etc. Her advice was clear : She knows a Rabbi in Jerusalem who is very smart and really reliable. They decided to travel to Jerusalem, but the travel in short time exchange into pursuit. In the Hamburg airport our hero is slipping on the slice of banana just when two guys (on the opposite site of him) shutting from soporific guns. Thanks that they acknowledged the personality of these guys: One is a Mosad agent, the second one is an agent from Vatican’s Opus Dei organisation (later on, the agents lying on neighbouring beds in hospital will perform excellent theological discussion – on drugs!). Our heroes have to change their mind – they will travel to Damascus first. But Damascus isn’t a safety place also. They have to run again. Heroes and their persecutors race across the desert. And when finally the prosecutors catch their victims, all are arrested by Iraq police (they cross the border on the desert). Suddam Hussein is very happy with the documents which he get. It’s excellent smart bomb for West world, because of turmoil which such bomb will bring there. He share the Text in internet and sending millions of books with multilingual translation of Jesus’s spy statements. What will happen? The objective, uninteresting report of Jesus life has a very strong potency. Jews, due to the fact that the Text was translated from Hebrew, start to study it and step by step the awareness is arise: He was really our Messiah. Christians are recognising that their churches have put the accent on not really the subject of Jesus lesson. Even Muslims are under impression (let imagine: Muzein, when he is calling other Muslims for pray, make a mistake and instead the write pray, calls: “Jesus you are my friend”. Other Muslims are not throwing stones, but they are convulsed with laughter and answering : “Jesus you are my friend”).
Three years later, on the temple hill in Jerusalem we can see great Temple – the Temple of three nations (not religions) Christians, Jews and Muslims, They are singing together:
“Always look on the bright side of live...”.

Have you enjoy? I’m waiting for your opinion.
But I reserve the right to such idea of screenplay.


The Ravens Are Not What They Seem
(It was my previous nickname in this forum)
go ahead and reserve the right cause I doubt they'd allow you to show that movie to people.

I'm jewish and I gotta say that your little idea sucks. #1 we dont want to demolish their temple and build one in place. There are some tensions between the two religions but we don't hate eachother.

Doing that would go totally against the point of building a temple. When the TRUE messiah comes it'll be alright to build one, and it wouldnt be done in place of their mosque. THeir fully entitled to their room and I want it to belong to them cause it does, but that can only be legally done when a peace agreement can be reached, when the palestinians come around.

As for your little jesus fantasy, think whatever you want. We believe him to be the first fake messiah and nothing more. People are now leaving christianity and it will detireorate in my opinion at an ever increasing rate. I dont mean to offend anyone as that is my opinion.

neways, if you've been here so long, then why have you only posted 5 times?
Hello Elbaz,

I’m little bid bored with such post like your one – nothing interesting only official statements copied. But I will help you to come out of the standards.
Please answer some of my questions:
1. Who are “they”, who will not allow that movie to show to the people? What is wrong with the idea of peace and harmony between nations/religious?
2. Where is mentioned demolition of al-Aksa mosque in my post? Where the idea come from?
3. Where the third temple will be built when “true messiah comes?
4. What is the reason of Jewish catastrophe in 70 a.c. (from biblical point of view)?
5. Have you ever read what Jesus said to Jews during His life? What is the base of your opinion that He was fake messiah?

I was here about 2 years ago under nickname IvanKruk, but due to changing of my e-mail account and loosing my Sciforum password I had to establish new user.

I am not Jewish,but the Romans said that the man you are calling Jesus,was Joshua Bah Joseph,son of a Greek soldier.
It was the Greeks who,a long time after his death,renamed him Jesus.
They then formed the Coptic Chruch,so that would be the religon nearest to Jesus!
Hi Odin,

It doesn’t really matter for me whether Jesus was a son of wood-worker or soldier, whether Jesus was a Jew or Greek, whether he was Jesus or Joshua Bah Joseph. Even it doesn’t really matter for me whether He resuscitated or not. But His words are enough for me to count Him as one of rare peoples who knew what is the best approach to life to live in happiness.
I have to add something about Roman sources: Every government (at present and in the past) wants to manage the public opinion according to it’s own goals. As we know, Christianity was prohibited in Roman empire till 313 a.c. so such opinion like your one has no absolute value.


The Ravens Are Not What They Seem

But His words are enough for me to count Him as one of rare peoples who knew what is the best approach to life to live in happiness.
This I genuinely agree with!

Christianity was prohibited in Roman empire till 313 a.c. so such opinion like your one has no absolute value.
Until, but from when??
I am talking before they thought it could be a problem.
Hi Odin,
So you are talking about the time before Neron Caesar (54-68 a.c.) – do you really have got a written documents from well known Roman’s historian from that time? What about different opinion from Tacyt (55 – 120 a.c.)? He wasn’t Christian, he was one of the biggest Roman’s historian and he confirmed Jesus’s existence acc. to New Testament (?).


The Ravens Are Not What They Seem

do you really have got a written documents from well known Roman’s historian from that time?
Yes I keep them in a biscuit tin!
;) :cool: :D :D
Neron :-(

Nero = awful character

According to history, imperator Neron was a madman and set Rome on fire, and made fake accusations against christians about that ...
Oh dear Cthulhu, a Jew for Jesus. (Oxymoron if there ever was one!)

*Prays to the Lord Cthulhu that the curse shall be lifted*

5. Have you ever read what Jesus said to Jews during His life? What is the base of your opinion that He was fake messiah?

Well, not fulfilling the role expected of the Messiah would be one reason. :rolleyes:

Could you please use paragraphs? Oh, and I beg you - tell me that Sciforums has not been infected by a "Jew for Jesus".
