The third model creationism and evolution

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I have published the proof of the supernatural at <advertisement deleted> search people for <advertisement deleted> .Also I published the reason our earth spins and waubles at someone said in response to one of my blogs that the Bible was written by men with the goal in mind to control the people and con them out of there money that organized religion was a hoax a sort of system to supress the people and thier speach and thier thoughts or something like that.Strange how the word of God works.I mean I take it that this person does'nt believe in God.In his own words however he was actually teaching from the Bible itself.For truly men have abused the word of God for thier own gains.The Bible is a type of code book which can be decoded.However the natural mind can't do it.You perceive God in the heart of the mind so to speak.Its the same way you discover the secrets of the universe.The sixth sense is in all of us.We just use it differantly according to our genetic makeup.Your five senses link you to the physical the three dimensions.Your sixth sense links you to the rest of the dimensions.All are aware of thier sixth sense they just don't know how to use it clearly.All of the sciences were created and futhered using it.The scientific method itself created this way.Ancient men had a thought about our universe then devised ways to prove there thought is science fact.They had revelations if you will.Thats how the sixth sense works.All of you can do this.Say your at work doing your job focusing on that then for some reason you have a thought all of a sudden on how you can do your job better and cheaper or faster you tell your boss and boom you get a promotion or a patent.Many call the sixth sense phsycic ability some call it intuition some call it womans intuition some call it the gift of prophesy and still many other terms.However what thier all talking about is a sixth sense.That is your proof of the supernatural.Now if the Bible is a hoax then how can it be used to tell the future and yes I can do that using it. In fact my second work is about the future as recorded in the Bible.At first people said its entertianing and such but when It began to come to pass people recognized it and at that time were able to utilize its truths to escape so to speak the horrific ends to come.Now the world does'nt end in 2012 on 12/21 or for that matter anytime soon.However for many people thier days are cut short so to speak.if you think this day we live in is the new world order think again.In that time America is gone only are weapons survived and our technology for the most part the cities and thier inhabitants are gone.The time comes when men will say those that died were the lucky ones.This does'nt have to be however.But Love your servant david
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